JISC infoNet Learning Space Design Photostream

The JISC infoNet: Learning Space Design – infoKit has been available for some time. A resource related to this that I’ve only recently discovered is their Photostream on Flickr. The JISC infoNet team have spent a lot of time categorising and annotating photos of new learning spaces, mainly from the UK (FE and HE). There […]

New RSC N&E Scotland Blog – MASHe

RSC Scotland N&E have launched a new blog, “MASHe“, which will focus on highlighting news, events and resources related to higher education (including HE in FE). Recent posts include a reflection on the recent Sunday Times article ‘Scots universities skew policy to aid poor’, which questions whether universities are engaged in underhand tactics to positively […]

CMALT Accreditation Workshop Series

In May we highlighted that JISC is funding a 50% reduction for learning technology practitioners applying to become Certified Members of the Association for Learning Technologists (CMALT). To support this initiative ALT is running a series of regional workshops to help individuals undertake CMALT accreditations. As part of this series there will be a workshop […]

How Environmentally Sustainable is your ICT?

This is the focus of the JISC-funded SusteIT project which recently featured in the Education Guardian (8th May 2008) and is due to publish interim findings this June. The project has been conducting a scoping study to establish the impact of current and projected ICT usage. It plans to identify cost-effective methods for reducing energy […]

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