Educational Firefox Extensions – Juice

I originally put this post together for RSC NewsFeed, but thought worth reposting here: One of the great features of open source software is the potential for the wider community to start rapidly developing and integrating new features, in many ways utilising the power of the crowd. The web browser Firefox is a great example. […]

Edison: Making your PC Greener

As you plan your summer holidays I’m sure at the back of your mind is the environmental impact of hopping on a plane for some well deserved rest and relaxation. Intense media coverage has made us all aware of the impact travel, and flights in particular, has had on the environment. Whilst the aviation industry […]

yWriter5 – Creative Writing Word Processor

yWriter has been developed by author and computer programmer Simon Haynes to help writers to keep track of their creative work by breaking it into chapters and scenes. The software has some really nice features like built in text-to-speech, automatic chapter renumbering and basic automatic character and location overview. Whilst targeted at novelists the software […]

Microsoft Freebies

Getting the most out of your Microsoft campus deal? BlogMS, which picks the best from over 200 official Microsoft team blogs, has complied a long list of free Microsoft software and online services. For the techies there are some links to ‘powertoys‘ you might not have known about (I went for an ALT-TAB replacement which […]

RobotProg – Learn Programming and have Fun

Teaching basic logic for programming languages can be a challenge. RobotProg is a free software tool available for PC and Mac designed to allow students to work through programming problems graphically creating their own logic flowcharts. Students can then run their program and watch a robot execute their commands. RobotProg is designed to allow students […]

Solve Elec 2.5: Free electronics circuit analysis software

Solve Elec is a free piece of software designed to help students design electrical and electronic circuits. The main features of Solve Elec are: circuit drawing computation of literal formulas for any current intensity, voltage or potential defined in the circuit verification of equations related to the circuit graph drawing definition of quantities by their […]

2009 – the year of the API

[flickr]photo:1149873101[/flickr] What is an API some of you may be asking. API stands for application programming interface and is a set of functions or commands used to control a computer programme. Control can be within the existing programme where the API has been created, but importantly an API can be used by external programmes to  […]

Panopto – Free Lecture Capture System

Would you like to be able to record your lecture, meeting or presentation to make them available via the web? There are a number of software companies who provide systems to simultaneously record your desktop, presentation and any audio/video, automatically merging the output into a single streamable web resource which can be indexed and archived […]

Evernote – Notetaking in the 21st Century

[flickr]photo:1394783735[/flickr] Notetaking is an inevitable part of any students life. It might be taking notes from lectures or books, planning essay structures, to-do lists and much more. Arguably the most mobile notetaking form is pen and paper. While this medium has many affordances such as micro-mobility, read-write-rewrite and personalisation, there are a number of notable […]

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