- 51 Phase 1&2 projects were lead by 41 different institutions with 122 partners
- Projects were recorded as using 112 different technologies and 104 standards
- Jorum contains 9,502 unique records containing ‘ukoer’ of which 8,859 can be reconciled against institution names (including duplicates for records containing more than one subject category there are 9069)
- ukoer records are deposited in 29 subject categories by 77 different institutions
- ukoer resources on Jorum have been viewed over 5 million times* and the average resource is viewed 570 times (the top resource is An Introduction to IPR for Educators submitted by Caroline Cash at Falmouth University College)
*viewed doesn’t necessarily viewed by a human. There are multitude of bots and automated code that might visit the jorum site which could increase a records view count. For example the process of me getting this data scraping each record page generated almost 10,000 ‘views’.
Most of the numbers above come from two spreadsheets: CETIS PROD Spreadsheet; and jorumUKOERReconciled – Issue 2. I’ve mentioned both of these spreasheets before (day 8 | day 16), but you might like to File > Make a copy of these to play with the data yourself and see some of the formulas used. An additional note on the resource view counts. These were collected by fetching the each resource page on Jorum using Google Refine and scraping the data (more details on using Refine to extract data from day 11.
[The additional processes were to extract a Jorum url by using the expression filter(value.split("|"),v,contains(v,"jorum.ac.uk"))[0])
on the identifier column, fetching a new column based on the new url and then extracting a count using toNumber(replace(filter(cells["jorumpage"].value.parseHtml().select("p.ds-paragraph"),v,contains(v.htmlText(),"viewed"))[0].htmlText(),/\D/, ''))
So I now have a decent amount of data (some of which might be dropped), next to communicate …
What can we learn from the #ukoer Twitter archive [day 24] – MASHe
[…] resource page view and even getting this required scraping over 8,000 pages. This is mentioned in day 18, but I realise I haven’t gone into any detail about how Google Refine was used to get this data […]
OER Visualisation Project: Fin [day 40.5] – MASHe
[…] visualising with Gource [day 11]OER Visualisation Project: Data Driven Journalism [day 16] #ukoerOER Visualisation Project: What I know about #UKOER records on Jorum and OER Phase 1 & 2 [day 18…OER Visualisation Project: Maps, Maps, Maps, Maps [day 20]OER Visualisation Project: How is OER […]