[TAGS Action Required] Twitter removing free API access breaking TAGS archives with Easy Setup

On 02 February 2023 Twitter announced the end of free access to the Twitter API. TAGS will remain available for anyone who wants to continue using it, but archives created with Easy Setup will stop working after February 9, 2023. Find out more about how you can continue using TAGS…

TAGS gets a timeline widget to display your latest archived tweets (replacement for the Twitter search timeline widget)

On 23 March 2018 Twitter announced that it was retiring search timeline widgets, suggesting people moved to a Curate a Collection of Tweets. For a lot of people, myself included, this is far from an ideal solution. Given the number of hashtag communities I’m part of I’d much prefer to set something up and let it run in the background. For TAGS users the good news is I’ve created a custom widget to display the last 10 results from a TAGS Archive.

Slight change of plan … taking some research leave to revisit TAGS

In 2010 I spotted an exchange of tweets between Martin Weller, Brian Kelly and Tony Hirst discussing the capture of event hashtags on Twitter: This exchange got me thinking about how Google Sheets could be used to automatically archive Twitter search terms. A couple days later I published a solution for Using Google Spreadsheet to […]

Social Media Analytics: Using Data to Understand Public Conversations (course feat. TAGS) #FLsocmed

Queensland University of Technology have just started a free FutureLearn course on ‘Social Media Analytics: Using Data to Understand Public Conversations’. The course is described as: From the personal to the political, social media conversations are at the heart of cultural and social change. In this course you will be introduced to digital methods to […]

TAGS Tricks: Making a searchable location map of your top Twitter contributors with Geocode by Awesome Table

In this post I’ll show you how to make a searchable Twitter contributor map like the one below in a couple of clicks, however I feel it’s my duty to educate you first…

Twitter Archive Google Sheets (TAGS) just got a bit easier with an easy setup

If you haven’t been following the TAGS story this is my long-standing project to make it easier for people to archive Twitter results to a Google Sheet. The brief history lesson is this project started in 2010 when you didn’t need any authentication, you could copy the template enter your search term and start collecting […]

Making a Google Apps Script powered Twitterwall with schedule and announcements – Part 1

Part 1 of how you can modify Remy Sharp’s Twitterwall app to run from Google Drive/Apps Script

Open call for contributions: TAGS talk at #OER15 – how are you using Twitter to support education

In a couple of weeks I’ll be talking about TAGS at OER15 (14:30-15:00, 15th April). Whilst parallel sessions aren’t going to be streamed I’ve got a couple of ideas for broadcasting my session. If I pull this off I’ll be co-tagging my presentation #oer15 #740. My notes for structuring the session so far is: Networks […]

TwtrService Example: EasyTweetSheet (lets you send tweets from Google Sheet)

Very basic Google Sheet template to let you draft tweets which are published to Twitter when you click a link.

TwtrService: A Twitter API client library for Google Apps Script

The TwtrService library for Google Apps Script centrally stores your Twitter access details allowing them to accessed from multiple script projects without the need for re-authentication. This post outline usage of the library.

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