RSC-MP3: HE Update Mar ’09

Logo for RSC-MP3Welcome to our third episode of RSC-MP3, a monthly audio podcast highlighting some higher education focused e-learning news, interviews and resources brought to you by Kevin Brace (RSC West Midlands) and Martin Hawksey (RSC Scotland North and East). Links to the various topics we discuss are given along with the podcast links. You can listen to this podcast on your PC, or when “on the move” by adding it to your ipod playlist.
Each month we will interview a guest speaker and also record a conversation discussing current issues contained in our blogs (see links below). This month we interviewed Ms Carol Bailey, senior lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton. Carol discusses her use of the text matching tool Turnitin, and how the system helps her detect and deter plagiarism and collusion. Carol also describes how her students learn about correct referencing and paraphrasing from the originality reports and the digital feedback she gives them. Click here for the interview with Ms Carol Bailey in full (19 minutes).
HE Update
Download Link
Duration: 29 minutes
Size: 25.9MB
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Our blogs

Links from Kevin’s subjects: Timestamps represented as [minutes:seconds]

Links from Martin’s subjects:
