
RSC NewsFeed eBook Edition

At the RSC we are always looking for new ways to distribute NewsFeed. Around this time last year we introduced a printable PDF digest as ‘RSC NewsFeed Tabloid Edition’. This document is automatically created by a free 3rd party web service,, and added to our navigation column via the Make Tabbloid plugin. With the […]

Web Applications with Real-time Interaction

In the last few editions of NewsFeed we’ve highlighted Google Wave, Google’s new platform which enables users to have real-time interaction when collaborating on documents (see Google Wave in Two Minutes and 7 Things You Should Know About Google Wave). Whilst Google weren’t the first to publicise the potential of real-time collaboration they have grabbed […]

Having Phun with physics

Phun is an educational, entertaining and somewhat (!) addictive piece of software for playing around in a 2D physics sandbox in a cartoony fashion. Phun is not just another game, but is intended to bring in interactive physics as an enabling technology for entirely new concepts and usage patterns in creative computing for animation, simulation, […]

Cloud Computing Study – Call for Participation

Cloud Computing by mansikka JISC has commissioned a study at the University of Strathclyde to review the environmental and organisational implications of cloud computing in higher and further education. The project team is keen to hear from HE and FE professionals who are involved in managing ICT, administration, elearning and estates who would be willing […]

Creating a PDF or eBook from an RSS feed (

A couple of weeks ago I was interested to read Joss Winn’s blog post on  Creating a PDF or eBook from an RSS feed in which he highlights using the FeedBooks service. This was ideal timing as we are always looking for new ways to make RSC NewsFeed readable in as many formats as possible. […]

What I’ve starred this week: January 19, 2010

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: French Government Also Warns Against Using Internet Explorer – January 19, 2010 – If you are looking to argue that IE shouldn’t be the default browser on your campus this is a good starting point #N Time For A Blog Revival? – January 16, 2010 […]

This week’s solutions: export twitter followers, auto anchors for WordPress and shortening urls in twitter badges

Thought I’d share some solutions I’ve found for problems I’ve encountered this week. Problem: How to export a table (*.xls or *.csv) of twitter followers? Solution: I first tried which was good because it didn’t ask for twitter account login details, but the results are limited to 100 entries. I then tried which […]

MASHe Review: Electronic voting systems (clickers)

[flickr]448539963[/flickr] As we start a new year now seems like an ideal opportunity to revisit some of my old posts, pull out some common themes and reflect on what was and potentially what will be. For my first theme I want to revisit electronic voting systems (EVS). EVS has been used in education for a […]

What I’ve starred this week: January 12, 2010

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Latest iPhone app lets users 'satnav through time' – Herald *…* – January 8, 2010 – Good to see ECA’s Walking Through Time project is getting some publicity Paradigm change needed to enable young people to deal with implications of transformations – January 8, 2010 […]

A real-time education (etherpad, mindmeister and cacoo)

One of the themes I expect to see for 2010 is more collaborative real-time interaction web applications. I’ve obviously written a lot about Google Wave, but there are a number of other web services which have offered and continue to offer the ability for users to have real-time interaction across the web. I want to […]

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