
Microsoft Office 2010: First look free e-Book

Microsoft Office 2010 isn’t due out until the 12th May and it will be some time more before it hits campus desktops. However, if you would like to get up to speed with the major changes in the new suite, the Microsoft Learning team have put together a free e-book, “First Look Microsoft Office 2010”. […]

SFC: Learning for All: Fourth Update Report

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) and the National Union of Students (Scotland) held the 2010 Learning for All conference on the 23rd March 2010 in Glasgow, launching the Learning for All: Fourth update report on measures of success March 2010. When it was first published in September 2005, Learning for All proposed that our progress […]

What I’ve starred this week: March 30, 2010

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Helen Talks to TED – March 29, 2010 First Look at Office 2010 – free e-book – March 26, 2010 Rumor: Google's Set Top Box Won't Replace Your Current One, But "Daisy-Chain" Them [Google] – March 26, 2010 – This is how you could merge […]

Using Google Apps Script for a event booking system (Spreadsheet to Calendar & Site | Form to Spreadsheet, Email and possible Contacts)

Update: New version is posted here The best Google Spreadsheet Event Manager (w/h Sites, Contact, Calendar integration) ever, ever, ever A while ago I was looking at Updating a Google Calendar and Google Site from a Google Spreadsheet (the beginnings of an event booking system). This idea was inspired by Tony Hirst’s work on updating a […]

Gordon Brown’s Building Britain’s Digital Future announcement with twitter subtitles

I’ve been quietly snaffling twitter timelines using the subtitle generator I created. The latest one was prompted by Brian Kelly’s post on the The “Building Britain’s Digital Future” Announcement. In this post he mentioned that twitter was a buzz with the #bbdf hashtag. Clicking on the image below will take you to a page I […]

What I’ve starred this week: March 23, 2010

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: £30 million institute for Web Science will lead the way in Web 3.0 – March 22, 2010 Why Facebook hasn’t overtaken Google in the UK (and won’t for the foreseeable future) – March 19, 2010 What is the future of education? A request for help […]

Google Wave Update: Latest Developments and New Applications

The post below originally appeared in RSC NewsFeed. I’m reposting to add to my Google Wave collection. It has been noticeable that mentions of Google Wave have dropped off as the year has progressed. Whilst Google’s Buzz has been catching the headlines, the Wave Team are still quietly working away tweaking both the core code […]

Google Apps Marketplace

Marketplaces continue to be a popular model to allow third party developers to extended the functionality of your products (and more often than not generate some additional revenue). The most well known example is perhaps Apple’s App Store for the iPhone/ipod Touch. Earlier in the year it was reported that the App Store was responsible […]

Your Inbox: Getting More Social

Some of you maybe sick of the ‘social’ tag being used on virtual every new website start-up, and you maybe about to get sicker when you find out software developers want to ‘socialise’ your inbox. Microsoft Outlook 2010 First we have Microsoft’s Social Connector add-on for Outlook 2010. This allows users to view and use […]

Google Wave Update: Latest Developments and New Applications

It has been noticeable that mentions of Google Wave have dropped off as the year has progressed. Whilst Google’s Buzz has been catching the headlines, the Wave Team are still quietly working away tweaking both the core code and functionality of this application. Two of the biggest changes have been the inclusion of  ‘read-only and […]

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