Quick article ratings using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

Interested in a way to capture quick article user ratings in your Google Analytics data? Well you are in the right place. In this post I’ll show how I was able to send user article (star) ratings to Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager.

Recording a macro to modify a pivot

Working with Pivot Tables in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script

Pivot tables are a quick and powerful way to analyse data. Using Google Apps Script, there is an ability to build and modify pivot tables in Google Sheets. In this post I’ll share some tips and tricks for interacting with pivot tables in Google Sheets.

Recording an AutoFill with the Macro Recorder

Adding some AutoFill magic to your Google Sheets Apps Script projects

Google Sheets users can already use the magic of AutoFill to expand data automatically detecting a series of numbers, letters or dates. This feature is particularly powerful even when your series includes text or repeating dates. In this post I’ll highlight how you can also use AutoFill in your Google Apps Script projects

Google Sheets charts in your inbox

Dashboards in your inbox – Revisting tips on emailing inline Google Sheet chart images with Google Apps Script

Back in 2015 I shared a post on Tips on emailing inline Google Charts from Sheets using Apps Script, which looked at how you can email charts from Google Sheets. This solution is one I use in my work on a daily basis and remains largely unchanged. More recently I was faced with the problem that I couldn’t include a Combo Chart. In this post I revisit this problem and share a solution for including copies of your Google Sheet charts in your email reports.

New Apps Script IDE

First look at the new Google Apps Script Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Script Editor

As part of Next OnAir week 2 the focus was on ‘Productivity and Collaboration’ Charles Maxson from the G Suite DevRel team not only provided some highlights from the week, but he also premiered the new Google Apps Script IDE

Mail merge steps

A bulk email/mail merge with Gmail and Google Sheets solution evolution using V8

Last year I had a ‘mail merge using Gmail and Google Sheets’ contribution accepted on the G Suite Developers Solution Gallery. Just over 6 months on there has been lots of useful feedback and requests for solutions to some of the limitations of the original published script. In the meantime Google has also made the new V8 runtime for Google Apps Script generally available. Given this it seemed appropriate to revisit the original solution updating it for V8 as well as covering the most commonly asked for changes. In this post I’ll highlight some of the coding changes as well as some easy modifications.

Examples of hyperlinks in Google Sheets cells

Everything a Google Apps Script Developer wanted to know about reading hyperlinks in Google Sheets … but was afraid to ask

I’ll start off by saying this is a very geeky post and if you’ve landed here because you are struggling with extracting hyperlinks in Google Sheets then you might prefer to jump straight to Alexander Ivanov’s Extract URL’s Add-on or alternatively the Info Inspired post Extract URLs in Google Sheets Without Script. The problem: hyperlinks in Google Sheets can be in three different formats…

Example JSON output

Google Apps Script Patterns: Writing rows of data to Google Sheets the V8 way

Currently one of the most popular posts on this site is my Google Apps Script Patterns: Writing rows of data to Google Sheets. Given Google’s recent announcement of the general availability of the new V8 runtime I thought it was worth revisiting this particular pattern and using the modern syntax now available to Google Apps Script developers.

Human Data Interaction … and spreadsheets

Human Data Interaction … and spreadsheets: Retaking ownership in the age of surveillance

… if you enjoy this post you might want to register for the online SheetsCon conference 11th – 12th March 2020. Registration is free and there is a great lineup of speakers … and me 😉 On Friday I had the honour of speaking at a @HDINework workshop in Edinburgh for ALT with my boss […]

Send bulk emails with personalised images in G Suite using Google Apps Script

Earlier in the year I managed to get a bulk emailing script published in the G Suite Developer Solutions Gallery. In this post I want to show you how you can extend this script so that you can send personalised images using Gmail, Sheets and Slides. Before you get too excited about the potential of […]

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