Google Sheets as a Database – INSERT with Apps Script using POST/GET methods (with ajax example)

Revisiting my POST/GET Google Apps Script example which lets you submit data to a Google Sheet (and other destinations) using your own forms or other ajax calls

#GEUG14 Presentation: Customising Google Apps for Education with Google Apps Script

Presentation given at Google Apps for Education European User Group meeting (GEUG14) exploring the how Google Apps for Education can be customised with Google Apps Script.

Using Google Apps Script to integrate with

This post illustrates how you can integrate the structured web data scraping service with Google Apps Script.

Google Docs Add-ons: Notes for Google Apps Admins and Users

Google recently announced the release of add-ons for Google Docs and new Sheets. This post provides some notes for Google Apps admins and users about their functionality and configuration

Martin Hawksey: Google Developers Experts (GDE) Apps Script

Having recently be recognised as a Google Developers Experts for Google Apps Script I highlight my hacker roots

Tracking Google Sheet views with Google Analytics using GA Beacon (and a Google Apps Script Measurement Protocol snippet)

There was a time when you could enable Google Analytics tracking in Google Drive. that option is no longer available but here is how you can still track Google Sheet views in Google Analytics

Making a Twitter Hashtag Contributor Map using TAGS

This post covers how to creating a Twitter hashtag/search map of contributors using TAGS, Google Apps Script and Google Maps

MASHe Review 2013: Google Apps Script and Google Sheets

A look back at some of the work I’ve done around Google Apps Script and Google Spreadsheets/Sheets in 2013

Google Spreadsheet: How to compare two strings and highlight the differences

How to compare two strings character by character in Google Spreadsheets using Google Apps Script or built-in Google Sheet formula

Using Google Spreadsheets as a Google Analytics Data Bridge

Access control to Google Analytics data is very coarse. Via the web interface you can have full access or none at all. Given the growing interest in data driven decision making at all levels of the institution I thought it would be beneficial to demonstrate how Google Spreadsheets and Google Apps Script could be used to selectively distribute Google Analytics data. This solution was developed for my session at the Institutional Web Managers Workshop 2013 (IWMW13) which I talk about in more detail at the end of this post.

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