
Mobile Internet, Mobile Life, Mobile Learning

[flickr]photo:118654762[/flickr] Last month I commented on the growth in the Mobile Internet. More evidence of this was revealed on Monday (24th Nov ’08) when Neilson Online published the first results from Mobile Media View (full press release available here). They are reporting a 25% growth in the use of mobile Internet from 5.8 to 7.3 […]

PREVIEW – Clinical problem based learning in Second Life

A couple of weeks ago our RSC was involved in the Virtual Worlds 2008 event at the University of Stirling. As part of this I was tasked with facilitating a hands-on session being given by David Burden, MD at Daden Ltd (here’s Daden’s YouTube playlist). David was highlighting his work with University of Coventry and […]

Open Educational Resources – CETIS Briefing Paper

Previously on NewsFeed we’ve announced the £5.7 million Academy/JISC project which will pilot the opening up of educational resources. Invitation to tender for this funding strand will be announced in December. To get the gray cells ticking over CETIS have published a Open Educational Resources Briefing Paper. The paper includes: Discussion on the conceptual and […]

Only got a Minute? Foreign Language Podcasts

Would you like to learn some basic foreign language phrases? OneMinuteLanguages might be your answer. They are currently running a weekly series of language lessons available as one minute podcasts. 12 different languages are available ranging from French and German to Irish and Japanese. The courses are designed as a taster and cover things like […]

Which netbook? Ultra Mobile Computing Buyers Guide

In September I wrote about netbooks (Ultra mobile, ultra cheap – Netbooks) and in particular what I be looking for when buying. This is one of my most popular (I’m guessing drawing in Googler’s looking for advice). Following the recent hiatus with almost a weekly announcement of a new netbook, things seemed to have settled […]

Higher Education Academy Scotland – October Newsletter

The Higher Education Academy Scotland have published their latest newsletter. This edition includes a summary of the programme of work planned for Scotland in 2008-09 with emphasis on Employability, Professional Development Planning, and Internationalisation and Education for Sustainable Development. As always there is also a comprehensive list of events for October to January. The newsletter […]

BBC – A Video Guide to Blogging for Beginners

The BBC’s Working Lunch have put together a short video guide on ‘Blogging for beginners’ (prepare yourself for dynamic music and quick cutting).

LiveWeb – Insert and View Web Pages in PowerPoint in Real-time

In NewsFeed we recently featured Paul’s E-Learning Resource (a list of freely available tools and services for e-learning). In his latest update he highlights LiveWeb, a great free add-in for PowerPoint, which allows you to insert live web pages into your presentation. Inserted web pages are live so you can interact with them (navigate, input […]

Opening up Educational Resources in HE

  The Higher Education Academy and JISC have announced a £5.7 million project, funded by HEFCE, piloting the opening up of education resources from higher education institutions to the world. Significant work has already been done to make digital resources widely available by JISC Services, the Higher Education Academy and individual institutions. Dr John Selby, […]

Times Higher Education Feature on Academic Blogging

The Times Higher Education (THE) has published an article reporting the rise of blogging by UK academics. The article focuses on the issues of academic freedom, highlighting several cases where staff have been asked to remove their sites from institutional servers or remove references to their employers. There are some very interesting examples of how […]

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