
Animation: History of the Internet

With over 1 million views on YouTube you may have already seen this. But just in case you haven’t this 8 minute animated documentary is a very informative summary of some of the technical wizardry required to establish ‘THE INTERNET’:

theBox: Project, programme and portfolio management resources from JISC infoNet

JISC infoNet have compiled resources from their project, programme and portfolio management infoKits onto a single CD-ROM. The CD contains a suite of tools and templates for the full project lifecycle from start-up, day-to-day management and closure. The areas covered are: Setting the business case Project initiation document Stakeholder analysis Roles and responsibilities Risk management […]

Free SMS alerts to students

Why might you want to send SMS text messages to students? The LSN funded MOLeNET project has identified various reasons including: send regular prompt revision questions before a test or assessment for pastoral support – term dates, assignment due dates, change of rooms… interactive SMS quizzes with SMS feedback reflective blog entry sending SMS to […]

Solve Elec 2.5: Free electronics circuit analysis software

Solve Elec is a free piece of software designed to help students design electrical and electronic circuits. The main features of Solve Elec are: circuit drawing computation of literal formulas for any current intensity, voltage or potential defined in the circuit verification of equations related to the circuit graph drawing definition of quantities by their […]

What I've 'starred' this week – February 24, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: 7 Ways To Make Use Of Evernote – February 20, 2009 – I’ve previously posted about evernote but I think an updated post is required in the near future. In the meantime this post from MakeUseOf is particularly enlightening as it is written by a […]

3rd party twitter apps for education – SMS broadcast

Last month I posted about Twitter in Higher Education. This post, while very recent, has already made it to my top 5 read posts. This has spurred me to make some follow up posts. In particular I’ve been looking for 3rd party applications that use twitter which might be useful in an academic setting. My […]

What I've 'starred' this week – February 17, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Capture and Share Your Screen Content – February 12, 2009 Docuter: Document Uploading And Sharing Tool – February 12, 2009 – A similar service I’ve seen used a lot is If you would like the ability for people to comment/annotate on uploaded documents check […]

What I've 'starred' this week – February 10, 2009

Here’s some posts which have caught my attention this week: Is your university looking for cost savings? – February 8, 2009 – Contained within this post is a link to a website highlighting how you can save money without cutting services with Microsoft products. MH ‘HE in FE’ holds its own in National Student Survey […]

Using Tokbox for Live and Recorded Video Feedback

[flickr]photo:2155275608[/flickr] Recent Times Higher Education Award winner Russell Stannard has gained much notoriety for his use of video feedback on student assignments. Similar to audio feedback (which I’ve covered in this post), Russell promotes the use of screen recorder software to record the tutor’s evaluation of of a piece of students work. For an example […]

Using Google Talk for Audio Feedback

[flickr]photo:2597104631[/flickr] The use of audio feedback for student assessments is not a new concept. I’m not familiar with all the literature but I’ve picked up a quote from Rust in 2001 highlighting the advantages of audio feedback: While reducing the time you spend, this may actually increase rather than reduce the amount of feedback given…Students […]

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