
Edinburgh College of Art Launches its ‘Vision’ of Academic Research

On Monday (16 November 2009) the Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) launched ‘Vision’, a new publication about its current and future research projects. ECA has a strong history of ground-breaking research producing work of national and international standing in ‘Art & Design’ and ‘Architecture and the Built Environment’. With the aim of progressing lively and […]

PowerPoint: Embedding YouTube Video

David Hopkins (Bournemouth University) has put together some simple instructions on how to embed YouTube videos into PowerPoint: David’s post includes a test PPT file and a link on how you can preserve the video if you want to upload to SlideShare. Click here for PowerPoint: Embedding YouTube Video

50 Educational Apps for the iPod Touch

My iPod Touch, as viewed from my new iSight by Valerie Reneé Technology regularly features in the majority of reports looking at how education will evolve. Come the new year, I’m sure many students will have ‘shiny’ new gadgets in their pockets. Long gone are the days when your MP3 player just played music or […]

What I've starred this week: November 24, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Microsoft Still Chasing the Competition with IE9 – November 19, 2009 Office 2010 Beta Available – November 18, 2009 Move Over, HTTP. Say ‘Hello World’ to SPDY – November 12, 2009 Students celebrate first degrees from UHI – Aberdeen Press and … – November 17, […]

Moodle Wave: Embedding Google Wave into Moodle

I’ve previously given instructions for Embedding Google Wave into Blackboard, for you Moodlers out there the process is practically identical: In your Wave Preview account add [email protected] Create a new wave with Embeddy as a participant Embeddy will generate two pieces of code for you to copy to notepad (see screenshot-1) Screenshot-1: Output from Embeddy […]

What I've starred this week: November 17, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Huddle and Soundcloud – Europe's tech hopefuls – November 10, 2009 – In the last RSC-MP3 we highlight soundcloud. It’s good to see this service is getting publicity from the BBC Automatically generated from my Google Reader Shared Items.

Google’s Take On the Magical Potential Of Mobile + Cloud

TechCrunch were at the Google’s press event for one of the applications in the next version of their open source mobile operating system Android 2.0. During the Q&A Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt commented: "mobile platforms, Android and the others, are so powerful now that you can … do magical things that are connected with the […]

What I've starred this week: November 10, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Business firmly woven into the fabric of new framework – November 5, 2009 – Final link I’m going to make to the new English HE Framework Google Wave Is Coming to the Workplace – November 5, 2009 – first signs of Wave being integrated into […]

Black Wave 2: Blackboard Wave Integration!

Yesterday I showed you how you could embed Google Wave into Blackboard. At the time I tweeted this as “Google Wave embedded into Blackboard WebCT. A world 1st?” (the tweet). Turns out I might have not been the first to do this as George Kroner showcased a Blackboard Wave integration at EDUCAUSE09. His example […]

Black Wave: Embedding Google Wave (etherpad and mindmeister) into Blackboard

There was a lot of talk at ALT-C this year about whether the VLE was dead. My personal view is divided. One one hand I can see the important role VLEs play in quality assurance. They are a controlled environment where the institution can validate learning, storing copies of work and making them available for […]

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