CFHE12 Week 4 Analysis: Blog post comments (notes on comment aggregation for cMOOCs)

A look at comment data around #cfhe12 with half an eye on cMOOC infrastructure to reliably collect comment data (my conclusion is to pull data from a blogs general comment feed and post process)

Discovering TEL-Map Mediabase: Anyone else thinking cMOOC infrastructure?

Twitter hasn’t completely abolished 3rd party clients just yet. The text is the red circle is generated from the details a users/company submits when they create an application that uses the Twitter API. As part of the registration the user has to provide a url for the application. In this example ‘TEL-Map Mediabase’ redirects to […]

CFHE12 Week 3 Analysis: Exploring the Twitter network through tweets

Taking an ego-centric approach to Twitter contributions to CFHE12 looking at how activity data can be extracted and used

Sketch of a cMOOC registration system

Some outlines of how I would design a cMOOC participant registraation system to capture student blogs.

CFHE12 Week 2 Analysis: Data! Show me your data and I’ll show you mine

What data is available around CFHE12? In this post I look at data feeds available from CFHE12, see what we can get and suggest some alternative ways of getting the data and pulling it in to other services for analysis. Finally I highlight the issues with collecting participant feeds filtered by tag/category/label

Visualizing cMOOC data: Extracting and analysing data from FeedWordPress part 1 #ds106 #NodeXL

Aggregation of content is at the heart of cMOOC design and the RSS resyndication tool FeedWordPress is at the heart of a number of courses including ds106. In this most I explore how data collected by FeedWordPress can be refined and visualised in NodeXL to give an overview of content and using betweenness centrailty identify influencial posts

CFHE12 Week 1 Analysis: Twitter isn’t so massive

As I mentioned in Filtering a Twitter hashtag community for questions and responses I’ve been asked to do some analysis of the Current/Future State of Higher Education (CFHE12) course. Week 1 has mainly been about creating a toolchain that makes it easier to hit a button and get some insight. The focus has mainly been […]

Any Questions? Filtering a Twitter hashtag community for questions and responses [situational awareness] #CFHE12

I believe a key aspect of cMOOCs is how they agregrate content. In this post a present a new tool I created which extracts possible questions tweeted in a hashtag community, agregregating some of the responses and providing an interface to mkae it easy for others in the community respond.

New YouTube beta feature to add multiple choice questions – still a bit too beta

Via Doug Holton I spotted that there is a new YouTube beta feature to add multiple choice questions (MCQ) to your Youtube videos. Those who have already taken a course on Coursera (surely everyone has now ;), will know the video with MCQ is one of the staples. Is Google trying to rock the boat in the mass online education market?

Notes on technology behind cMOOCs: Show me your aggregation architecture and I’ll show you mine

A survey of technology used in some MOOCs, identifying trends and possible future directions. The conclusion more shared guidance on aggregation architectures might be needed.

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