
Ollie Bray’s: Free Tools for Teachers

As regular readers to NewsFeed may have gathered we like anything that is free. EduApps is free, the JISC Winter Fayre is free, this newsletter is free. A man after our own heart is Ollie Bray National Advisor for Learning and Teaching Scotland. As part of a recent conference presentation Ollie highlighted a number of […]

JISC Digital Media Online Surgeries

JISC Digital Media are providing fortnightly one-hour online help and support sessions to answer any queries you have regarding digital media. Queries regarding any aspect of still images, moving images (including video), audio and how they can be used for teaching and learning are welcome. Technical, workflow related or general queries will be answered and […]

What I've starred this week: October 27, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Mozilla’s Raindrop Wants to Solve Your Communication Woes – October 26, 2009 – Reckon next year will be communication 2.0 Future is free – October 23, 2009 google: RT @googlereader Personalize your reading with our new magic sorting, recommended sources and popular items – […]

What I've starred this week: October 20, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Sustainable ICT Procurement in HE – October 19, 2009 Paramedic training in virtual environments honoured by JISC Times Higher Education Award – October 16, 2009 – Overview and demonstration by my good self here: Answering demand for instruction and guidance… in real-time – October […]

RSC Google Wave Phase I: Local installation

Like many others out there I’m interested in Google Wave and the opportunities for communication, collaboration and social learning in education. Followers of my twitter feed will also be aware that I’ve been scrabbling around for an invite to the wave preview site (this is hopefully now in hand thanks to colleagues). One of the […]

Educational Firefox Extensions – Juice

I originally put this post together for RSC NewsFeed, but thought worth reposting here: One of the great features of open source software is the potential for the wider community to start rapidly developing and integrating new features, in many ways utilising the power of the crowd. The web browser Firefox is a great example. […]

School of Everything

There is an ongoing debate about the position of further and higher education institutions in a world of increased openness where access to high quality educational resources and communities of learners. Ultimately these institutions will undoubtedly continue to exist in some form as places which structure and accredit learning, but it is an ever changing […]

Integrating twitter voting and feedback into PowerPoint

This post originally appeared in the RSC Scotland North & East Higher Education blog (MASHe) on the 6th October:  Regular readers of this blog will know that one of my current interests is using twitter as a live in-class voting tool (TwEVS). Today, via Jane Hart, I was made aware of ‘Free PowerPoint Twitter Tools’ […]

100 Must-Read Blog Posts on the Future of Learning have put together a list of the 100 Must-Read Blog Posts on the Future of Learning: With a struggling economy and a president with a keen eye on education, it will be interesting to see what happens to the future of learning with such opposing forces. Plenty of experts and lay-people alike have kicked […]

Educational Firefox Extensions – Juice

One of the great features of open source software is the potential for the wider community to start rapidly developing and integrating new features, in many ways utilising the power of the crowd. The web browser Firefox is a great example. Its origins lie in the developers frustrations of developer driven feature creep. Creating an […]

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