By @mhawksey

OER Visualisation Project: Exploring UKOER/JORUM via OAI with Google Refine and visualising with Gource [day 11]

I should start with the result so that you can see if it’s worth doing this:

OpenRefine(ing) and Visualizing Library Data

The video shows the deposits from institutions and Subject Centres to Jorum tagged ‘ukoer’ from January 2009 to November 2011. In total over 8,000 deposits condensed into 5 minutes (there are more records, but these were the ones that could be reconciled against an institution name).

Here’s the recipe I used to do it, which should be easy to modify for your own and other repositories. As the explanation takes longer than to actually do it I’m going to assume you understand some basic tools and techniques, but you can always leave a comment if something isn’t clear.

Let start by looking at what it is we are trying to achieve. The animation is generated using code from the open source Gource project. Gource uses an input log file to visualise software commits using the format shown below. So for the  Jorum visualisation we need to generate a file with timstamp, creator (in this case the submitters host institution) and title (prefixed by subject classification).

Gource log format
The user andrew adding the file src/main.cpp on Thu, 03 Jun 2010 05:39:55 GMT (1275543595):


Getting the data – building a source

Building the log file we need details of the records from Jorum. Fortunately Jorum implements the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, which is designed to allow the easy sharing and access of repository data. I say easy but in reality its easy if you have another repository on a server somewhere that can consume OAI data, but its not easy to find a desktop based solution. After a lot of trial and error I’ve arrived at a solution using a combination of MS Excel and Google Refine (BTW “Google Refine is a power tool for working with messy data, cleaning it up, transforming it from one format into another” – it’s also open source).
I had hoped to do all of this in Google Refine but was struggling with the initial data import, recognising the schema and including records with multiple subject classifications, so we briefly start with MS Excel.
In Excel (I’m using 2010, other versions may work) we want to start a new workbook. In the Data ribbon select ‘From Web’. In the dialog that opens in the Address bar enter .

Once it’s finished loading (which can take a while) click Import. You’ll now get some dialog boxes warning you about the xml import but you can ignore those. You should now have a sheet of List Identifiers, that is a list of all the record identifiers (ns1:identifier4) and the subject set they are attached to (ns1:setSpec6status3) – you’ll find that there are more columns, mainly blank, which we don’t need.

Next we want add some readable subject classification to the data by changing setSpec ids into text equivalents. This data is also available via Jorum’s OAI service and the raw data can be seen by looking at

To get this data into Excel we want to follow a similar process to above in the same spreadsheet getting Data – From Web using as the address. This gives us a sheet similar to below with setSpec ids and associated category name.

Next we want to match this data to the sheet of List Identifiers. To do this we first want to sort the data we just captured on the setSpec column. Now in the original sheet add a new column and enter the following formula in the cell immediately beneath the column name (row 2):


This formula looks up the setSpec6 value, matches it against the data we just got and returns a setName. You can now save this spreadsheet.

Getting more data using Google Refine

So far we’ve got a list of record ids from Jorum and the subject category for that record. We still need to get when the record was created, who by and resource title. To do this we are going to use Google Refine. If you haven’t already here’s how to install Google Refine. Open Google Refine and create a new project from the Excel file we just created. The default setting should work just make sure you select the sheet with 19,000 plus rows.

After the project has been created next we want to get more information for each record identifier. From the ns1:identifier4 column drop-down menu select Edit column > Add column by fetching URLSs:

In the dialog box that opens use the following settings:

When you hit OK is Google Refine will use the row value to fetch even more data from Jorum and enter it into a cell. This is done using another entry point to OAI services using each identifier to get all the record data (here’s an example response). As this has to process over 19,000 requests it can take some time. If you would prefer not to wait here’s an export of my Refine project with the data already collected.

So now we have all the information we need but it’s all in one cell, so we need to do a bit more refining.

Extracting a date

You’ll notice that each record has a couple of dates stored in dc:date. Lets look at extracting the first date we find. Google Refine has a couple of ways to parse a cell and get data out. Initially I tried using Jython but didn’t get very far, but thanks to some help from the Google Refine community found I could use Refine’s GREL language. Here’s how.

From the new ‘record’ column dropdown select Edit column > Add column > Add column based on this column.  In the dialog that opens set the new column name as first date and enter the following GREL expression:
forEach(value.parseHtml().select("dc|date"),v,if(length(v.htmlText())>11,v.htmlText().slice(0,10)+" "+v.htmlText().slice(11,19),"bad format")).sort()[0]

What is happening here is within the cell forEach <dc:date> If the result is length than 11 characters slice the text for the first 10 characters (yyyy-mm-dd) and a space then slice characters 11 to 19 (hh:mm:ss). As the dc:dates are temporarily stored in an array we sort this and get the first ([0]) value, which should be the smallest.

Next we want to turn the date, which is being stored as a string, into a UNIX timestamp (the number of seconds or milliseconds since midnight on January 1, 1970). We need a timestamp as this is the date/time format used by Gource.

To get this we want to add a column based on firstDate. In the Add column based on column firstDate enter the name timestamp and switch the language to Jython (I found this the best for this procedure) and the expression:

import time
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))

This takes the cell value and turns it into a Jython time object by matching the date/time pattern used in the firstDate column. As Jython times are stored as UNIX timestamps we can just return the value to the new cell.

Some basic timestamp validation

I obviously didn’t start up Refine drop the expression from above in and get to this point. There was a lot of trial and error, testing assumptions like all the dates are in yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ format, and checking the processed data.  For example, if we want to check we’ve got valid timestamps for all the rows from the timestamp column dropdown menu we can select Facet > Customized facet > Facet by blank. To filter the blank rows we have to click on include in the Facet/Filter menu on the left hand side (we can also conveniently see that 3616 rows are blank).
Initial visual inspection of the results show that the status column contains a lot of records marked deleted. From The status column dropdown we can create an addition Facet > Text Facet. In the Facet/Filter section we can see that there are 3616 occurrences of the text ‘delete’, so we can conclude that blank timestamps are because of deleted records, which we can live with.

Important tip: As we have filtered the data if we do any additional column operations it will only be applied to the filtered rows so before moving on remove these facets by click on the little ‘x’ next to them.

Next lets sort the timestamps to check they are in a reasonable range. Do this by clicking the dropdown on timestamp ad using the sort option, sorting the cells as numbers (check both ascending and descending order). You’ll notice some of the dates are in 2004, I’m happy with these as Jorum has been going for some time now.

[By turning on the numeric facet for the timestamp column we also get a little histogram which is handy for filtering rows].

Before moving on make sure timestamp is sorted smallest first
So we now have a timestamp next lets extract the resource title.

Extracting a resource title

This is relatively straight forward as each record has a. So from the record column drop down select Edit column > Add column > Add column based on this column. In the dialog box use GREL, name the new column ‘title’ and use the following expression


[Each record only has one <dc:title> so it’s safe to just return the first title we find]

Reconciling who ‘damn’ made these resources

The headache comes from resource creators filling in information about their submission including information about who made it. This means that there are inconsistencies with how the data is entered, some records using a separated creator for the institution name, others including it with their name, or omitting this data altogether.  For the visualisation I wanted to resolve the resource against an institutional name rather than an individual or department. Here’s how the data was reconciled.
Lets start by extracting all the records to let use see what we are dealing with. We can do this by again using Edit column > Add column > Add column based on this column from the ‘record’ column. This time lets call the new column ‘creators’ and use the following GREL expression:


This will forEach get the value and store as a comma separated string.

For the early records you’ll notice that it’s a named person and there is little we can do to reconcile the record against an institution. For the later records you’ll see named people and an institutional affiliation. So lets see if we can extract these institutions into their own column.

From the creators column dropdown add a column based on this one calling it inst_id and using the following GREL expression


What this expression is doing is if the value contains the word ‘university’ the string is split into an array using the symbols –,.;() or the word ‘for’ and the array value with ‘university’ is stored, else if the value contains the word centre this value is stored (the OER Programme has projects from Universities and HEA Subject Centres).

Some additional refining via faceted filters and edit cells

To let us refine this data further from the new inst_id column and click the dropdown menu and select Facet > Customized facets > Facet by blank. Click on true so that we are just working with the blank inst_ids.
Scrolling through the records we can see some records the a creator that begins with ‘UKOER,Open Educational Repository in Support of Computer Science’. On the creators column from the dropdown sect ‘Text filter’ and use ‘Open Educational Repository in Support of Computer Science’. With this facet in place we can see there are 669 records. As we are confident these files were submitted as part of the Information and Computer Sciences Subject Centre’s work we can autofill the inst_id column with this data by clicking the dropdown on the inst_id column and selecting Edit cells > Transform. In the expression box enter “Information and Computer Sciences Subject Centre” and click OK.

Remove the ‘creators’ filter by clicking the small ‘x’ in the top left of the box.

Let add a new text filter to the records column (you should know how to do this by now) with the word ‘university’. This should filter 878 rows or so. To make it easier to see what it is matching press Ctrl+F to bring up you browser Find on page and look for university.
Moving through the data you’ll see things like:

At this point if we just use the blank inst_id facet we’ve got 10,262 true (ie blank inst_id’s) and 9199 false, so a 47% hit rate … not great! But if we add a ‘ukoer’ text filter to the records column this improves to 8433 inst_id’s in 9955 matching rows which is a 84% hit rate. Whilst this isn’t perfect it’s probably the best we can do with this data. Next to turn those institutional id guesses into reusable data.

The real magic reconciling institutional names against CETIS PROD

So far we’ve tried to extract an institutional origin from various parts of the Jorum data and there is a lot of variation in how those ids are represented. For example, the inst_id column might have ‘the university of nottingham’, ‘university of nottingham’ or even ‘nottingham university’. To make further analysis of the data easier we want to match these variations against a common identifier, in the example above the ‘University of Nottingham’.
Google Refine has some very powerful reconciliation tools to help us do it. More information on Google Refine Reconciliation here.
In the inst_id column select Reconcile > Start reconciling.

Google Refine has existing Freebase databases, which we could use to match institutional names against database ids, but as we are dealing with JISC/HEA projects it makes more sense to try and reconcile the data against the CETIS PROD database (this opens up further analysis down the line).
Fortunately PROD data is mirrored to Kasabi, which includes a Reconciliation API for use with Google Refine. To use this data you need to register with Kasabi and then subscribe to the PROD data by visiting this page and clicking ‘Subscribe’. Once subscribed if you revisit the previous link and then click on the link to the ‘experimental API explorer’ and copy the url in the blue book including your apikey e.g.
Back in the Google Refine Reconciliation dialog box click on ‘Add Standard Service …’ and enter the url you just created. Once added click on the new Reconciliation API and select ‘Reconcile against no particular type, then Start Reconciling’.

Once complete you should hopefully see from the inst_id judgment facet that the majority of names (all but 131) have been matched to PROD data. Filtering on the ‘none’ you can do mass edits on unmatched inst_ids by clicking the ‘edit’ and ‘Apply to All Identical Cells’. Once you’ve done this you can re-run Reconcile > Start reconciling to get additional matches.

Exporting to Gource using a custom template

Almost there people ;). At the very beginning I mentioned that the visualisation tool Gource has it’s own input log formats, shown below as a refresher:


Another useful feature of Google Refine is Export Templating, which allows us to control how our data can be written out to a separate file.
In Google Refine make sure you have a text facet on the record column filtering for ‘ukoer’ and inst_id: judgement is on ‘matched’ (this means when we export it just include this data). Now select Export > Templating …. Remove any text in Prefix, Row Separator and Suffix and in Row Template use:
{{cells["timestamp"].value}}|{{cells["inst_id"]}}|A|{{replace(cells["subject"].value," / ","/")}}/{{if(length(cells["title"].value)>20,cells["title"].value.slice(0,20)+"...",cells["title"].value)}}
This will write the timestamp cell value, then the reconciled name for the inst_id, then the subject value (stripping whitespace between slashes) and the resource title stripped down to 20 characters.

Finally, Gource

Google Refine will spit out a .txt file with the formatted data. Before we use it with Gource there is one thing we need to do. Initially I was getting log file format errors in Gource and then discovered it was a .txt file encoding problem. So open your newly created .txt file (which is in UTF-8 format) and File > Save As changing the encoding to ANSI.

To test you visualisation download gource and extract the files. In the same directory as your extracted files place a copy of your refined log file. To view what you’ve got open your command line, navigate to your extracted gource location and executing:
gource nameoflogfile.txt
The gource site has more instructions on recording videos.


well almost … Here’s:

The bigger picture

This work was undertaken as part of my OER Visualisation work (day 11) and while it’s useful to have the Jorum OER snowflake visualisation in the bag, having a refined data source opens up more opportunities to explore and present OER activity in other ways. For example, I immediate have a decent sized dataset of OER records with subject classification. I’ve also matched records against PROD data which means I can further reconcile against project names, locations etc.
Yummy data!

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