JISC Winter Fayre: Voting and Google Wave Presentations

Things have been quite on the blogging front as we dug out the tinsel to celebrate all things JISC at our Winter Fayre. We managed to squeeze almost 30 different keynotes, workshops and sessions into the day, including two by yours truly. I had the honour of presenting a short overview of electronic voting present […]

Integrating twitter voting and feedback into PowerPoint

Regular readers of this blog will know that one of my current interests is using twitter as a live in-class voting tool (TwEVS). Today, via Jane Hart, I was made aware of ‘Free PowerPoint Twitter Tools’ developed by Timo Elliott. Timo’s solution not only integrates voting within a PowerPoint presentation, but he has some other […]

ALT-C 2009 I: Mobile technology – proximity push and voting/polling on Android

Just back from ALT-C 2009 having been asked to present a session with colleagues on EduApps (this resulted from JISC RSC UK’s donation of an EduApps stick to all conference delegates and ALT members). Over the next couple of days I’ll be making a series of posts to highlight some of the best bits. For […]

Electronic voting and interactive lectures using twitter (TwEVS)

[flickr]3859791831[/flickr] Last week I posted a method for combining twitter and Yahoo Pipes to allow electronic voting (EVS) style interaction within lectures, TwEVS [see Twitter + voting/polling + Yahoo Pipes = TwEVS (The Making Of)]. At the time I was only interested in documenting the development of this ‘mashup’ but felt a follow up post […]

DIY: A wi-fi student response system

[flickr]photo:12563361[/flickr] Mobile phone ownership within the UK is regularly reported around 90% peaking to 95-97% for 16-24 year olds. While we know ownership is high, there is very little research on the type of phone young people have. Knowing the type of phone potentially allows us as educators to start tapping in to this resource. […]
