[Event] Learning Analytics Summer Institute: LASI-UK, Informatics Forum, Edinburgh, 5th July #lasiuk

Jisc CETIS in partnership with the Open University in Scotland and the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics will be hosting a one day event on the 5th July in the Informatics Forum (Edinburgh) focusing on Learning Analytics.

#ocTEL: Outline of an open course (maximising email push with MailPress)

This post originally appeared on the ocTEL blog on 15th April and was written in collaboration with David Jennings. I’ve reposted it here as it outlines some of the broad ideas we are using with this open course, but in particular I wanted to highlight the use of the WordPress plugin MailPress to distribute course […]

Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet TAGS v5

For a couple of years I’ve been sharing a Google Sheet template for archiving searches from Twitter. In September 2012 Twitter announced the release of a new version of their API (the spreadsheet uses this to request data from Twitter). Around the same time Twitter also announced that the old version of their API would be switched off in March 2013. So here is a new version…

Guest Post for Big Data Week #bdw13: Getting Creative with Big Data and Google Apps

I was recently asked to write a guest post for Big Data Week on using Google Apps as an interface for Big Data. For the post I decided to revisit an old recipe which uses Google Sheets (Spreadsheets) and Google Apps Script to interface the Twitter and Google Analytics API

Dashboarding activity on public JISCMail lists using Google Sheets (Spreadsheets)

I’ve written a very long blog post which I’ll publish soon on text-mining public JISCMail (Listerv) lists using OpenRefine. It concludes with displaying list activity, posts over time and individual activity. The technique I used isn’t straight forward but as the output might be of benefit to other people like Brian Kelly who reported the […]

Any Questions? Filtering a Twitter hashtag community for questions and responses [situational awareness] #CFHE12

I believe a key aspect of cMOOCs is how they agregrate content. In this post a present a new tool I created which extracts possible questions tweeted in a hashtag community, agregregating some of the responses and providing an interface to mkae it easy for others in the community respond.

IFTTT: IF I do THAT on {insert social network/rss feed/other} THEN add row to Google Spreadsheet

IFTTT is a web service that lets you do some basic plumbing between web services. Here’s a quick recipe for backing up RSS feeds to a Google Spreadsheet

Templated Export for Google Spreadsheets

Templated Export allows users to reshape and selectively publish data from Google Spreadsheets in custom formats. The tool is powered by Google App Script which allows integration with Google Spreadsheets using existing authenticated access. The videos and instructions in this post demonstrate how to setup and use Template Export.

Notes on technology behind cMOOCs: Show me your aggregation architecture and I’ll show you mine

A survey of technology used in some MOOCs, identifying trends and possible future directions. The conclusion more shared guidance on aggregation architectures might be needed.

Hacking stuff together with Google Spreadsheets: A simple electronic voting system

Next week I’ll be presenting at Dev8eD (A free event for building, sharing and learning cool stuff in educational technology for learning and teaching!!) doing a session on ‘Hacking stuff together with Google Spreadsheets’. As part of this session I’ll be rolling out some new examples. Here’s one I’ve quickly thrown together to demonstrate UNIQUE and FILTER spreadsheet formula. It’s yet another example of me visiting the topic of electronic voting systems (clickers).

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