JISC OER Rapid Innovation: Finding the technology/standards themes

The JISC OER Rapid Innovation programme is coming to a close and as the 15 projects do their final tiding up it’s time to start thinking about the programme as a whole, emerging trends, lesson learned and help projects disseminate their outputs. One of the discussions we’ve started with Amber Thomas, the programme manager, is how best to go about this. One idea was see if there were any technology or standards themes we could use to illustrate what has been done in these areas. Here are a couple of ways to look at this data.

Converting blog post urls into MS Word documents using Google Apps Script #oerri

Outlining some Google Apps Script code I’ve written that takes some blog post urls and makes a downloadable html/.doc report

How JISC CETIS dashboard social activity around blog posts using a splash of data science

Behind the scences look at how we (JISC CETIS) can quickly develop dashboards to monitor activty around blog posts (using Google Spreadsheets of course 😉

Using Google Spreadsheets to dashboard project/course blog feeds #oerri

In this post I’ll show I’ve create a quick dashboard in Google Spreadsheets which takes a list of blog RSS feeds and filters for specific tags/categories. Whilst demonstrated this with the JISC OERRI projects the same technique could be used in other scenarios, such as, as a way to track student blogs.

JISC OER Rapid Innovation: Technical roundup and possible directions #oerri

As the JISC OER Rapid Innovation projects have either started or will start very soon, mainly for my own benefit, I thought it would be useful to quickly summarise the the technical choices and challenges.

Notes on generating live wordclouds from Yahoo Pipes using D3.js

The JISC OER Rapid Innovation projects are all quickly finding their feet and most are already fully embracing the open innovation model and blogging their progress. Having attended the programme start-up meeting on the 26th March 2012 and speaking to most of the projects there’s rich pickings for me to blog about over the next […]
