
Twitter powered subtitles: Creation and playback for SMIL 3.0 SMILText, *.srt and Timed Text (BBC iPlayer)

Since my first post on Twitter powered subtitles for BBC iPlayer Tony Hirst has put together another interesting post presenting a method for curating supplemental content for students using his DeliTV. Tony finishes his post commenting that it would be useful to see how timed text could be used to supplement radio broadcasts with either […]

What I’ve starred this week: February 23, 2010

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Is Second Life about to enter its “second life?” – February 22, 2010 Marine scientist becomes head of the new UHI graduate school – February 22, 2010 Scheduling Content Round the Edges – Supporting OU/BBC Co-Productions – February 22, 2010 Raise your game – February […]

The Virtual Revolution: Twitter subtitles for BBC iPlayer

Following on from my post on Twitter powered subtitles for BBC iPlayer below is the subtitle file for the latest episodes. More information on the series is available from The Virtual Revolution website. The Cost of free Sat 13 Feb 2010 @ 21:15 | Subtitle file (search term: ‘#bbcrevolution -watching’) Homo Interneticus Sat 20 Feb […]

Twitter powered subtitles for BBC iPlayer

Update: Latest twitter subtitle file for The Virtual Revolution Update: Revised code to include other timed text/caption formats On demand television like the BBC iPlayer has changed the TV habits of many users. Instead of waiting to tune into the live broadcast views can download and watch programmes at a time of their choosing and […]

Scottish Universities See Rise in Applications

Success! – Undergrad Graduation by m00by BBC News Scotland reported on recent UCAS figures showing that there has been rises in applications to Scottish universities. The biggest rise was reported in the over 25s with a 108% increase in applications. There were also rises in the 21-24 age group which was up by 58% and […]

British Library and Microsoft Announce Online Platform for Collaborative Research

The British Library and Microsoft Research have worked in partnership to design and develop a ‘virtual research environment’ that will provide a single easy-to-use interface enabling research teams to work collaboratively. The Research Information Centre (RIC) Framework will provide an environment in which users can create, share, discuss, manage, find and track articles, references, bookmarks, […]

MIT STAR Projects – Free software tools and resources for engineering and science education

Continuing MITs philosophy to support open educationally resources (MIT OpenCourseWare launched in 2002) there are some software tools and classroom materials for biology, physics and civil/environmental engineering. As part of the STAR programme staff at MIT are seeking “to bridge the divide between scientific research and the classroom”. As part of this project the MIT […]

What I’ve starred this week: February 16, 2010

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Sciencefeed Launches Friendfeed-Like Platform For Scientists – February 15, 2010 Scottish science citations show global strength – February 11, 2010 Values and educational technology: away from a Whiggish view – February 10, 2010 Smartphone keys get quantum trick – February 9, 2010 Investigation into Challenges, […]

What I’ve starred this week: February 9, 2010

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: The Future of Higher Education: Beyond the Campus – a joint JISC, SURF, EDUCAUSE, and CAUDIT report – February 7, 2010 Ready-made IT user documentation – February 5, 2010 Facebook dominates UK mobile use – February 5, 2010 Displaying a dynamic publications list from a […]

Electronic APEL/RPL resources, projects and papers

[flickr]3990770367[/flickr] For those of you unfamiliar with how the JISC Regional Support Centres work we have a national network of 13 centres (What we do JISC RSCs). So around the UK there are 12 other people like me advising our supported HEIs. As part of our role in ‘brokering support and advice’ we occasionally call […]

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