[TAGS Action Required] Twitter removing free API access breaking TAGS archives with Easy Setup

On 02 February 2023 Twitter announced the end of free access to the Twitter API. TAGS will remain available for anyone who wants to continue using it, but archives created with Easy Setup will stop working after February 9, 2023. Find out more about how you can continue using TAGS…

Keeping your Twitter Archive fresh and freely hosted on Github Pages

tl;dr How do you keep your downloaded Twitter archive fresh on Github Pages using Google Apps Script? By running this Google Apps Script powered web app. Note: As Ken Bauer has discovered Twitter now offers two different archive options – you need to request the one from https://twitter.com/settings/account If you were to ask me which of my […]

TAGS Tricks: Find your website’s top Twitter influencers by combining TAGS with Google Analytics referral data

The basic concept is that if you are using Google Analytics to track your website usage you can see the volume of traffic from particular sources including Twitter as a referral source. As referral links from Twitter are unique we can identify who originally tweeted the link to your site and measure its impact (number of visits, purchase, etc.).

Creating a Twitter Question/Revision Bot using Google Sheets

My old colleague at Cetis, David Sherlock, posted a nice little  ‘Twitter Question/Revision Bot’. This uses a .csv file of questions and multiple choice answers which get randomly tweeted out using a Python script. David designed the project with a Raspberry Pi in mind but also highlights it can be easily run on any Unix […]

How to explore the Twitter API without code using the console

The non tech savvy way to peel back Twitter and see the data in your tweets.

TAGSPresenter (alpha) – A Twitter/Google Sheets based presentation concept

Update: Didn’t go well but revised version on this I’ve used successfully is here and slides published here. Later today (2.30pmUTC) I’ll be presenting at #oer15 about Twitter in open education (tune in here). As I wanted to highlight the network effect of Twitter I wanted to engage not just the room, but leave ‘footprints’ […]

TwtrService: A Twitter API client library for Google Apps Script

The TwtrService library for Google Apps Script centrally stores your Twitter access details allowing them to accessed from multiple script projects without the need for re-authentication. This post outline usage of the library.

How you can ‘listen’ to the Twitter backchannel during presentations

How you can use Twitter SMS notifications combined with a SMS talk aloud app to listen to the Twitter backchannel during presentations

Twitter piloting free data access for researchers

Twitter: “we’re introducing a pilot project we’re calling Twitter Data Grants, through which we’ll give a handful of research institutions access to our public and historical data.”

Making a Twitter Hashtag Contributor Map using TAGS

This post covers how to creating a Twitter hashtag/search map of contributors using TAGS, Google Apps Script and Google Maps

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