#LAK13: Recipes in capturing and analyzing data – Google Groups Dashboard using Yahoo Pipes (no code)

As part of LAK13 I’ve highlighted a couple of ways to extract data from Canvas. Prompted by a question by On and my colleague Sheila MacNeill I wanted to show you a way of getting feed data into a spreadsheet without using any code. The solution is to use Yahoo Pipes, but as this post will highlight this isn’t entirely straight forward and you need to be aware of several tricks to get the job done.

Academic Activity Streams: A look at Diigo Groups ‘Popular’ resources (and adding social share counts to feeds using Yahoo Pipes)

Some notes on University of Phoenix’s recent ‘academic activity streams’ and some existing examples of ranked lists based on user events and some fumblings around using Yahoo Pipes to add social share counts to feeds.

CFHE12 Week 2 Analysis: Data! Show me your data and I’ll show you mine

What data is available around CFHE12? In this post I look at data feeds available from CFHE12, see what we can get and suggest some alternative ways of getting the data and pulling it in to other services for analysis. Finally I highlight the issues with collecting participant feeds filtered by tag/category/label

Revisiting: Experiment to dynamically timeline media posted on Twitter using Topsy and Timeline

Another look at feeding the Timeline tool developed by Verite using media extract from tweets by Topsy. This time the spreadsheet template is designed to be more flexible so that anyone can use it.

Experiment to dynamically timeline media posted on Twitter using Topsy and Timeline (my contribution to @Arras95) #arras95

Update: New version of this spreadsheet template here There’s a new kid on the block if you are considering an open source timeline tools. For a long time the Simile Exhibit Timeline tool has been the tool of choice appearing in places like Freebase.com (click on Timeline in this page to see a history of […]

Notes on generating live wordclouds from Yahoo Pipes using D3.js

The JISC OER Rapid Innovation projects are all quickly finding their feet and most are already fully embracing the open innovation model and blogging their progress. Having attended the programme start-up meeting on the 26th March 2012 and speaking to most of the projects there’s rich pickings for me to blog about over the next […]

Turning Google+1’s (Plus Ones) into Tweets (re-enabling my share workflow in Google Reader)

Would it surprise you that since I’ve fallen out with Google Reader, we’re on a trail separation (I’m having a fling with Tiny Tiny RSS) that we’re back together again. We’ve got some new ground rules though, the main one being when I Google +1 a news item it should also hit my Twitter feed. […]

Using Yahoo Pipes to generate a Twitter ‘out of office’ messaging service

[This post is probably less about creating a Twitter out of office service and more about an illustration of the power of Yahoo Pipes (and embedding flickr images with notes), I’ll let you read and decide] Whilst the majority of twitter users will probably never need to setup a email style ‘out of office’ messaging […]

Creating a PDF or eBook from an RSS feed (feedbooks.com)

A couple of weeks ago I was interested to read Joss Winn’s blog post on  Creating a PDF or eBook from an RSS feed in which he highlights using the FeedBooks service. This was ideal timing as we are always looking for new ways to make RSC NewsFeed readable in as many formats as possible. […]

Festive fun: Auto tweeting your Google Reader shared items using Yahoo Pipes and twitterfeed

Using the festive period to stray slightly away from my core remit I thought I would document a little mashup which allows you to automatically tweet items you share in Google Reader. Background I’m a big fan of Google Reader and its the main way I consume RSS feeds (unsure about RSS? Here it is […]

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