Introduction to building conversational interfaces with Dialogflow in Google Apps Script powered Google Hangouts Chat bots

In this blog post I’m going to show you how you can use Google Dialogflow in your Google Hangouts Chat bots to easily create AI powered conversational interfaces.

A Bitly shim for UrlShortener service in Google Apps Script

In March 2018 Google announced it was closing it’s Google URL Shortener giving developers one year to migrate to their new Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL) service or other providers. The URLShortener is also an Advanced Service in Google Apps Script and so far I’ve seen no news that a FDL service will be created in its place. In this post find out how you can keep using UrlShortener but with the Bitly service.

TAGS gets a timeline widget to display your latest archived tweets (replacement for the Twitter search timeline widget)

On 23 March 2018 Twitter announced that it was retiring search timeline widgets, suggesting people moved to a Curate a Collection of Tweets. For a lot of people, myself included, this is far from an ideal solution. Given the number of hashtag communities I’m part of I’d much prefer to set something up and let it run in the background. For TAGS users the good news is I’ve created a custom widget to display the last 10 results from a TAGS Archive.

Notes on the future of Google Apps Script from Google Cloud Next ‘18 #GoogleNext18

At Google Cloud Next ‘18 it was great to see and hear about a number of G Suite and Google Apps Script updates. This post highlights a number of launched and future developments for Google Apps Script

Google Docs assignment administration and feedback in your VLE via Course Kit

Course Kit is going to be a suite of tools designed to help educators manage assignments using Google Docs within your existing VLE by using the LTI standard.

Using your YouTube subtitles file and Google Sheets to make a video contents jump list

Read how you can use your YouTube subtitle file as an easy way to create a video contents/jump list in YouTube video descriptions and G+ posts

GDPR compliance in Google Apps Script and G Suite Add-ons: Your add-on uses personal data – 12 steps to take now

If your G Suite Add-on or Apps Script project needs to add personal data protection this post identifies 12 steps you can take now

GDPR compliance in Google Apps Script and G Suite Add-ons: Should you be concerned?

This post looks at key definitions to help you identify if you G Suite Add-on or Google Apps Script project needs to consider personal data protection

Google Analytics and Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script Patterns: Google Analytics in Google Add-ons and Apps Script projects

In this post I’ll show you some patterns you can use for using Google Analytics client side in HTMLService and server side with any Google Apps Script code you are running backend. As part of this I include GATrack, a Google Analytics tracking helper class for Google Apps Script

Recording and saving user audio as .mp3 in Google Drive for Google Workspace Editor Add-ons and Google Apps Script projects

Matt Knoll (@KnollMatt) recently posed me an interesting question asking how to record audio to a user’s Google Drive using Google Apps Script. Having previously played around with WebRTC I knew capturing audio from the browser was possible but hadn’t looked at processing it. As it turns out skyllo’s blog has a great write-up explaining […]

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