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Subtitle content provided by Twitter (Compiled by iTitle)

jamesclay: @MoodleDan how would you change it? I know I am from FE, but I did talk about Toy Story... ;) #fote10 [14:45GMT]

edutechhannah: #fote10 Crikey, I've been tweeting like mad and am still nowhere near the top 10 tweeters for this event.You guys must have thumbs of steel! [14:45GMT]

HeyWayne: A fantastic talk by ??? @mattlingard #FOTE10 [14:45GMT]

FOTiE: @joedale : Building on firm foundations and keeping you connected in the 21st century. This time it’s personal! #fote10 [14:46GMT]

romieh: @kathtrinder good to hear that SL has worked well. #fote10 [14:46GMT]

digitalmaverick: @joedale is up next to talk at #fote10 about ways for teachers to use their personal learning networks to cover CPD [14:46GMT]

mmetcalfe: Two women on the iTunes U panel - is that the best #fote10 can do? [14:46GMT]

jamesclay: Now Joe Dale on stage. #fote10 [14:46GMT]

cimota: RT @digitalmaverick: @joedale is up next to talk at #fote10 about ways for teachers to use their personal learning networks to cover CPD [14:47GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @courosa gets a reference from @joedale in his talk re 'the networked teacher' [14:47GMT]

tim_neumann: @edutechhannah It's not quantity that counts... #fote10 [14:47GMT]

JacobWNoorman: RT @lizcastro: RT @fraserspeirs The iPad may be "the future of" many things yet to be invented but it's the _present_ of reading not its future. #fote10 [14:47GMT]

MarkPower: RSS at #fote10! (see, it's not dead) [14:48GMT]

lizcastro: RT @fraserspeirs: The problem with ebooks for education is DRM systems that don't have mass deployment tools. Screen tech's irrelevant by comparison. #fote10 [14:48GMT]

kathtrinder: @GianninaRossini The down (or up) side of attending caek! :( #fote10 [14:48GMT]

z_rose: RT @fraserspeirs: The problem with ebooks for education is DRM systems that don't have mass deployment tools. Screen tech's irrelevant by comparison. #fote10 [14:48GMT]

paulbrichardson: @romieh @kathtrinder I went to the SL place! At least I think I did. There were lots of seats, a blank media screen & noone in sight #fote10 [14:48GMT]

spellerlive: @joedale talking about the power of rss in CPD for teachers #fote10 [14:48GMT]

MikeNolanLive: RT @MarkPower: "RSS at #fote10! (see, it's not dead)" [14:48GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @joedale references ipadio & @davidnoble's ipadio-based Teachmeet that I also took part in [14:49GMT]

FOTiE: @joedale mentions TeachMeet, you can find out more about TeachMeet's here: #fote10 [14:49GMT]

_arien: CPD and the networked teacher now at #fote10 ( @Janshs may be of interest, this is your specialism isn't it?) [14:49GMT]

StephaneGrassot: Nous suivons passionnément #fote10 [14:49GMT]

PerfectWorldMMI: Nous suivons passionnément #fote10 [14:49GMT]

20sur20: Nous suivons passionnément #fote10 [14:49GMT]

GrahamOld: #fote10 use rss to monitor tweets [14:49GMT]

romieh: Exploiting potential of RSS - lots of ideas from @joedale at #fote10 [14:49GMT]

hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 first mention of RSS feeds of day by @joedale [14:50GMT]

jamesclay: @MoodleDan remember we can learn from each other. The key is been open to new ideas. #fote10 [14:50GMT]

olliebray: RT @fraserspeirs: If you give teachers technology that works, they _love_ it. #fote10 [14:50GMT]

spellerlive: Arrrg - Silverlight... #fote10 [14:50GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @joedale always gives credit to those who have inspired or prompted him - a great trait [14:50GMT]

thDigitalReader: RT @fraserspeirs: The problem with ebooks for education is DRM systems that don't have mass deployment tools. Screen tech's irrelevant by comparison. #fote10 [14:50GMT]

billash01: RT @FOTiE The polling system I think Matt used live on stage: #fote10 [14:50GMT]

jamesclay: And PLN makes an entrance. #fote10 [14:50GMT]

dannynic: Having to bail from #fote10 early, but very interesting day. :) [14:50GMT]

MarkPower: Uh oh. PLN also mentioned #fote10 [14:50GMT]

cimota: #fote10 Twitter for the networked teacher. Nurture your personal learning network. SocMedia as less like bandwagon, more like carsharing [14:51GMT]

FOTiE: @dougbelshaw gets a metion at #fote10 - Car Sharing CPD! [14:51GMT]

jamesclay: So @dajbelshaw gets a mention at #fote10 about car sharing CPD. [14:51GMT]

spellerlive: RSS alive and well and fundamental to so much (including #itunesu) #fote10 [14:51GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @joedale tells about car sharing as a notion for using Twitter for CPD [14:52GMT]

sandrapires: We need to show teachers the Love to get them using Twitter for a start #fote10 [14:52GMT]

mmetcalfe: Twitter and CPD. Interesting stuff #fote10 - I like the way interest groups find uses for Twitter. Should Twitter be a utility? [14:52GMT]

jamesclay: @kathtrinder @GianninaRossini cake was good #fote10 [14:52GMT]

briankelly: Can anyone with local knowlege suggest a suitable real ale pub near #fote10 [14:52GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @blagona is also referenced by @joedale with a wonderful quote about how Twitter provides him with CPD [14:53GMT]

MarkPower: I think we should have more massive quotes on slides #fote10.... [14:53GMT]

romieh: @paulbrichardson different experience to @kathtrinder in SL or maybe it was lunchtime ? #fote10 [14:53GMT]

edutechhannah: #fote10 @joedale Suggesting twitter as a source of CPD, particularly with reference to cash-strapped teachers. [14:53GMT]

jamesclay: @mmetcalfe Deja vu didn't you say this last year? #fote10 #fote09 [14:53GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @joedale talks of the importance of the use of lists to create groups of like-minded people [14:54GMT]

_arien: liking the idea of car sharing being the positive incarnation of a bandwagon! #fote10 [14:54GMT]

squinsee: @mattsmeeth I agree about ipad and tablet market. After using tablets for years the market so needs to improve #fote10 [14:54GMT]

abingdonwitney: #fote10 audioboo and ipadio& for maths. All mentioned today. [14:54GMT]

FOTiE: @joedale using lists to introduce MFL twitter teachers to each other, collecting twitter users as he goes. #fote10 [14:54GMT]

fraserspeirs: Tweetdeck! #fote10 [14:54GMT]

MarkPower: @jamesclay who was it you mentioned on your blog post..."the here and now"...? #fote10 [14:54GMT]

robingissing: I found out about #fote10 from Twitter after last years' event. [14:54GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @MarkPower: RSS at #fote10! (see, it's not dead) [14:54GMT]

hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 go on @joedale , say it ... twitter is largest/best staffroom you'll ever find? [14:55GMT]

MoodleDan: TweetDeck eats your RAM! #fote10 [14:55GMT]

jamesclay: #fote10 ....but Twitter is about the coffee not CPD. [14:55GMT]

cimota: #fote10 why are 300 people receiving instructions on how to follow people on Twitter? [14:56GMT]

edutechhannah: RT @hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 go on @joedale , say it ... twitter is largest/best staffroom you'll ever find? [14:56GMT]

MarkPower: W....T....F! Being taught about Twitter and PLNs :( #fote10 [14:56GMT]

GrahamOld: #fote10 sure you cull your pln [14:56GMT]

shamblesguru: #fote10 my PLN at other PLN resources at [14:56GMT]

mmetcalfe: Twitter as a PLN - how soon before I can crowdsource my dissertation? #fote10 [14:56GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @tombarratt now gets a mention from @joedale referencing his blogpost about [14:56GMT]

GianninaRossini: @jamesclay ... and about caek and shoepr0n #fote10 [14:57GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @abingdonwitney: #fote10 audioboo and ipadio& for maths. All mentioned today. [14:57GMT]

DebsRegent: #fote10 [7:55] Kwame Oh: Always remember though tis not the platform, but the comunity lol [14:57GMT]

LiamJHayter: Some really great stuff on the networked teacher from @joedale, will have to feed this back to the #ravensbourne cpd peeps #fote10 [14:57GMT]

mberry: @joedale tells #fote10 about culling his PLN. I assume this is not to be taken literally. [14:57GMT]

fboss: RT @hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 go on @joedale , say it ... twitter is largest/best staffroom you'll ever find? [14:57GMT]

fraserspeirs: Children "losing out" because their teachers aren't into social networking? Give me a break. #fote10 [14:57GMT]

DebsRegent: @nathancobb Livestream: #fote10 [14:57GMT]

loujak78: RT @hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 go on @joedale , say it ... twitter is largest/best staffroom you'll ever find? [14:57GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @joedale now refences & Twitter Times [14:58GMT]

robingissing: Is it just me that doesn't like #fote10 [14:58GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 go on @joedale , say it ... twitter is largest/best staffroom you'll ever find? [14:58GMT]

shamblesguru: #Twitter Tools and Apps Galore #fote10 [14:58GMT]

jamesclay: @mmetcalfe @rainycat I am sure @josiefraser or @Dr_Black have created a list of women in ICT. #fote10 [14:58GMT]

tim_neumann: Neon yellow as slide background. Brave use of colour. #fote10 [14:58GMT]

nellmog: #fote10 some good advice for new tweeps from @joedale [14:59GMT]

MoodleDan: @Twitter pull your finger out and get the features @joedale is talking about using 3rd party services built into #fote10 [14:59GMT]

digitalmaverick: @jamesclay I loved your 'coffee' talk - but IMHO its about BOTH #fote10 [14:59GMT]

nathancobb: I understand what Joe is saying but I don't think this is the future - most people here probably know most of this and are doing it #fote10 [14:59GMT]

_arien: @mmetcalfe not long, done it for a final assessment on a MA module! #fote10 [14:59GMT]

DebsRegent: Glad to be able to share #FOTE10 with a wider audience [14:59GMT]

mmetcalfe: Really liking @joedale's practical talk about a PLN #fote10 [15:00GMT]

shamblesguru: #fote10 ICT for Mod.Foreign Lang teachers [15:00GMT]

kathtrinder: @cimota Lecturing to the converted... :) #fote10 [15:00GMT]

nellmog: #fote10 interesting music choice. [15:00GMT]

MoodleDan: RT @robingissing: Is it just me that doesn't like #fote10 [15:00GMT]

FOTiE: RT @robingissing: Is it just me that doesn't like #fote10 [15:00GMT]

timekord: #fote10 @joedale talking about "the networked teacher" & personal learning networks [15:00GMT]

robingissing: #fote10 Raaaave! [15:00GMT]

cimota: #fote10 really? Awful music and no attribution of tweet content? [15:00GMT]

hopkinsdavid: @robingissing nope, me too #FOTE10 [15:00GMT]

lindsayjordan: might be a nice way of drawing together staff who engage with tech and those who don't...? #fote10 [15:00GMT]

shamblesguru: If you want an easy way to follow EVERYONE who has tweeted with #fote10 today then go to #shambles [15:00GMT]

spellerlive: My PLN means loud music? #fote10 [15:00GMT]

jamesclay: @robingissing is okay for personal use, but you should NEVER post the link to Twitter. #fote10 I don't Like it or use it myself. [15:00GMT]

GianninaRossini: .... time to check work email.... #fote10 [15:00GMT]

whaa: Why are we hearing about a list of "really cool" services... Some substance would be nice. #fote10 [15:01GMT]

mattjenner: #fote10 feeling the need to dance... no, wait, it's fading [15:01GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @shamblesguru: #fote10 my PLN at other PLN resources at ... [15:01GMT]

timekord: #fote10 @joedale Nice to hear about using tech in the teaching [15:01GMT]

romieh: Another video clip - of tweets this time #fote10 [15:01GMT]

paul_j: Gosh, that music woke me up !!! #fote10 [15:01GMT]

hopkinsdavid: RT @mmetcalfe: Really liking @joedale's practical talk about a PLN #fote10 [15:01GMT]

tim_neumann: Ah ok, I get it. The yellow matches the music. #fote10 [15:01GMT]

jamesclay: #fote10 So what did Jonathan Ross @wossy have for breakfast then? #fote10 [15:01GMT]

DebsRegent: #fote10 - please 'like' this link [15:01GMT]

digitalmaverick: @robingissing isn't it the 'updates' that most people don't like the updates it generates? #fote10 [15:02GMT]

shamblesguru: #fote10 ... all about flash hashtag meetings .. including screencast explanation [15:02GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @shamblesguru: #Twitter Tools and Apps Galore #fote10 [15:02GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @nellmog: #fote10 some good advice for new tweeps from @joedale [15:02GMT]

timekord: #fote10 @joedale refering to use of flash meeting ( useful for remote meets - good stuff [15:03GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @mmetcalfe: Really liking @joedale's practical talk about a PLN #fote10 [15:03GMT]

webservicesgc: #fote10 Twitter as a CPD tool? [15:03GMT]

suebecks: RT @FOTiE: @joedale using lists to introduce MFL twitter teachers to each other, collecting twitter users as he goes. #fote10 [15:03GMT]

mmetcalfe: @whaa I'm liking the autobiographical case-study #fote10 [15:04GMT]

robingissing: #fote10 I wonder how many people in the room not on twitter are going to join after joe's talk? [15:04GMT]

FOTiE: Joe Dale talks about how he uses Twitter and other web based tools (E.g. FlashMeeting) to engage MFL teacher on AND offline #fote10 [15:04GMT]

virtualewit: @DebsRegent @kwameoh Great job with keeping SL in with #fote10 [15:04GMT]

suebecks: RT @mmetcalfe: Really liking @joedale's practical talk about a PLN #fote10 [15:04GMT]

olliebray: @joedale giving whirl wind talk of tools and ideas at #FOTE10 [15:04GMT]

endaguinan: RT @digitalmaverick: RT @hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 go on @joedale , say it ... twitter is largest/best staffroom you'll ever find? [15:04GMT]

julievoce: Signing off from #fote10 as I have a little boy to collect from nursery. Enjoyed the presentations. Enjoy the drinks! [15:04GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 Surprised & rather disappointed by the need for some attendees at this FREE event to be critical of presenters [15:05GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @shamblesguru: If you want an easy way to follow EVERYONE who has tweeted with #fote10 today then go to ... [15:05GMT]

shamblesguru: #fote10 What .. in Bangkok and excited about a hashtag flash meeting ... hands up all who believe that ;-) [15:05GMT]

romieh: A lot of bugs around at #fote10 current speaker just said he wasn't well apparently - cue coughs & splutters from audience [15:05GMT]

nathancobb: I keep hearing NFL not MFL and am wondering about the Cowboys chances this weekend #fote10 [15:05GMT]

CitySCHSlibrary: Who really wants tech? teachers or learners?|| In nursing it could be vital to be able to look something up this quickly @mmetcalfe #fote10 [15:05GMT]

kathtrinder: @markpower ~> @jont wants to know if any has mentioned digital natives yet at #fote10? [15:05GMT]

mattlingard: So, Microsoft are sponsoring #fote10 drinks! Someone might have told me before I played YouTube Microsoft Surface Parody ;) [15:05GMT]

elswedgio: Gotta go and leave #fote10 early. Can you post the winning tweet vouchers to me? Thanks. [15:06GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 why the need to criticise a presenter just because of the use of music in a short sequence? [15:06GMT]

kevingashley: @briankelly is #fote10 at Senate House ? If so Queen's Larder near & reasonable, Rugby, Lamb both good, Friend At Hand reasonable [15:06GMT]

fraserspeirs: Imagine if we hadn't piddled away the boom years on IWBs and classroom voting systems. #fote10 [15:06GMT]

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