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BenjaminZAMayo: RT @fraserspeirs: Imagine if we hadn't piddled away the boom years on IWBs and classroom voting systems. #fote10 [15:07GMT]

GianninaRossini: "During the war..." #fote10 [15:07GMT]

romieh: @mattlingard maybe that's why it broke #fote10 [15:07GMT]

cimota: #fote10 Personalisation and the Digital Divide - Philip Butler, ULCC [15:07GMT]

hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 ooh, history lesson - george orwell wrote 1984 after working in this very room during WWII, nice! [15:08GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @timekord: #fote10 @joedale Nice to hear about using tech in the teaching [15:08GMT]

edutechhannah: #fote10 Woot; George Orwell used to work here: Senate House=Ministry of truth :-) txt spk n twtr = minispeak? [15:08GMT]

clpaterson: Senate House is the Ministry of Truth in Orwell's 1984 #FOTE10 [15:08GMT]

GrahamOld: #fote10 were in the ministry of truth according to George Orwell [15:08GMT]

robingissing: Thank you Philip butler for that insight into the building :) #fote10 [15:08GMT]

robingissing: RT @hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 ooh, history lesson - george orwell wrote 1984 after working in this very room during WWII, nice! [15:08GMT]

mattlingard: @briankelly I think College Arms, Store St out the back door might have a couple of Ales but not 100% sure #fote10 [15:08GMT]

robingissing: RT @edutechhannah: #fote10 Woot; George Orwell used to work here: Senate House=Ministry of truth :-) txt spk n twtr = minispeak? [15:09GMT]

craig_mcconnell: RT @Onkloud9: Microsoft Surface parody here #fote10 (via @cimota) [15:09GMT]

jamesclay: @rainycat didn't know about thanks. However in my defence I rarely if ever book speakers. #fote10 [15:09GMT]

squinsee: @jamesclay @mmetcalfe @rainycat @josiefraser @Dr_Black cld IT women list be sent to ulcc for nxt yr?!Can't believe all men speakers #fote10 [15:09GMT]

steverowbottom: RT @clpaterson: Senate House is the Ministry of Truth in Orwell's 1984 #FOTE10 [15:10GMT]

timekord: #fote10 @moodleprof #fote at ULCC is held in the same room George Orwell worked for the ministry of information during the 2nd world war [15:10GMT]

hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 digital divide ... anything for the digital native ! immigrant discussion @marcprensky [15:10GMT]

kathtrinder: The what list? Audio not clear enough in SL to have caught that... #fote10 [15:10GMT]

rainycat: @GianninaRossini ..don't mention the war! #fote10 [15:10GMT]

cimota: #fote10 Interesting. The Digital Divide is between those who provide personalised learning and those who don't. Yes, this. [15:10GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 ooh, history lesson - george orwell wrote 1984 after working in this very room during WWII, nice! [15:10GMT]

BryonyBramer: RT @edutechhannah: #fote10 Woot; George Orwell used to work here: Senate House=Ministry of truth :-) txt spk n twtr = minispeak? [15:11GMT]

jamesclay: @squinsee see #fote10 [15:11GMT]

billash01: phil butler now talking about personalisation and the digital divide at #fote10 [15:11GMT]

timekord: #fote10 more WW2 stuff - Hitler asked Nazi pilots not to bomb Senate House - he wanted it as a Nazi HQ [15:11GMT]

MarkPower: @hopkinsdavid oi! Don't encourage that kind of thing for gods sake! #fote10 [15:12GMT]

hopkinsdavid: RT @timekord: #fote10 more WW2 stuff - Hitler asked Nazi pilots not to bomb Senate House - he wanted it as a Nazi HQ [15:12GMT]

jiggycreationz: wow. Im sitting in the ministry of truth (george orwell, 1984) ;) #fote10 [15:12GMT]

nick_skelton: RT @timekord: #fote10 @joedale refering to use of flash meeting ( useful for remote meets - good stuff [15:12GMT]

robingissing: RT @timekord: #fote10 more WW2 stuff - Hitler asked Nazi pilots not to bomb Senate House - he wanted it as a Nazi HQ [15:13GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @moodleprof I'd 1 dial-up internet connection for school on Acorn A5000 10yrs ago & was told off if dialed up for >180mins a month [15:13GMT]

spellerlive: #fote10 and if you think this room's cool you should see the Senate Chamber... [15:13GMT]

fraserspeirs: £24,000 for a VLE? My point exactly. #fote10 [15:13GMT]

jamesclay: RT @mattlingard: So, Microsoft are sponsoring #fote10 drinks! Someone might have told me before I played YouTube Microsoft Surface Parody ;) [15:13GMT]

nellmog: #fote10 in 2000 I was at uni and computers were in the 100s now same institution computers are in the 000's but has teaching changed? [15:13GMT]

GianninaRossini: "In 2005, there were rumours about personalisation..." #fote10 [15:14GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @timekord: #fote10 more WW2 stuff - Hitler asked Nazi pilots not to bomb Senate House - he wanted it as a Nazi HQ [15:14GMT]

cimota: #fote10 in essence, we've got marginally better in the last 5 years [15:14GMT]

sandrapires: VLE in 2005 was still a repository. It still is in 2010 in most cases! #fote10 [15:14GMT]

FOTiE: 2005, We dont do technology, confusion over e-learning, VLEs take off, growth of open source #fote10 [15:14GMT]

hopkinsdavid: @jiggycreationz You can see why ... #FOTE10 [15:14GMT]

jamesclay: @kathtrinder @markpower @jont no mention at this time... But Prensky was presenting at Bournemouth recently on that very subject. #fote10 [15:14GMT]

FOTiE: RT @sandrapires: VLE in 2005 was still a repository. It still is in 2010 in most cases! #fote10 [15:14GMT]

robingissing: And feedback? Please say feedback! #fote10 [15:15GMT]

nathancobb: RT @sandrapires: VLE in 2005 was still a repository. It still is in 2010 in most cases! #fote10 --> some don't see this as a problem either! [15:15GMT]

tbush: RT @timekord: #fote10 @moodleprof #fote at ULCC is held in the same room George Orwell worked for the ministry of information during the ... [15:15GMT]

mberry: Phil Butler remenising about 2005, back then VLEs were content repositories with little learning happening. How times change. #fote10 [15:15GMT]

chri5grant: RT @sandrapires: VLE in 2005 was still a repository. It still is in 2010 in most cases! #fote10 [15:16GMT]

santanuvasant: #fote10 The technology came before the pedagogy, this was the mistake, we need to look again at pedagogy and ask what tech meets it [15:16GMT]

electricchalk: RT @sandrapires: VLE in 2005 was still a repository. It still is in 2010 in most cases! #fote10 [15:16GMT]

tombuchanan99: RT @santanuvasant: #fote10 The technology came before the pedagogy, this was the mistake, we need to look again at pedagogy and ask what ... [15:16GMT]

chri5grant: Oh no; flashback. I just heard 'learnwise' #fote10 [15:17GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @nellmog: #fote10 in 2000 I was at uni and computers were in the 100s now same institution computers are in the 000's but has teachin ... [15:17GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @fraserspeirs: £24,000 for a VLE? My point exactly. #fote10 [15:17GMT]

tonyhall: RT @sandrapires: VLE in 2005 was still a repository. It still is in 2010 in most cases! #fote10 [15:17GMT]

romieh: ......Oooops slight mic glitch #fote10 [15:17GMT]

jamesclay: #fote10 tech & pedagogy need to go hand in hand. You need to understand potential of tech before you can apply it to pedagogical problems. [15:18GMT]

dajbelshaw: @jamesclay Car sharing CPD? What?! #fote10 [15:18GMT]

hopkinsdavid: RT @jamesclay: #fote10 tech & pedagogy need to go hand in hand. You need to understand potential of tech before you can apply it to peda ... [15:18GMT]

edutechhannah: RT @jamesclay: #fote10 tech & pedagogy need to go hand in hand. You need to understand potential of tech before you can apply it to peda ... [15:19GMT]

Reader_Writer: RT @lindsayjordan @hannahnicklin I *like* your Very Hungry Caterpillar e-book ideas #fote10 [15:19GMT]

digitalmaverick: @shamblesguru yes I am here @ @fote10 :-) [15:19GMT]

jamesclay: @fraserspeirs it was spent on staff time in many places or on servers, not necessarily on software. moodle is well used in FE #fote10 [15:19GMT]

steverowbottom: @timekord: #fote10 WW2 stuff - Hitler told Nazi pilots not to bomb Henley Business School's building as he wanted it as his country retreat! [15:19GMT]

jamesclay: @dajbelshaw you heard! ;) #fote10 [15:20GMT]

jamesclay: @squinsee thank you #fote10 [15:20GMT]

MoodleDan: Phil Butler showing ILPs inside the Lewisham Moodle site. #fote10 [15:20GMT]

digitalmaverick: @webservicesgc of course, was just a thought... a carrot for schools to do it... #fote10 [15:21GMT]

dajbelshaw: @jamesclay I don't understand? #fote10 [15:21GMT]

BryonyBramer: RT @sandrapires: VLE in 2005 was still a repository. It still is in 2010 in most cases! #fote10 [15:21GMT]

john_davies: RT @jamesclay: #fote10 tech & pedagogy need to go hand in hand. You need to understand potential of tech before you can apply it to peda ... [15:21GMT]

mattlingard: Link to my #fote10 polleverywhere still space to add to it [15:21GMT]

mattlingard: @MarkPower almost, that's a variation. One I used is just called 'Microsoft surface parody' having difficulty grabbing link on iPod! #fote10 [15:21GMT]

sandrapires: RT @jamesclay: #fote10 tech & pedagogy need to go hand in hand. You need to understand potential of tech before you can apply it to peda ... [15:21GMT]

hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 I like to see inside other HEIs VLE, makes me think about how we do things at BU [15:22GMT]

mattlingard: @kateboardman it was of the moment ;) but part of it is fote10 [15:22GMT]

mmetcalfe: Lewisham sign up enquiries into their VLE and offer taster courses #fote10 [15:22GMT]

MoodleDan: He said it, e-portfolio..... #fote10 [15:23GMT]

timekord: #fote10 @moodleprof makes good point about how with on-line learning students can start a "course" before "term" [15:23GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @sandrapires: VLE in 2005 was still a repository. It still is in 2010 in most cases! #fote10 [15:23GMT]

webservicesgc: RT @jamesclay: #fote10 tech & pedagogy need to go hand in hand. You need to understand potential of tech before you can apply it to peda ... [15:24GMT]

MarkPower: I think @moodleprof's demo of current use of tech kinda puts any thoughts around cutting edge mobile & AR talk into perspective, eh. #fote10 [15:24GMT]

jamesclay: @dajbelshaw a reference was made to this by @joedale in his #fote10 talk [15:24GMT]

virtualewit: @MoodleDan does that mean he wins a gift voucher? #fote10 [15:24GMT]

MoodleDan: That C%$!@a looks like Capita.... Not McDonals lol #fote10 [15:24GMT]

FOTiE: That C%$!@a looks like Capita.... Not McDonals lol #fote10 [15:24GMT]

dajbelshaw: @jamesclay Ah... gotcha! :-) #fote10 [15:25GMT]

cimota: #fote10 21st Century Learner - that's an oft used term. Refers to everyone. [15:25GMT]

loujak78: RT @jamesclay: #fote10 tech & pedagogy need to go hand in hand. You need to understand potential of tech before you can apply it to peda ... [15:25GMT]

robingissing: "how do we identify the 21c learner?" the ones in the silver space suits? (still waiting for mine) #fote10 [15:25GMT]

cimota: RT @MarkPower: I think @moodleprof's demo of current use of tech kinda puts any thoughts around cutting edge mobile & AR talk into perspective, eh. #fote10 [15:26GMT]

suebecks: RT @mattlingard: Link to my #fote10 polleverywhere still space to add to it [15:26GMT]

shamblesguru: #fote10 has there been any mention of the use of virtual worlds todays presentations or discussions ... other than some of us in S.L. [15:26GMT]

MarkPower: Oh and I'll place a big " :( " after that tweet #fote10 [15:26GMT]

mmetcalfe: According to @moodleprof at Lewisham, even the cleaners are involved in the VLE #fote10 [15:26GMT]

GrahamOld: #fote10 open source software up next. Last of the day [15:26GMT]

MoodleDan: @mberry Up next, inspired me to run #tmmoodle back in the summer. #fote10 [15:26GMT]

MikeNolanLive: About to run out of battery on my laptop. #fote10 [15:26GMT]

edutechhannah: #fote10 Last talk: Miles Berry, talking about Open source ideas [15:26GMT]

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