Turning Google+ Search results into a RSS feed (for Google Reader)

In Using Google Reader to create a searchable archive of Twitter mentions Alan Cann commented: Subscribing to RSS feeds in Google Reader is my bog standard way of archiving Twitter feeds. Now to figure out how to get an RSS feed from a Google+ hashtag… Lets look at how it might be possible. So there’s […]

Using Google Reader to create a searchable archive of Twitter mentions

My solution for extracting site activity data from Delicious isn’t going so well (their API is letting me down). Instead I thought I’d share how I use Google Reader to create a searchable archive of Twitter mentions. It’s not particularly a new trick and you’ll find a number of similar how-to’s so this post is […]

Tracking activity: Diigo site bookmark activity data in a Google Spreadsheet (who is saving your stuff)

Recently I’ve been interested in tracking activity around resources. This comes off the back of the OER Visualisation project where I started looking at social share data around educational resources, the beginnings of a PostRank style RSS social engagement tracker, and more recently Using Google Spreadsheets to combine Twitter and Google Analytics data to find […]

Importing live SPARQL data into MS Excel … don’t go there

Recently I wanted to import some linked data into Excel 2010 to experiment with the free PowerPivot plugin. I came across PowerPivot via a post by Ann Smarty HOW TO: Search Twitter from Google Spreadsheets and Excel and it looked like potentially a good way to quickly dashboard a spreadsheet. The ‘Analytics for Twitter’ template […]

Good news: Got a full-time job at JISC CETIS

Yes I’m going to be your public servant once more as a JISC CETIS Learning Technology Advisor starting on the 13th March. I have the mighty shoes of John Robertson to fill so no pressure ;-s. When CETIS advertised the post David Kernohan tweeted: Your chance to live the #jisccetis dream! bit.ly/wzfnFr (via @LornaMCampbell ) #ukoer — […]

OER Visualisation Project: Fin [day 40.5]

This is the final official post (a little late than expected) for the OER Visualisation Project. In this post I’ll summaries the work and try and answer the questions originally raised in the project specification. Over the course of the project there have been 17 blog posts, including this one, listed at the end and […]

OER Visualisation Project: The heart and pulse of #ukoer [day 40]

It’s the last day of the OER Visualisation Project and this is my penultimate ‘official’ post. Having spent 40 days unlocking some of the data around the OER Programme there are more things I’d like to do with the data, some loose ends in terms of how-to’s I still want to document and some ideas […]

OER Visualisation Project: The heart of #ukoer [day 37]

Last week I started to play with the #ukoer hashtag archive (which has generated lots of useful coding snippets to processes the data that I still need to blog … doh!). In the meantime I thought I’d share an early output. Embedded below is a zoom.it of the #ukoer hashtag community. The sketch (HT @psychemedia) […]

OER Visualisation Project: Exploring automated reporting using linked data and R/Sweave/R2HTML [day 36]

I’m in the final stretch of the OER Visualisation project. Recently reviewing the project spec I’m fairly happy that I’ll be able to provide everything asked for. One of the last things I wanted to explorer was automated/semi-automated programme reporting from the PROD database. From early discussions with CETIS programme level reporting, particularly of technology […]

OER Visualisation Project: Visualising CaPRéT OER tracking data [day 32] #ukoer

In May 2009 JISC CETIS announced the winners of the OER Technical Mini-Projects. These projects were designed: to explore specific technical issues that have been identified by the community during CETIS events such as #cetisrow and #cetiswmd and which have arisen from the JISC / HEA OER Programmes JISC CETIS OER Technical Mini Projects Call […]

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