Google Apps Script: The authentic{ated} playground (3 things that make Apps Script rock) #DevFest

I was recently invited to London to talk at the GDG DevFest London. As part of the ‘authenticated playground’ I highlighted 3 core features of Google Apps Script

Converting .csv or Google Sheets into Wikipedia tables

You’ll find lots of blog posts explaining how to do this the other way, converting a table from Wikipedia into a spreadsheet. This post looks at taking a .csv or a spreadsheet and formatting it as a Wikipedia table.

TwtrService Example: EasyTweetSheet (lets you send tweets from Google Sheet)

Very basic Google Sheet template to let you draft tweets which are published to Twitter when you click a link.

TwtrService: A Twitter API client library for Google Apps Script

The TwtrService library for Google Apps Script centrally stores your Twitter access details allowing them to accessed from multiple script projects without the need for re-authentication. This post outline usage of the library.

Need a better Twitter Archiving Google Sheet? TAGS v6.0 is here!

Amazing to think the TAGS (Twitter Archiving Google Sheet) has been going for over 4 years now. Version 6 is a major code rewrite and the most important new feature is a better setup processes. Read this post to find out more.

Breaking the cell: Google Sheets for data mining, analysis and more #webexpo

Slides from presentation at #WebExpo on using Google Apps Script and Sheets for social data mining and analysis.

Using Google Apps Script to proxy YouTube Analytics Channel Reports

YouTube Analytics Channel Reports are restricted to the user authorizing the request must be the owner of the channel. This can cause issues in Apps Script when interacting with other services. This post highlights a workaround where the data is proxied via a separate script published as a web app.

Automatically updating a Google Sheet with data from Google Analytics for regular reporting

There are regular reporting features built in to Google Analytics but what if you want to do customised reporting? One answer is Google Apps Script and this post walks you through access Google Analytics data in one line of code and setting up automated collection.

LMS/VLE vendor challenge: Integrate Google Analytics Management API for scalable Learning Analytics

Highlighting how the Google Analytics Management API could be used by LMS/VLE vendors and platforms to manage the creation of course specific Google Analytics filtered views proving a Learning Analytics course and programme level actionable insight.

Google Sheets as a Database – INSERT with Apps Script using POST/GET methods (with ajax example)

Revisiting my POST/GET Google Apps Script example which lets you submit data to a Google Sheet (and other destinations) using your own forms or other ajax calls

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