#GEUG14 Presentation: Customising Google Apps for Education with Google Apps Script

Presentation given at Google Apps for Education European User Group meeting (GEUG14) exploring the how Google Apps for Education can be customised with Google Apps Script.

#GEUG14 Presentation: Google {Learning} Analytics

Presentation given at University of York Google Apps for Education European User Group meeting (GEUG14) exploring how Google Analytics can be used for Learning Analytics

Synthesising Google Fusion Tables and Visualization API to allow data exploration and mashups

As part of some recent work with the Open University I explored the use of Google Fusion Tables as a queriable data source to use with Google Charts. This post highlights the result and notes some limitations and opportunities of using Google Fusion Tables as a datasource.

Using Google Apps Script to integrate with import.io

This post illustrates how you can integrate the structured web data scraping service import.io with Google Apps Script.

Google Docs Add-ons: Notes for Google Apps Admins and Users

Google recently announced the release of add-ons for Google Docs and new Sheets. This post provides some notes for Google Apps admins and users about their functionality and configuration

Martin Hawksey: Google Developers Experts (GDE) Apps Script

Having recently be recognised as a Google Developers Experts for Google Apps Script I highlight my hacker roots

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