More Library Mashups: OpenRefine(ing) and Visualizing Library Data

I’ve a couple of book contributions in the bag. My latest output is my first solo effort in More Library Mashups, edited by Nicole C. Engard. The chapter, ‘OpenRefine(ing) and visualizing library data’, is a work up of one of the posts I released as part of the UKOER Visualisation Project on extracting and visualising repository data from Jorum.

[Repost] Putting a pin in a map: Mapping evidence from OER Research Hub surveys

A repost of guest post on OER Research Hub on November 24th, 2014 As part of the OER Research Hub the community has been asked to respond to surveys examining OER awareness and usage. This has been done using the online web service SurveyMonkey. One of the features of SurveyMonkey is to record additional information […]

Mining and OpenRefine(ing) JISCMail: A look at OER-DISCUSS [Listserv]

This post takes you thorugh the process of extracting data (in this case a listserv JISCMail list) using OpenRefine and processing the data to make it useable in other applications. The focus of this tutorial is the OER-DISCUSS list.

Visualizing cMOOC data: Extracting and analysing data from FeedWordPress part 1 #ds106 #NodeXL

Aggregation of content is at the heart of cMOOC design and the RSS resyndication tool FeedWordPress is at the heart of a number of courses including ds106. In this most I explore how data collected by FeedWordPress can be refined and visualised in NodeXL to give an overview of content and using betweenness centrailty identify influencial posts

Quick play with carrot2 for clustering and visualising a conference Twitter archive #or2012

Notes on my first play with Carrot2 Workbench (a search term clustering/analysis/visualisation tool). In this example reformat tweets from #or2012 using Google Refine into a Carrot2 XML format. Still loads to learn about C2 so if you have any pointers I’d be very grateful

Integrating Google Spreadsheet/Apps Script with Google Refine to update existing spreadsheets

Working on some OER Visualisation Project work today I found I needed to get some additional information from an external web service for a Google Spreadsheet I was working on. I could have of course just used Google Apps Script, a native feature within Google Spreadsheets, to do a UrlFetch and get the information but […]

OER Visualisation Project: How is OER being shared – Quick look at Jorum and #ukoer Twitter archive [day 24]

This might be slightly off-topic for the OER Visualisation project, but I followed an idea, did – what I think are – some interesting things with an archive of tweets and thought I would share. This line of thought was triggered by a tweet from Terry McAndrew in which he asked: @mhawksey Have you a […]

Free (and rebuild) the tweets! Export TwapperKeeper archives using Google Refine

Last month I posted Free the tweets! Export TwapperKeeper archives using Google Spreadsheet, which was a response to the announcement that TwapperKeeper would be removing public access to archives on the 6th January. This solution was limited to archives smaller than 15,000 tweets (although minor tweaking could probably get more). Since then Tony Hirst has […]
