RSC-MP3: Interview with Colin Dalziel about the next version of PebblePad #eportfolio

RSC-MP3 LogoIt’s been a while since I’ve done a podcast but whilst at the  Enhancement Themes conference last week in between promoting JISC and the Services I managed an impromptu interview with Colin Dalziel from Pebble Learning to ask him about the next version of PebblePad, version 3, which is due out by the end of this year.
Below are links to the recording and a summary of what we talked about (sound quality isn’t the best – I only had the internal speaker on my laptop for recording):
Download Link
Duration: 10 minutes
Size: 7.4 MB
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00:56 – moving towards a personal learning system, tapping into external systems like blogger and twitter, not only pushing assets out to these systems but also pulling material in.
02:20 – talking about the blocks to integrate with different VLEs Moodle, Blackboard and Turnitin
04:00 – highlighting some of the planned features like a social layer to allow PebblePad users connect from around the world; audio and video recording directly within the PebblePad system
06:00 – planning a lightweight version of PebblePad optimised for mobile use then adding more specific functionality for different mobile devices
06:52 – is there an open source future for PebblePad? Not on the horizon, but will continue to work with open standards
07:55 – Alumni and personal PebblePad access – (there is already a personal signup option for PebblePad £20/year)
