
If Outlook was my idea …

If MS Outlook was my idea I would make it easy to read and edit all my social networks, VLEs, PLEs from my inbox. Email 2.0 – App friendly by mhawksey (click to enlarge) Perhaps not a completely original idea but recent developments might this happen sooner rather than later. Google are already exploring what […]

RSC-MP3: HE Update Nov 09

Welcome to our third episode of RSC-MP3 for this academic year. RSC-MP3 is a monthly audio podcast highlighting some Higher Education focused e-learning news, interviews and resources brought to you by Kevin Brace (JISC RSC West Midlands) and Martin Hawksey (JISC RSC Scotland North and East). As ever we have summarised links to the various […]

RSC-MP3: HE Update Nov 09 – Interview Ruth Whittaker

This month Martin interviewed Ruth Whittaker (Deputy Director Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning) on the topic of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). As government policy continues to place emphasis on ‘lifelong learning’ and the ‘knowledge economy’ institutions have an important role in recognising and accrediting prior formal and informal learning. We discuss existing frameworks […]

2009 Edublog Awards – Nominations

The Edublog Awards 2009 are open for nomination! This is our chance to nominate and celebrate the achievements of edubloggers, twitterers, podcasters, video makers, online communities, wiki hosts and other web based users of educational technology. My nominations are: Best individual blog: Gabber (Kevin Brace) – Best individual tweeter: @psychemedia (Tony Hirst)  – […]

What I've starred this week: December 1, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: “I Want To Use Twitter For My Conference” – November 30, 2009 Apple And Android Now Make Up 75 Percent Of U.S. Smartphone Web Traffic – November 23, 2009 Edubloggers 2009 – November 24, 2009 – There are a number of categories for nominations including […]

Enabling micro-discussion in PowerPoint using Wiffiti

It’s rare for me to have an idea of my own, instead I rely on mashing up ideas of others. A case in point is taking a post on Pontydysgu 20 things to do in the classroom with Wiffiti and David Hopkins PowerPoint: Embedding YouTube Video, which equals ‘Enabling micro-discussion in PowerPoint using Wiffiti’. Some […]

Google Wave 101 (Presentations from Scottish VLE groups)

In the last couple of weeks I’ve given Google Wave presentations to the Scottish Blackboard User Group (Scot-BUG) and the Scottish Moodle User Group (SMUG). These have been designed to be introductory session Google Wave giving an overview of the technology and how it could be integrated into existing institutional systems like VLEs. This post […]

Oddments from RSC NewsFeed

While toiling to polish off the Google Wave 101 post a call went up in the office for contributions to RSC NewsFeed. In no time I had managed to put together 5 posts. There isn’t really a common thread to pull them together so below is the title and short synopsis: Automatic Captions in YouTube […]

Automatic Captions in YouTube

Video has the potential to be a very stimulating and engaging format for teaching and learning, but at the same time staff have to be aware of the accessibility implications. YouTube continues to be the main player when it comes to web hosting of video clips and with 20 hours of footage uploaded every minute […]

Hotseat: Any Mobile Will Do

In another post in this edition of NewsFeed we touch upon the issue of platform dependency when thinking about using mobiles in mainstream education (there are obviously other facts like ownership and control, but I’ll conveniently ignore these for now).  The glue which is potentially removing platform constraints is the Internet. A direction which is […]

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