The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass media events, various TV shows now having and publicising their own tag. This resource is often lost in time, only tiny snippets being captured in blog posts or summaries using tools like Storify, which often loose the richness of individual conversations between participants.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Using a combination of Google Spreadsheets as a data source and a simple web interface to add interactivity it’s possible to let users explorer your entire event hashtag and replay any of conversations.
View example conversation replay
Update: If you are still struggling to understand the concept Radical Punch have done a overview of this tool
Here’s how to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation (written instructions below):
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation
Capturing the tweets
Creating a public interactive visualisation of the archived tweets
- Copy the url of the spreadsheet you just created
- Visit and paste your spreadsheet url in the box, then click ‘get sheet names’
- When it loads the sheet names leave it on the default ‘Archive’ and click ‘go’
- You now have a visualisation of your spreadsheet archive (click on nodes to delve deeper)
- To share the visualisation at the top right-click ‘link for this’ which is a permanent link (as your archive grows and the spreadsheet is republished this visualisation will automatically grow)
Collect/backup tweets in a Google Spreadsheet [Twitteralytics v2] – MASHe
[…] were a lot of rough edges. So here is:*** TAGS v2.4 Google Spreadsheet ***BTW Here’s How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation Update: I recently added the option to collect results in a single sheet. Update is included in […]
TAGSExplorer: Queryable Twitter archive exploration with Google Visualization API Query Language integration – MASHe
[…] Twitter and Visualisation. 0 CommentsSince pushing out my Twitter archive visualisation tool, TAGSExplorer, it nice to see people are already pushing out tweets for their own archives. After a full on […]
I was so excited to find this. I think I have it setup correctly. I was able to authenticate but when I run the script I get this error:
Twitter said: Line 231 Unexpected error: Exception
Martin Hawksey
@Matt hmm might be a temporary service disruption issue or maybe a problem with the search term.
Hi there!
I am trying to map out our hashtag #smwedelman
i know we have over 1400 tweets about the event but the results only pull in 105, is this to do with the date range? Or twitter being tempramental?
really would love to get the full picture!
Martin Hawksey
If the event was over 7 days ago then the twitter search won’t returned anything from then (one of it’s limitations). Might that be your problem?
thats it, thanks so much! I thought that may be the case, I tried another more recent search and it was lovely! thanks so much!
i have problem everytime i press Tools > Script Editor i get this error
Google error docs
{“message”:”HTML Parsing Error: Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed (KB927917)”,”name”:null,”lineNumber”:”Not available”,”fileName”:””,”stack”:”Not available”,”severity”:”fatal”}
please help me
Martin Hawksey
Google Spreadsheets seem to occasionally fail to make a good copy of the template. Usually taking a new copy of the template works. If it doesn’t let me know and I’ll look into it further
i made a new copy of the template & i still have the same error .
is there a way to get an old template like 2.4.2 ?
Martin Hawksey
Hi Syria – this link is to duplicate version of the spreadsheet If making a copy of this version still doesn’t work let me know and I can add you as a collaborator to a copy
i’m sorry :S , but i’m still having the same problem with the script editor .
another problem is when i open and press ” get sheet names ” nothing open .
Martin Hawksey
@syria looks like its a problem with your browser and google apps script. Afraid I can’t help you any further. Before getting sheet names the spreadsheet needs to be published to the web
Jennifer Brea
I have No. results set to 1500, but I only get the last 50 tweets. Is it possible to get *all* tweets from my event yesterday?
Martin Hawksey
@jennifer hmm not sure why it would only get 50. What’s the search term you are trying?
Martin, could you please help check this doc: as it loads so long time with never displaying results.
Martin Hawksey
Appears to have data now. BTW Twitter search is limited to 1500 results you might want to switch to the ‘weekly’ instead of daily option and collect 1500 tweets every 3 hours
Joakim Nyström
I can’t get the Twitter menu item to show, even when I use the button “If twitter menu is missing […]”. All I get then i an alert with “Oops
Script function onOpen could not be found”.
Anyone else have run into the same problem? Running Chrome and Firefox in Mac OSX – Lion
Martin Hawksey
@Joakim – in the spreadsheet check Tools > Script editor … and make sure there is some script there (if not looks like you’ve got a bad copy and need to try copying the template again) If there is script there try Run > onOpen from the script editor menu
If you are still having problems let me know (the script in the spreadsheet is reasonably stable now but Google Spreadsheets can be a bit flaky)
Dan Sitter
I don’t have the Twitter Tool either. When I click on the Get button I get this error: Script function onOpen could not be found
I tried to recopy to no avail.
Martin Hawksey
@Dan when you check Tools > Script editor … is some script there?
The same problem that Dan and Joakim. When I edit the script appear only this code:
function myFunction() {
Thanks Martin
Martin Hawksey
When you open Tools > Script editor … and only see
function myFunction()...
this indicates that Google didn’t copy the Spreadsheet template properly for you. You can:a) try recopying the template until it works; or
b) copy and paste the code here into the Script editor and save it
If you are still having problems leave a comment 😉
Now Martin its ok all. Thanks for your support.
Hi Martin, pardon if I sound like a complete newbie, well because I am, but I clicked ‘use this template’ and google docs said ‘We’re sorry, your spreadsheet cannot be copied at this time.’ I’m an undergrad planning on doing my thesis on a content analysis of political tweets. I could really use your help in figuring out how to archive the hashtag tweets. Thanks
Martin Hawksey
@Sabrina – not a silly question at all but a problem with deploying templates. I’ve updated the instructions and provided a direct link.
A word of note Google Spreadsheets have a limit of 400,000 cells and Twitter limits API calls to 350/hr and each call returns a maximum of 100 tweets so there are limits to how much you can get out – I get a lot of research students using this technique trying to get large volumes of data and it doesn’t work. If you need large amounts of data you might want to team up with
OER Visualisation Project: Processing a resource feed to find frequency using Google Spreadsheets [day 3] #ukoer #ooher – MASHe
[…] to getting the Pipe as JSON. JSON input powers a lot of my other Google Spreadsheet toys like TAGS and Google+ network generator so I’ve a growing bank of code snippets I can throw […]
Free the tweets! Export TwapperKeeper archives using Google Spreadsheet – MASHe
[…] of ideas and resources, shared within the instant but too often forgotten.In projects iTitle and TAGSExplorer I’ve been exploring how these archives can be brought back to life so it is a great shame to see […]
Twitter Archiving Revisited: Preparing for the demise of Twapperkeeper :: Jennifer M Jones
[…] downloaded, I could see them at a glace and already to begin to play around with them- as well as try out tools for visualisation events online. Furthermore, I made the decision to scrap the larger files as they were too large for me to handle […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation – MASHe | QR Codes and digital media |
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation … The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass… Source: […]
OER Visualisation Project: Beginnings of linking data from PROD to Google Spreadsheet and early fruit [day 8] #ukoer – MASHe
[…] additional interfacing is required but there’s code I can reuse from my Guardian Tag Explorer and Twitter Conversation explorer tools, which gives you more project info and a link back to the appropriate PROD page (btw interesting […]
Hi Martin,
I have successfully begun to archive tweets per your google spreadsheet method (and also exported a bunch of twapperkeeper archives – thanks very much for your work on this!!), and wanted to use the TAGS explorer to make a visualisations of the tweets. However, when I paste in the spreadsheet key and click ‘get sheet names’, it looks like it’s working but never comes up with any sheet names. I’ve tried both using the spreadsheet key and the whole URL with no success. It’s probably something super simple but any advice you can provide would be appreciated!
Thanks very much
Martin Hawksey
Hi Kay – for TAGSExplorer to work you need to publish the spreadsheet. To do this in the spreadsheet select File > Publish to the web and publish all sheets. If its still not working let me know
Thanks Martin,
It’s now working perfectly! Thanks very much for putting this together. Is there a limit on how much the tagsexplorer can process? (I have a twapperkeeper export of 15,000 tweets I’d like to use)
A Tool Chain for Plotting Twitter Archive Retweet Graphs – Py, R, Gephi « OUseful.Info, the blog…
[…] Another set of stepping stones that provide a clunky route to a solution that @mhawksey has been working on a far more elegant expression of (eg Free the tweets! Export TwapperKeeper archives using Google Spreadsheet and Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation)… […]
Archive of the #MLA12 Tweets from the Modern Language Association « On the Search for the Genuine
[…] But just in case, I took matters into my own hands. I’ve set up a simple Google Docs spreadsheet archive of #MLA12 tweets starting Friday, January 6 around 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Forgive me its primitive nature; it’s better than nothing. And thanks to Martin for such crystal-clear directions and a Youtube video walkthrough on how to set up … […]
Hi Martin,
Thanks for making this available. I’ve setup the spreadsheet by following your directions, but when I select “Run Now!” a new page with the archive does not open. I have tried the Test Collection option and it does find a tweet with my search term in it, so I’m not sure what is happening. You can see my version of the spreadsheet at:
(By the way, I don’t get a Twitter menu category, but one for TAGS. Not sure if this matters as the menu options seem to be the same.)
Thanks for your help!
Martin Hawksey
Hi Bill – Your search is recorded in the ‘Archive’ sheet (It’s caught a couple of people out so I need to improve the UI – also need to update the instructions with the new menu name)
Thanks, Martin! I totally didn’t see the Archive sheet tab at the bottom.
Looking forward to using this in my courses this semester. So grateful to have it now that Twapperkeeper is totally gone.
Thanks, again.
A Quick View Over a MASHe Google Spreadsheet Twitter Archive of UKGC12 Tweets « OUseful.Info, the blog…
[…] view a dynamic version of the conversation graph around the tag using Martin’s TAGSExplorer (about). Rate this: Share this:Like this:LikeBe the first to like this […]
Hi Martin,
I have another question. For two of my archives, when I click “get sheet names” in TAGSExplorer, the wheel just keeps spinning. I’m not having trouble with my initial archive. Could this be because when I created the other two I copied the first (File –> Make a copy) and then just changed the search query term? Here’s the archive URL:
Martin Hawksey
Hi Bill – looks like you need to File > Publish to the web then it should work
Backup en “kaart” van tweets rond studiedag « Karel Online
[…] […]
Communication vs Broadcast « Just Blogging
[…] was repaired, and the ‘lets make this work’ process continued. The instructions (available at ) were followed to the letter, and the Google Doc generated the information […]
Hi Martin,
really like the tools you’ve created here. However, i don’t appear to have the Twitter menu in the tags v3.1 sheet, so i’m unable to authenticate with Twitter… can you advise.
Martin Hawksey
If the menu is missing there’s a button on the settings/readme sheet
Hi Martin,
I’m getting this error when I try to authenticate:
“Unexpected error: (line 1085)”
Here’s line 1080 to 1090 which is the end:
var requestData = {
“method”: “GET”,
“oAuthServiceName”: “twitter”,
“oAuthUseToken”: “always”
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
var o = Utilities.jsonParse(result.getContentText());
ScriptProperties.setProperty(“STORED_SCREEN_NAME”, o.screen_name);
Martin Hawksey
something wrong with twitter customer key/secret. I noticed the other day that copy and pasting the customer secret with Firefox on the Mac added a tab to the beginning of the field
Was using Firefox on a PC. Just tried IE and had the same error.
Hi Martin,
This is a great script, and I got it to work well in your TagExplorer. However, I would also like to export the sheet so I can use it in Gephi. Can you tell me where I can do this within the GoogleDocs template? Instead of a ‘Nodes’ tab, as shown in your advanced video, my TAGS document seems to have created two extra tabs at the bottom, which aren’t populating ‘TMP’ and ‘TMP_NODES’.
Any idea what I’m doing wrong, and how to export the data so I can use it in Gephi?
Here is my current data:
Martin Hawksey
Hi Sam – if you download the edges sheet as a csv you should be able to open it in gephi
Hi Martin
Thanks – the only problem with my edges sheet, is that it doesn’t contain the information I would need to get my gephi visualisation looking like your TAGExplorer – it just seems ot have some Twitter ID names, rather than a connected network. Is there a way I can get the info from the Archives sheet to import correctly as a csv in Gephi so that it looks like your TAGExplorer network? I have tried importing the archives as a nodes table, but there are no connections between the nodes in the overview.
Martin Hawksey
ah gotcha post here should help format the data for this. Earlier versions of TAGS also didn’t include a to_user column. If you just insert this as a column heading on the Archive sheet it’ll include this information and you won’t have to extract it.
Thanks for this Martin. I get so far with your post, but then realise I can’t use NodeXL, as I have a Mac – I guess there’s no alternative? Also, which method do you advise for opening a CSV in Gephi – File>Open or Import as CSV?
Martin Hawksey
Hi Sam – the post was more about getting a csv output which you can use in gephi
Yes, I got the CSV bit – I am just getting Java.Lang.RuntimeException error once I try to load the CSV into Gephi. No worries, I’ll figure things out eventually.
Martin Hawksey
[Gephi expects two columns on csv import just delete the 3rd]
Thanks Martin – worked really well – just had a few issues with Google Docs crashing a few times, though that’s understandable.
Kelli Burns
I successfully created a visualization but am having trouble seeing the whole picture. The “center” of the visualization is even off center.
Alternatives To Twapper Keeper « UK Web Focus
[…] created this alternative method of collecting tweets and has provided detailed instructions to archive and visualise Twitter conversations around an event […]
Visualising Twitter Networks: John Terry Captaincy Controversy « Twitter Abused
[…] Hawksey’s TAGSExplorer tool. Hawksey has written an interesting post about how to ‘archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation‘ through Google Docs in a slightly different way to Tony Hirst, with the use of this Google […]
I keep getting “Oops” and “Authorization is required to perform that action” whenever I try test collection or run now. I have been through every step of the Twitter API Authentication. Is it browser dependent? or is there something else I have missed?
Martin Hawksey
Hi Bill – the spreadsheet should work on all browsers. Sounds like the authenticate script didn’t complete. When you ran it did it open a popup to twitter for you to log in and approve access?
I figured it out. I have more than one Twitter ID and my gmail email ID is used to login to the lesser used the Twitter ID rather than the one that I normally use. You may want to add a note in your instructions that you need to create the Twitter App using the Twitter ID that corresponds to the gmail account that you are using for the Google docs – it would save dummies like me going wrong.
At the same time do you have a link with instructions on how to manipulate the visualization. I cannot find any button to allow me to replay tweets, zoom in or zoom out or even scroll up down or side to side when some of the nodes are off screen.
Thanks for you help as ever. Great App by the way
It would really help if you can provide a link with instructions on how to manipulate the visualization. I cannot find any button to allow me to replay tweets, and when viewing I’d like to be able to zoom in or zoom out or even scroll up down or side to side when some of the nodes are off screen.
Martin Hawksey
Thanks for the suggestion. Not a huge amount of control to write about (mousescroll wheel can move nodes in and out, you can click and drag individual nodes around) Need to experiment with new tools to give the user more control
Lizzie Cundy – BBC Breakfast: Sentiments about Twitter Abuse « Twitter Abused
[…] using Hawksey’s TAGSExplorer and Google Docs to scrape twitter myself, I located both Lizzie Cundy’s network, and […]
aimee w
Is it possible to change the time zone? We’re in New Zealand (I’m archiving conference tweets), but all the times are US times 🙁
Also, I don’t appear to be able to TAGSEplorer working. Having put in the URL and pressed ‘get names’, it just gives me the ‘i’m thinking’ wheel of doom. Been doing so for a coupla hours now, despite refreshes, reducing to hourly the frequency with which tweets were collected, etc…
Martin Hawksey
Hi Re timezone the raw data from Twitter comes back in GMT, currently there is no feature to modify the raw data.
Re TAGSExplorer make sure that you have File > Published to the web the spreadsheet first
Cool Tools For Your Event
[…] TagsExplorer Animations and archives • How to use […]
Alberto Cottica
You. Absolutely. Rule. Even I was able to go through these instructions. This must have taken you ages, and you are giving it away for free! Can I ask you what your motivation is?
Jeremy D.
This is an amazing tool – I cannot wait to share this with all of my analytic/techie friends & colleagues! Thanks & fine work Martin.
Text Analysis of Twitter Feed | Visualization, Tagsexplorer :: AnalyticSight
[…] Martin’s detailed instructions […]
Martin, it seems that I have a problem with the function authenticate. It gives me an unexpected error at line 1085. Is it a common issue?
Data Visualizing For Dummies | Cast Digital Sandbox Process
[…] perusing Hawksey’s blog, I came across an invention of his called TAGSExplorer. Using this Google Spreadsheet template that he had previously set up, you can then use […]
More on visualization: Martin Hawksey and TAGSExplorer #change11 « LEARNING RETENTION
[…] My thanks first of all go out to Dr.Tony Hirst for answering my tweet on finding Martin Hawksey “Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation” .Then huge applause for Martin for not only giving (what was to) me fool-proof instructions, but […]
Sheri Edwards
OH thank you so much for this! I have one goof error right now, but I’m sure it’s me. [Should get a new ref before getting an old one (line 1012) and one for line 105 another time]
I have my archive and that is so what I needed. Thanks a million.
Martin Hawksey
For those getting ‘get a new ref before getting an old one’ errors Google changed the way the code is handled. I’m updated the spreadsheet to fix this. Old copies should continue working if already authenticated. For new archives you should take a fresh copy of the spreadsheet from the link in the most.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention – sorry for the delay in fixing
Visualising Conversations about Twitter Abuse: Bubble Chart in D3.js « « Twitter Abused Twitter Abused
[…] of mind and wanting to do my own visual analysis of this evolvin controversy, I decided to use Hawksey’s Google TAGS spreadsheet to get a reatime scrape of the Twitter conversations that were occurring around the #chedevans […]
Rape Culture and Twitter Abuse: Visualising the Twitter reaction to Ched Evans Rape Case « « Twitter Abused Twitter Abused
[…] of mind and wanting to do my own visual analysis of this evolvin controversy, I decided to use Hawksey’s Google TAGS spreadsheet to get a reatime scrape of the Twitter conversations that were occurring around the #chedevans […]
Playing With Sand » Data Visualizing For Dummies, Part 1
[…] perusing Hawksey’s blog, I came across an invention of his called TAGSExplorer. Using this Google Spreadsheet template that he had previously set up, you can then use […]
Livetweeting « Libraries, the universe and everything
[…] put me on to @mhawksey‘s TAGS template for Google docs, and I’m currently immersed in his blog post of step-by-step instructions. I’m not yet sure whether it will work for tweets in the past, but I’ll definitely […]
elena rapisardi
Has someone tried to use google fusion tables to have a map in real time? I imported the archive into fusion tables, set the field of geo location and it worked, but it is a copy and not a feed.
Any suggestion?
Thanks so much – this is the best tweet-archiving tool I have managed to find! You’ve saved my research project! Will be recommending this one for sure!
#nlsled: amplifying and curating an event at Danegeld
[…] moment I am trying out Martin Hawksey’s Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (aka TAGS) and TAGS Explorer, which allows you to visualise the archived conversations. A series of posts on #bileta12 is […]
[…] included a few images here to entice you to have a go. Take it from me – with the video and step by step guide written by Martin it is not as difficult as it appears complex. TAGSExplorer enables you to […]
#heasocsci: social media and social sciences at Danegeld
[…] chance to give Martin Hawksey’s TAGS and TAGS Explorer a run-out with #heasocsci, the Higher Education Academy’s social sciences conference on 28-29 […]
TAGSExplorer - The best tool for archiving Twitter event hashtags
[…] But that’s not why I’m here. I’m actually here to talk about the awesome tool: TAGSExplorer. […]
sir, if I have to specify multiple tags do I need to obtain multiple keys?
secondly is there a way this tool can help me to obtain only retweets/ replies to a a particular tweet containing hashtag
the tool is perhaps the first integrated one. i have one doubt whether we can specify multiple tags, secondly can we have multiple sheets archived corresponding to multiple tags data. if yes where can we see them.
can we import the spreadsheet to nodexl.if yes, how??
Mark Braggins
Hi Martin, this is fantastic and I’ve used it a bunch of times for events. Thanks very much for sharing a brilliant tool.
I’m struggling to make complex search terms work. Could you possibly share some examples?
In point 3 of the instructions you say “You can control the type of data returned by changing the column heading” – sorry for me being slow, but I can’t see where to change the column heading. Can you advise please? Thanks very much for your help.
AAUP12 Twitter feed (partial) archive « The Digital Digest
[…] don’t know Martin Hawksey, but I was able to follow the instructions on of his blog posts to create a partial archive of the #aaup12 tweets. I say partial, because the 1500-tweet limit only […]
A way to archive and display Twitter hashtag chats JISC CETIS MASHe
[…] you #chat in a Google Spreadsheet another thing you can do is use my TAGSExplorer to let other people see and interact with the conversation. Here’s #uklibchat for the 12th […]
Tweet Analysis || by AnalyticSight :: AnalyticSight
[…] Martin Hawksey’s blogpost Categories : Google Docs Tools, Text Mining […]
Thanks for making this guide!
I started making a collection but it seems that the script soon fills the spreadsheet, exceeding maximum cell count. At the same time, data in ‘Archive’ seems to get lost (or at least FX is not displaying anything in the window).
What would you recommend in terms of long-term archiving, should I just start creating manually copies of the original file for real archives and manually clear out stuff from the ‘Archive’ sheet?
Alberto Cottica
Hello Martin, I have the same problem as Al here. I, too, would welcome a recommendation.
Martin Hawksey
Make a copy of your original or download archive and then clear all of the archive sheet except the header and 1st row after that. Then just keep on archiving. (I find it best to remerge the archives in Excel)
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation JISC CETIS MASHe | 21st C - Educational Culture |
[…] […]
How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation | Philosophy, Education, Technology |
[…] By Martin Hawksey (EdTech Explorer) […]
Christian Robert’s talk on simulation « Sam Clifford
[…] talk using the hashtags #xian and #amsi and have tried scraping my tweets using the tool described here. So I’ve now got a handy little archive of the tweets that I made. Turns out #xian is a poor […]
Hi Martin,
Thank you for sharing this wonderful tool. And for making this guide.
#drought12 and #climategate Twitter Explorers | Libby Hemphill
[…] to mine that data and to get a quick sense of what’s happening. Martin Hawksey has created TAGSExplorer, a set of free tools based on Google Spreadsheets, that lets you do just that. In about 5 minutes, […]
This is an awesome free (!) tool! Thanx a lot for sharing and your efforts.
If I may ask one question, it would be the following: Is it possible to change the metrics of the horizontal axe in the “Tweet volume over time” grafic? It displays 41154, 41158,… and so forth. Would be nice if here could be a time scale?
Thanks again!
Also, is there a way to change the collecting tweets timezone GMT to different, like EST?
Martin Hawksey
In this version no way without going into the code -working on this for the next version
Martin Hawksey
On the dashboard sheet unhide columns after H and select any column with 4 thousand and from the format menu select a date format.
Can the Museum Collect Tweets? |
[…] then stumbled across the opensource Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS) formerly called Twitteralytics which was developed by Martin Hawksey. The template […]
Hiya, I keep getting an error when trying to authenticate in the script editor.
Error says:
Request failed for returned code 404. Server response: <html
Before that it kept saying there was an error on line 1008:
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
Please help!
MC Lingold
Hi Martin! Thanks for this amazing resource! I’m having a bit of trouble in the final stage. When I select Run Now! I get an error message reading: “Apps Script Line 352 unexpected Error: unknown” Any ideas? I’m using Firefox in Mac Lion. Thank you again. Best, MCL
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive... via @cristobalcobo | Dyslexia, Literacy, and New-Media Literacy |
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive… via @cristobalcobo From – Today, 2:19 PM […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation JISC CETIS MASHe | 2.0 para principiantes |
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation … From – Today, 8:46 PM The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass… […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive... via @cristobalcobo | School Libraries and the importance of remaining current. |
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive… via @cristobalcobo From – Today, 8:23 AM The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass… […]
Summary of some of the monitoring tools and recipes I use at JISC CETIS JISC CETIS MASHe
[…] More info: […]
How to measure student engagement on Twitter | A Stick in the Sand
[…] tool. One of the tools we’ve set up is the nifty interactive archive of tweets using this terrific bag-o-tricks from Martin […]
Rape Culture: Visualising Twitter's reaction to Ched Evans Rape Case
[…] of mind and wanting to do my own visual analysis of this evolvin controversy, I decided to use Hawksey’s Google TAGS spreadsheet to get a reatime scrape of the Twitter conversations that were occurring around the #chedevans […]
Thanks Martin for the solution on how to work with the data.
However, I’m having some new issues with the script (TAGS v3.1). The main issue is that once it get’s too crowded the whole document becomes very unresponsive.
This get’s worse because I’ve lost the TAGS menu and the control over the script – but it still keeps on running! I would like to stop it, but I haven’t figure out how to do that because I cant’ access the script editor ATM (while the script is running?), all related items in the Tools menu are grayed out.
Any suggestions, just kill the spreadsheet?
Cheers Martin, thanks very very much
A million thanks to you for this tool. As a newbie to coding, I love how simple you’ve made this – my students and I are rather in awe of you. We have a question, though, if you have time to address it: We’d like to archive the tweets from our class sessions going back to September. Is such a thing possible? The collection of tweets seems to stop at just a few days old. We’d be grateful if you could point us to a potential work-around to grab more, older tweets.
Duke University
(you just answered this query via Twitter. Thank you!)
Rob Alexander
Hi Martin,
Just trying to get to grips with the script for a project that I’m working on and can’t seem to get it to authenticate when I do the Script Manager > run ‘authenticate’ step – it just seems to get stuck saying ‘running script…’, just wondering if you could think of any ideas as to why/any solutions?
Thanks for sharing your work – looks like this is going to be a really useful tool!
Rob Alexander
Just realised I was doing wrong – script editor, not manager! Apologies! 🙂
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation JISC CETIS MASHe
[…] event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation JISC CETIS MASHe // Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation J…. Related […]
Wow! I stumbled over your blog and I’m amazed! Fantastic work!
One thing: After pasting the spreadsheet URL in I always receive this error: “Error in query: Access denied Access denied”
What could I have done wrong?
Martin Hawksey
Hi CH, In the spreadsheet just make sure you have File > Published to the web and then it should work
Thanks a lot! I tried to use the share button in the upper right corner, which obviousliy isn’t enough.
Infobib » Archiviert und visualisiert: die Tweets zum #cch12
[…] den mir bekannten Tools ist Martin Hawkseys TAGS v3 (Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet) eines der einfachsten. Er selbst beschreibt sehr gut, wie man Tweets automatisch in ein Google […]
Creating Twitter Archives | digital nomad
[…] Here is the best tool I have found lately (and since it works as a ‘personal’ Twitter App it still works well: […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation | Aprendizaje infinito
[…] See on […]
Mr G's Idle Musings » Blog Archive » My Diigo 01/12/2013
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation J… […]
Update: Diigo in Education group (weekly) | ChalkTech
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation J… […]
Monday’s Musings « How to Teach Online
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation […]
Create an Interactive Tweet Archive with TAGSExplorer « Novel Technology
[…] to create such an archive (you can find five examples in this great post by Joanne Alcock), the Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS) created by Martin Hawksey is a perfect option if you are interested in visualizing the data as you archive it because it […]
Mr G's Idle Musings » Blog Archive » My Diigo 01/28/2013
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation J… […]
Analysing Twitter Q&As | appvocacy
[…] used a process created by Martin Hawksey, called TAGSExplorer. The process, explained here, involves archiving tweets with Google Spreadsheets and using a simple web interface to create an […]
Herramientas para gestionar y medir la actividad en Twitter | Esteban Romero
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation […]
Karmi Nguyen
Hi Martin,
I want to reuse your code in my project. Would you permit that? But I know you are free not to. Please let me know how much I can reuse your code.
Martin Hawksey
Hi Karmi – a lot of the code is already open source. If there is anything beyond this (or different license required) get in touch
Karmi Nguyen
Dear Martin,
I’m a loyal reader of your blog, and thank you for contributing your knowledge in such an amazing way (at least for me, who really admire your works and your skills). Thanks to you, TAGS and TAGSExplorer become part of my work, and following your Scoop on Google Scripts help me to discover interesting ideas.
Well, today I’m writing to ask for your help. I want to build a similar tool like TAGSExplorer for my social monitoring application. I know it’s a bit sensitive, and if you accept or not, I can understand and still be your loyal follower.
FYI, at this time, I have built a web app that uses social APIs to fetch social data (FB, TW, G+, Utube, News sites) about a specific keyword into local files. Then, I use GCharts to do some basic reports. I have successfully integrated some of your code in TAGSExplorer to visualize the Tweet Archive. But the problem is, when I change data archive without reloading the page (pass json data into saveAndDraw() in tags.js), the old nodes won’t change. I have tried to figure it out myself for 3 days but still no luck.
Karmi Nguyen.
P/s: Sorry for my English, I’m a Vietnamese.
Martin Hawksey
Hi Karmi – Sounds like a similar story to when I first created TAGSExlorer. I spent days trying to get d3js to work the way I wanted, desperately changing and testing things to get it to work. If it helps TAGSExplorer was built on the Twitter Smash example. My advice if you are still having problems is to post a question on stackoverflow
Karmi Nguyen
Hi Martin,
Thank you for your guide, I have found some sources helped me tame it the way I wanted 🙂 It’s really amazing, and I think that you would be a great teacher. You really inspire and provide me with food for thought.
Again, thank you very much!
Approaching Social Media Research | cityawakenings
[…] So with a bit of technical jiggery-pokery (thankfully made easy by fantastic instructions from Martin Hawksey), I am now archiving all usage of #MIF13 on Twitter. This not only keeps track of who is tweeting […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation | La classe numérique |
[…] The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass media events, various TV shows now h… […]
Sanjay Mahtani
Hi Martin,
I’m creating a visualisation to capture the conversations around a Q&A session tomorrow. Is there a way of collecting tweets during a specific time period, ie. starting 12:45 BST and ending 14:00 BST?
I selected the collectTweets trigger, making it time-driven at a specific date and time (2013-04-18 12:45), but the script starts collecting tweets immediately.
In addition, is there a way to end the collection at a certain time?
Thanks in advance,
Martin Hawksey
The solution here should work
They Tweet with a Purpose: Interesting Twitter Data from AACC 2013
[…] with a really cool tool using Google spreadsheets and the Twitter API. It is brought to us by Martin Hawksey from the UK I love the […]
List of Bookmarks collected from Jan-May
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation J… […]
List of Bookmarks collected from Jan-May
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation J… […]
Links of the day | 在网上找到 | renaissance chambara | Ged Carroll
[…] Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation J… […]
Post Mortem: #NoHateSpeech & #IDAHO – critical reflection | digital.artizans
[…] TAGSexplorer is a courtesy tool of @mhawksey which makes possible to users to archive and explore the entire event hashtag and reply any of conversations, by using a combination of Google Spreadsheets as a data source and a simple web interface to add interactivity. I setup a TAGSexplorer for the EAD and there were around 1000 tweets archived, which provide very interesting data from Twitter and allows users to check out who engaged during the EAD. This tool is a big win! […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and crea...
[…] Twitter Hashtags via Google Spreadsheet archivieren und aufbereiten […]
Amp up your Twitter Archiving and Use TAGS v5.0 #cdnedchat | Joy of Education
[…] (made a copy of the spreadsheet). This let me make a copy successfully. I then started following this more detailed post of how to capture tweets using TAGS v5.0 for the next steps in this […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and crea...
[…] The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass media events, various TV shows now h… […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and crea...
[…] The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass media events, various TV shows now h… […]
Ramping up Overall Engagement at Your Conference or Event: My Observation of how Gamification Impacted Social Media Usage at a Conference.
[…] upon a very cool tool uses Google spreadsheets and the Twitter API. It is brought to us by Martin Hawksey from the UK I love the […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and crea...
[…] The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass media events, various TV shows now having and publicising their own tag. This resource is often lost in time, only tiny snippets being captured in blog posts or summaries using tools like Storify, which often loose the richness of individual conversations between participants.It doesn’t have to be this way. Using a combination of Google Spreadsheets as a data source and a simple web interface to add interactivity it’s possible to let users explorer your entire event hashtag and replay any of conversations. […]
Rape Culture and Twitter Abuse: Visualising Twitter’s reaction to the Ched Evans Rape Case | Digital Coeliac
[…] of mind and wanting to do my own visual analysis of this evolvin controversy, I decided to use Hawksey’s Google TAGS spreadsheet to get a reatime scrape of the Twitter conversations that were occurring around the #chedevans […]
Visualising Twitter Networks: John Terry Captaincy Controversy | Digital Coeliac
[…] Hawksey’s TAGSExplorer tool. Hawksey has written an interesting post about how to ‘archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation‘ through Google Docs in a slightly different way to Tony Hirst, with the use of this Google […]
Lizzie Cundy – BBC Breakfast: Sentiments about Twitter Abuse | Digital Coeliac
[…] using Hawksey’s TAGSExplorer and Google Docs to scrape twitter myself, I located both Lizzie Cundy’s network, and […]
Twitter for global community building #icollab | #iCollab
[…] ALTC2013 I came across @mhawksey TAGSExplorer visual Twitter analysis tool. This is a powerful tool for analysing Twitter interaction via a […]
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and crea...
[…] The musing of Martin Hawksey – EdTech Explorer. Interested in EdTech, Mashups, Google Apps Script, SNA, Data Mining/Wrangling, MOOCs and Open Education in general […]
Ulearn13 – catching up | A Box of Thistles
[…] have also had a play with Martin Hawksey’s TagsExplorer which I encountered whilst I was doing my MOOC in January. The visual display of tweets is […]
Day Ten of #ARU10DoT: Past and Future | #ARU10DoT Ten Days of Twitter
[…] want to know more about how these visualisations were created, there are instructions online and further instructions on making a visualisation such as the ones linked to […]
(Digital) Humanities – revisited: Twitter und Blogs als Kommunikationswerkzeuge bei der Herrenhäuser Konferenz der VolkswagenStiftung 2013 | Wissen in Verbindung
[…] während der Konferenz konnten mit dem Hashtag #dighum1213 gesammelt werden. Ich habe sie mittels TAGS 5.1 in einer Tabelle archiviert und mit dem TAGSExplorer eine Visualisierung erstellt. Ich versuche […]
how can we reset the data in a sheet? by reset i mean: return to the original state without resetting the connection.
Martin Hawksey
I usually just delete all the rows except the heading row in the ‘Archive’ sheet
that is what i did, but i found that it collected empty row after that.
i had a sheet collecting a string. it reached the maximum cells per sheet as google spreadsheets defined it. so i downloaded a copy to my computer, then emptied the sheet by deleting all rows except the first one. what happened is that the system kept adding rows to the sheet, but they were empty. so i thought that there is a better way to do this.
Martin Hawksey
Sounds like you are just deleting the row values. Highlighting the rows and then Edit > Delete rows removes the rows making it easier to navigate
anyway, i would like to thank you for this great script. one of the best that i have found and used. i would also like to recommend that you move the script to the new Google spreadsheets. this will delay all the of the cell and sheets limitations. thank you again. wonderful work.
Martin Hawksey
Thanks Gebaly. I’m waiting for improved performance on some of the methods used on new sheets
Rape Culture and Twitter Abuse: Visualising Twitter’s reaction to the Ched Evans Rape Case « Twitter Abused
[…] of mind and wanting to do my own visual analysis of this evolvin controversy, I decided to use Hawksey’s Google TAGS spreadsheet to get a reatime scrape of the Twitter conversations that were occurring around the #chedevans […]
Visualising Twitter Networks: John Terry Captaincy Controversy « Twitter Abused
[…] Hawksey’s TAGSExplorer tool. Hawksey has written an interesting post about how to ‘archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation‘ through Google Docs in a slightly different way to Tony Hirst, with the use of this Google […]
Lizzie Cundy – BBC Breakfast: Sentiments about Twitter Abuse « Twitter Abused
[…] using Hawksey’s TAGSExplorer and Google Docs to scrape twitter myself, I located both Lizzie Cundy’s network, and […]
Revisiting the question of tagging | Multiliteracies
[…] […]
Cecile Farnum
Hello Martin – I will ‘out’ myself right away as a non-techie, but I’m looking for a tool that will allow me to archive tweet associated with a hashtag that is no longer in use. Most of the tweets would be from a couple years ago. Is that possible with your tool?
Much thanks,
Cecile Farnum
Martin Hawksey
Unfortunately as far as I’m aware this data is currently only available through Twitter official data resellers like Datasift and Topsy. The cost per tweet is low but I’ve done no work with their systems so don’t know how easy the data is to get at.
Hello Martin, I would like to collect the tweets connected to the hashtag #freethearctic30 which was created in september 2013. I need the tweets between september 2013 and december 2013. I’m doing this as a research for my final thesis, I’m an Italian student. I want to see the online activity around this hashtag. Do you think it will work using this script? I tried to modify the trigger, in order to collect the data since last semptember, but it doesn’t work. Can you help me?
Martin Hawksey
Hi Tom – the data from twitter is limited to the last 7 days. You can browser further back using a service like Topsy but there is no free data export options
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and crea...
[…] The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass… […]
Hi Martin. I tried collecting tweets for the #stoptheNSA hashtag using TAGS but it doesn’t seem to work. It collects no tweets when I use either the run now command or the hourly collection command. In the dashboard, on the first right-hand box, I see an error in red that says “cannot read property ‘title’ of undefined.” Is there something I’m missing in the setup, execution, etc.? Thanks!
Martin Hawksey
That’s the NSA for you ;). When you open the Tools > Script editor and Run > authenticateTwitter what happens?
Actually I figured out what I was doing wrong after all…I think I just hadn’t put the Google Spreadsheets URL as the callback link when I created my Twitter app. Thanks!
Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and crea...
[…] The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass media events, various TV shows now having and publicising their own tag. This resource is often lost in time, only tiny snippets being captured in blog posts or … […]
wonderful script, works great except that, after publishing, I’m not able to grab the permanent link to the visualisation, when i click “get link” the visualisation tool keeps reloading data.
Realtime Visualisatie #inboundmarketing twitter conversaties met TAGSExplorer. - Sagamore Marketing
[…]… […]
How Sheila’s been seen this week – network visualisations and am I really a techie? (a touch of #lak14) | howsheilaseesIT
[…] just need to figure out if this is more useful than the Martin Hawksey’s quite brilliant TAGs Explorer . . […]
Tenth Day of #ARU10DoT: The Past and the Future | #ARU10DoT Ten Days of Twitter
[…] want to know more about how these visualisations were created, there are instructions online and further instructions on making a visualisation such as the ones linked to […]
Links Next Door (03/05/2014): THATCamp Digital Writing Edition | Manuel Betancourt
[…] – Throughout the event, we tweeted with the hashtag #TCDW14 but if instead of scrolling through the endless tweets you just wanted a visualization of what we chatted about, look no further than the Tag flow at TAGSExplorer and you can learn more about that particular tool here. […]
I am trying to capture all hashtag mentions for a major event we had. I have done everything, I just can’t get it authenticate? I have an email that says it is not authenticating with Twitter. How do I verify that my credentials are correct and the connection is successfully being made before I try and verify this script? Thank you!
hi! I’ve tried to do this spreadsheet and run the script every 8 hours, it seems that in 2 days I’ve reach maximum number of line in the document…how can I do another archive in automatic way? second question: is possible to search tweets for certain location? thanks!
How To Hack Twitter Without Downloading Anything Camfrog | Camfrog
[…] File Name : Twitter: how to archive event hashtags and create an Source : Download : Twitter: how to archive event hashtags and create an […]
Realtime Visualisation #inboundmarketing Twitter Archive - Sagamore Marketing
[…]… […]
Wikipedia Tips from #eduwiki | John's World Wide Wall Display
[…] idea of how interesting the rest of the day and conference were from the #eduwiki tweets, I used Martian Hawsksey’s tools to create an archive and an exploratory […]
Collecting Echoes | Digital Information & Technology Adventures
[…] Martin Hawksey created an alternative method to use that swiss army knife of data analysis, the spreadsheet (specifically Google Spreadsheets), […]