
What I've starred this week: October 13, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Business specialist becomes UHI secretary – October 12, 2009 webinar protocols – October 12, 2009 c4lpt: Free Powerpoint Twitter Tools – October 6, 2009 – looks like some great tools you can integrate to get the post out of a twitter backchannel Future of […]

RSC-MP3: HE Update Sep 09

Welcome to our first episode of RSC-MP3 for the new academic year. RSC-MP3 is a monthly audio podcast highlighting some higher education focused e-learning news, interviews and resources brought to you by Kevin Brace (JISC RSC West Midlands) and Martin Hawksey (JISC RSC Scotland North and East). As ever we have summarised links to the […]

RSC-MP3: HE Update Sep 09 – Interview Review

To kick-off the new academic year we look back at the interviews recorded for last year’s RSC-MP3. We have a rich resource of interviews from noted practitioners (and guru’s) from both the UK and even overseas and we discuss our particular highlights from the year. As well as looking back we also look towards the […]

Integrating twitter voting and feedback into PowerPoint

Regular readers of this blog will know that one of my current interests is using twitter as a live in-class voting tool (TwEVS). Today, via Jane Hart, I was made aware of ‘Free PowerPoint Twitter Tools’ developed by Timo Elliott. Timo’s solution not only integrates voting within a PowerPoint presentation, but he has some other […]

What I've starred this week: October 6, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Soon to Launch: Lists – October 5, 2009 – Twitter will officially supporting groups/lists in the near future. In the meantime there are plenty of 3rd party sites which already allow you to create maintain twitter groups SharePoint in UK universities – literature review – […]

TwEVS – Presentation (using twitter for electronic voting)

Yesterday I presented TwEVS to the e-Learning Alliance FE/HE SIG held at University of St. Andrews. My presentation (including audio) is below: The day included presentations on remote teaching using video conferencing, electronic voting systems and an introduction to twitter, so finishing on TwEVS seemed to round the day off nicely. When I get a […]

What I've starred this week: September 29, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Mobile Libraries got a life far outside the Library – September 24, 2009 – “Mobile Libraries is devoted to documenting any and all topics relating to services provided by libraries to patrons within mobile environments.” Google Steps Where Many Have Stumbled: Sidewiki – September 23, […]

What I've starred this week: September 22, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Look Out Animoto — Stupeflix.TV Makes Video Out Of Tweets And Video, Live – September 21, 2009 Next: An Internet Revolution in Higher Education – BusinessWeek – September 21, 2009 c4lpt: Draft roadmap for Elgg 1.7 – September 18, 2009 – I know there […]

ALT-C 2009 II: Audio and screen visual feedback to support student learning (and research methodologies)

[flickr]2597104631[/flickr] For the next post in my ALT-C series I’m going to highlight a session I didn’t actually attend but immediately regretted when comments started filtering in on twitter. The session was based around the paper by Rodway-Dyer, Dunne and Newcombe from University of Exeter which summaries a study of audio and visual feedback used […]

MASHe 100th post: Electronic Voting & Interactive Lectures using Twitter (TwEVS)

TwEVS (Original image ‘disk bird’ by r8r) Originally uploaded by m.hawksey The Higher Education blog for Scotland North and East recently hit it’s 100th post. Since its first post in May last year a wide variety of topics have been covered from the analysis of research publications, interviews with noted academics and tips on how […]

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