ALT Annual Conference 2018: Celebrating 25 years of new connections in knowledge and friendship #altc

Next month it will be the 25th Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference. As a member of the ALT staff team I’ve attend the conference every year from 2013. My first Annual Conference was in 2009 and is memorable for a number of reasons. At the time I was working for the Jisc RSC Scotland […]

EOF/SOF: Building a connectivist conference platform for ALT-C using WordPress (first look)

End of File/Start of File – before another era starts here are the beginnings of a connectivist inspired conference platform for ALT-C 2013 proudly powered by WordPress

Some Google webinars exploring Google Apps Script in Education

If your interested in learning more about Google Apps Script in Education Google are doing some webinars as part of their Google Apps for Education series. Here are a copy of the dates/times that were emailed to me (seminar are usually delivered in the afternoon American time so if it’s past your bedtime you might […]

Event: Enhancing Business Performance: The Role of Technology in Developing Skills and Knowledge

Date: Monday 21st February 2011 Venue:  National e-Science Centre, 15 South College Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AA Time: 09:30 – 16:00 Cost: Free   Both Higher and Further Education institutions are actively engaged in a wide variety of initiatives to enhance Business Performance through the development of Skills and Knowledge.  This event will be of interest […]

Free Event: Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement in e-Learning Conference [HEA]

Date: 2 Jul 2010 Start Time: 10:00 am Location/venue: Fielder Centre, University of Hertfordshire, England This one-day conference will explore challenges facing the sector in relation to assuring quality whilst also enabling quality enhancement and innovation through technology enhanced learning (TEL). Technologies impact on all aspects of the learning process, including teaching, assessment and communication. […]

Free Event: Developing Mobile Applications for Education [DevCSI]

Date: 21 July 2010 Start time: 09:30 Location/venue: Hopkins Building, University of Reading This is a free one day DevCSI workshop organised in conjunction with IT Services: Academic Services Directorate at the University of Reading is aimed at developers, web developers, systems administrators, who are interested in developing applications relevant for education on mobile devices […]

Event: Joint PDP Forum/e-Portfolio Forum Meeting – Supporting Transitions, 16th March 2010, Glasgow

The next meeting of the e-Portfolio Forum will be a joint meeting with the Scottish PDP Forum (co-ordinated by the Higher Education Academy, Centre for Recording Achievement and QAA Scotland). The meeting is titled “Supporting Transitions” and will look at how e-portfolios and PDP can help students making the transition into and from schools, colleges […]

Event: 7th Enhancement Themes Conference (Bookings open)

7th Enhancement Themes Conference Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 March 2010 Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University Booking is now open for the 7th annual Enhancement Theme conference on ‘Graduates for the 21st Century: Integrating the Enhancement Themes’. The conference, which is free for those in involved in Scottish higher education, takes place at the Edinburgh […]

Event: Scottish e-Portfolio Forum, 3rd December 2009

The next Scottish e-Portfolio Forum will be held on the 3rd December 2009 at the offices of RSC Scotland South & West (Todd Campus). Delegates representing learning providers from all over Scotland will be in attendance so it will be a great opportunity to compare notes, experiences and ideas from like minded professionals. The meeting […]

Free Workshop: How Can e-Portfolios Support 21st Century Learning?

e-Portfolios are not a new concept. In various guises, digital presentations of skills and competences, online records of achievement, and action plans with opportunities for reflection have been in use in education for nearly a decade. So what is new about e-portfolios? Netskills hope to answer this question with their free-to-attend workshop which explores how […]

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