Searching for both Google+ Communities and posts within them

Not sure if this is a documented feature but you can search within Google+ Communities by adding s/yoursearchterm to the community home address (operators like AND/OR also appear to work).

Google Docs Add-ons: Notes for Google Apps Admins and Users

Google recently announced the release of add-ons for Google Docs and new Sheets. This post provides some notes for Google Apps admins and users about their functionality and configuration

Martin Hawksey: Google Developers Experts (GDE) Apps Script

Having recently be recognised as a Google Developers Experts for Google Apps Script I highlight my hacker roots

[Cross post] ALT’s new Chief Innovation, Community and Technology Officer – Martin Hawksey

Some reflections on becoming Chief Innovation, Community and Technology Officer at the Association for Learning Technology (ALT)

How you can ‘listen’ to the Twitter backchannel during presentations

How you can use Twitter SMS notifications combined with a SMS talk aloud app to listen to the Twitter backchannel during presentations

Setting up an easy open online office hours using

I’ve mentioned the service a couple of times. This allows you to convene small meetings (up to 8 people) with video, voice and chat without the need for logins or additional browser plugins on both desktop and mobile. My thoughts on using it with virtual office hours.

Tracking Google Sheet views with Google Analytics using GA Beacon (and a Google Apps Script Measurement Protocol snippet)

There was a time when you could enable Google Analytics tracking in Google Drive. that option is no longer available but here is how you can still track Google Sheet views in Google Analytics

The Web Browser and The Application

We take it for granted that for many of our learning designs the web browser in various forms will feature. Advances in browser performance, standards and, in particular executing local code (JavaScript), now mean the browser is increasingly becoming the operating system of the web.

Twitter piloting free data access for researchers

Twitter: “we’re introducing a pilot project we’re calling Twitter Data Grants, through which we’ll give a handful of research institutions access to our public and historical data.”

Hosting your own Google Reader themed RSS aggregator with TT-RSS and G2TT

Yep if you can’t replace Google Reader then the best solution for me is to recreate it and fortunately with a bit of server space, TT-RSS and a Google Reader inspired theme so can you

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