[Events] Upcoming Google Apps for Education Professional Development Webinars

Details of these webinars just landed in my inbox via the Google Apps for Education Team and I thought worth sharing (all of these run at 16:30 PST which equals 00:30 BST – I think I’ll be catching the recordings ;):

Monday, May 2, 2011
Running a school on Google Apps
Google Apps is a great tool for the classroom, but just is just as effective for managing & organizing day-to-day operations of any sized school district. This webinar will showcase a number of ways that Google Apps is being used currently at two different high school districts.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
32 Ways to use Google Apps in the Classroom
This session will demonstrate some of the most powerful ways that teachers can leverage Google Apps tools in their classrooms, including ideas for using Google Docs for collaborative lesson planning to giving your students a formative assessment through Google forms.

Monday, May 16, 2011
Grading and Grade Books with Google Apps
This session will focus on grading and grade book applications that integrate with Google Apps. Representatives from LearnBoost and Engrade will demo their product and showcase their Google Apps integrations. This session will also show you how to use Fluburooo, a new tool created in a Googler’s 20% time that will allow you to create self grading assessments using Google Forms and Spreadsheets.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Learning Management Systems and Google Apps
Learn about three LMSs available on the marketplace that integrate with Google Apps. Representatives from Haiku, Class.io, and CourseDirector will demo their products and answers your questions.

You can also access archived webinars in our Google Apps for Education Resource Center.
