Setting up an easy open online office hours using

I’ve mentioned the service a couple of times. This allows you to convene small meetings (up to 8 people) with video, voice and chat without the need for logins or additional browser plugins on both desktop and mobile. My thoughts on using it with virtual office hours.

Using Google Apps Script to Fast Track Student Feedback: Behind the code

Here is some text I prepared for a possible Google Apps Developer blog guest post. It doesn’t look like it’s going to get published so rather than letting it go to waste I thought I’d publish here

Fast-tracking feedback: Google Apps Script user interface training material [Release 2]

Note: This is a personal post made outwith my current employment at JISC CETIS Back in May 2011 Tony Hirst looked at the Visual UI Editor For Google Apps Script and commented that he thought before long I would have posted something about it. Well almost a year later here’s what I’ve got for you.  […]

Fast-tracking feedback using Google Apps Script [Release 1]

In October last year the Sport Learning Technologists at Loughborough College successfully won funding from the LSIS Leadership in Technology (LIT) grant scheme for the Fast-tracking feedback using Google Scripts project. Here’s an extract from the project summary: This project will effectively combine Google Apps for Education and Google Apps Script in order to create […]

Assessment/Feedback resources

Last week my colleague, Kenji Lamb, and I were up in Inverness providing some support to the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) EDU Team. We were exploring the use/approach to assessment and feedback, sharing what is going on in the sector for the EDU Team to disseminate around UHI. Below are a couple […]

Who’s feedback is it anyway?

Previously I’ve promoted the use of audio and video feedback on student work. Methods I’ve highlighted include creating audio and video files using a wide range of software tools and distribution methods. (At this point I would normally direct you to my Student Audio Feedback: What, why and how post but recently rediscovered ALT-C 2009 II: Audio […]

Generating Student Video Feedback using screenr

On the 28th May 2009  I wrote a post on Generating Student Video Feedback using ScreenToaster. As ScreenToaster is now ‘toast’ I thought I’d repost highlighting screenr instead. As the process for using ScreenToaster/screenr is so similar I haven’t re-recorded the demo video, but hopefully you get the idea (I’m glad I downloaded the original […]

Using YouTube for audio/video feedback for students

[flickr]2469419808[/flickr] A long, long, long time ago I wrote a post Using Tokbox for Live and Recorded Video Feedback in which I demonstrated how the free ManyCam software could be used to turn your desktop into a virtual webcam to provide feedback on students work in a Russell Stannard styley. Recently my colleague Kenji Lamb […]

ALT-C 2009 II: Audio and screen visual feedback to support student learning (and research methodologies)

[flickr]2597104631[/flickr] For the next post in my ALT-C series I’m going to highlight a session I didn’t actually attend but immediately regretted when comments started filtering in on twitter. The session was based around the paper by Rodway-Dyer, Dunne and Newcombe from University of Exeter which summaries a study of audio and visual feedback used […]

National (Unsatisfied) Student Survey 2009 – The Scottish Picture

[flickr]3102986116[/flickr]The National Student Survey results has been published by HEFCE which has no doubt left school/department managers burning the midnight oil to see how they have faired. Feedback remains to be a talking point with only just over half of Scottish students agreeing or strongly agreeing that feedback has been prompt, detailed and helpful. But […]

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