#mri13 The golden MOOCow: Insert name of platform here

Last week I was at the MOOC Research Initiative Conference in Texas. The organisers (George Siemens, Amy Collier, Tanya Joosten and others) should stand up and take a bow for a fantastic event. I’m still digesting my thoughts from the event which was full of extremes and at times completely surreal. I leave Arlington with […]

Tapping the rhizomes of open learning with FeedWordPress, (your personal analytical de-cloaking device)

This post explores the effectiveness of the FeedWordPress plugin as used with the ocTEL connectivist mooc to address the issue of analytically cloaked participant contributions

[Presentation] Taking on the dogmatic approach to education with a bit of ‘reclaim open digital connectedness’

It seems that the only blog posts I write recently are about presentations … My latest outing is to the Jisc RSC Scotland ‘Open Education’ event which was a joint meeting of SMUG, SCOT-BUG, Learning Technologists’, Scottish e-Assessment and Open Badges Forums. Originally I was billed to talk with my former colleague and ALT Learning […]

[Presentation] Show me the data! Actionable insight from open courses #altmoocsig

Later today I’ll be presenting some thoughts on the opportunities and challenges of trying to gain actionable insight from MOOCs. My slides are below you can tune in at 15:15GMT via the ALT YouTube channel. The whole day is being streamed and recorded, the programme is here.

Horses for open courses: Making the backend of a MOOC with WordPress #altc2013

On Tuesday (10th September, 2013) I’ll be giving a short presentation at altc2013 on using WordPress as a course platform for ocTEL. I had planned to write more about the actual presentation but instead got lost in how to box an open course.

Creating a ‘full fat’ RSS feed for Google Gmail labels (enabling some dark social judo)

In this post I want to cover three things. First I want to introduce a little app I’ve developed which allows you to create a RSS feed for any of your Gmail labels (with the option to remove certain links – useful if you don’t want others unsubscribing you from mailing lists). Secondly I explain how it was made and how you can use it yourself. Finally I want to discuss how this could be used in an open course environment, utilising the vast processing power from services like Twitter and reusing there target marketing emails to your benefit with a bit of ‘dark social judo’

Opening the intercom with your open course participants: Tracking and engaging students

A quick look at how the intercom customer relationship management tool might fit into open online courses (MOOCs)

Webinar: Overview of cMOOC platform trends and creating your own open online course using WordPress 15th May 16:30BST

As part of ocTEL on the 15th May at 16:30BST (check in your own timezone) I’ll be doing a webinar on platforms for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), in particular focusing on some of the connectivist style recipes I’m aware of. As part of this I’ll be taking participants behind the scenes of the ocTEL […]

Tapping the rhizomes of dotlife: Creating an RSS search feed for Scoop.it posts

Ready for a ramble? In this post I take you on a journey from my dotbirth, RSS feeds, Chrome Apps, touching upon how I created an RSS feed for Scoopit searches, before kicking the ‘Tin Can’

Dashboarding your WordPress bbPress forums to gain quick top level insight

The term ‘dashboard’ currently seems to have a similar effect to marmite, you either love it or hate it. In this post I show how you can create an activity data endpoint for bbPress forums which can be dashboarded in Google Spreadsheets

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