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katebasic: RT @edutechhannah: #fote10 Last talk: Miles Berry, talking about Open source ideas [15:27GMT]

cimota: Miles Berry of Roehampton University - open source software in education #fote10 [15:27GMT]

digitalmaverick: #FOTE10 @mberry is closing procedings at the event and is about to talk about 'Open Source Ideas' [15:27GMT]

kathtrinder: @shamblesguru Sadly no. Amazing when this is about education & technology. A missed opportunity? #fote10 [15:27GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @mmetcalfe: Lewisham sign up enquiries into their VLE and offer taster courses #fote10 [15:28GMT]

romieh: Open source like a recipe book acc to @mberry#fote10 [15:28GMT]

webservicesgc: #fote10 Open source is like cooking. You get to know the recipe. Hungry now. [15:28GMT]

BryonyBramer: #fote10 "open source is the recipe book"? [15:29GMT]

robingissing: #fote10 I jest - when looking for the 21c students I look for the ones who can understand technology can create deep learning & experience [15:29GMT]

fraserspeirs: I hope this talk acknowledges the usability issues in almost all user-facing open source software. #fote10 [15:29GMT]

nathancobb: I like the idea of opensource ideas #fote10 [15:29GMT]

jpodcaster: #fote10 kitteh pics, yeah! [15:29GMT]

olliebray: @mberry is the last speaker of the day and is up talking about Open Source #FOTE10 'free as in kittens...' [15:29GMT]

mmetcalfe: @mberry on open source ideas. #fote10 [15:29GMT]

maschak: RT @fraserspeirs: e.g. "We can't adopt textbooks because not everyone can afford them" #fote10 [15:29GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @MoodleDan: @mberry Up next, inspired me to run #tmmoodle back in the summer. #fote10 [15:29GMT]

lindsayjordan: Yes but you *do* need to be able to *read* the recipe book. Which is tricky if it's written in, um, C++. Or something. #fote10 [15:29GMT]

_arien: open source #fote10 like analogy of having the recipe to adapt 4 own pallet when u want 2 make effort rather than buying in sainsburys :-) [15:29GMT]

jamesclay: Kittens turn into old toms that piss all over the carpet. #fote10 [15:30GMT]

nellmog: #fote10 @mberry not talking about opensource and showing us kittens :) [15:30GMT]

s_n_wood: #Fote10 Free as in speech, free as in beer, free as in kittens. Kittens, like open source software, cost money to keep going. [15:30GMT]

MarkPower: @jamesclay Then we're gonna need more creative & innovative, tech using teachers & management aren't we? #fote10 [15:30GMT]

webservicesgc: #fote10 free as in kittens. Cute, but long term costs may be frightening. [15:30GMT]

GrahamOld: #fote10 cute picture of kittens onscreen and everyone goes ahh [15:30GMT]

fstoner: RT @jpodcaster: #fote10 kitteh pics, yeah! [15:30GMT]

MoodleDan: RT @jamesclay: Kittens turn into old toms that piss all over the carpet. #fote10 [15:30GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @kathtrinder: @shamblesguru Sadly no. Amazing when this is about education & technology. A missed opportunity? #fote10 [15:30GMT]

tombuchanan99: #fote10 I can haz Linux? [15:30GMT]

hopkinsdavid: Loving #FOTE10: wonder what else is happening on Twitter - could've missed huge news and not even noticed (or cared) [15:30GMT]

shamblesguru: A BIG SHOUTOUT to all guys & gals responsible for #fote10 video stream feeds & Sec Life venue brilliant job (from Thailand) [15:30GMT]

shamblesguru: Attended #FOTE10 London Conf today virtually from Thailand ... have done my feedback as a screencast but no bar ;-( [15:30GMT]

BryonyBramer: RT @s_n_wood: #Fote10 Free as in speech, free as in beer, free as in kittens. Kittens, like open source software, cost money to keep going. [15:30GMT]

iusher: @mberry drops in a pic of Kittens at #FOTE10 and there's a spontaneous "aaaaah". He then solicits one (an "aah", not a kitten). [15:31GMT]

MarkPower: Is it Charles Manson on the right? #fote10 [15:31GMT]

edutechhannah: #fote10 @mberry Best gratuitous use of kitteh pics I've seen in ages! [15:31GMT]

amber_miro: "free. as in kittens" @mberry. Love it! #fote10 [15:31GMT]

jamesclay: @MarkPower yup, if we focus on pedagogy we will fall back on existing solutions rather than try new ones. #fote10 [15:31GMT]

MarkPower: With a massive snow globe #fote10 [15:31GMT]

jpodcaster: #fote10 Piaget and Papert and Vygotsky as open source ideas pioneers. [15:32GMT]

fizzycyst: RT @s_n_wood: #Fote10 Free as in speech, free as in beer, free as in kittens. Kittens, like open source software, cost money to keep going. [15:32GMT]

mattlingard: Thanks for all kind comments at #fote10 I'm feeling the love! [15:32GMT]

mmetcalfe: @mberry's links education to open source software #fote10 [15:32GMT]

iusher: @mberry, rigorous, engaging, still plummy (all IME) & citing Piaget, Vygotsky, and Papert at #FOTE10 [15:32GMT]

nathancobb: @MarkPower I think it's a turtle #fote10 [15:32GMT]

tim_neumann: So Open Source users are chefs? Moodle a la Dimdim with sauteed Sakais on wordpressed Symphony, anyone? #fote10 [15:32GMT]

djwilliams: #fote10 free kittens, but the vets bills!!! And they want to keep it going when it should be put down. [15:32GMT]

mezgravis: RT @fraserspeirs: The problem with ebooks for education is DRM systems that don't have mass deployment tools. Screen tech's irrelevant by comparison. #fote10 [15:32GMT]

jamesclay: Ah @mberry now doing final session of the day. #fote10 [15:33GMT]

webservicesgc: #fote10 Piaget, VIgosky, and Seymour Papert. Social constructivist thought and collaboration. [15:33GMT]

sboneham: From kittens to Vygotsky in a few slides on open source ideas. Miles Berry at #fote10 [15:34GMT]

s_n_wood: RT: @jamesclay: Kittens turn into old toms that piss all over the carpet. #fote10 [15:34GMT]

fstoner: @mattlingard it was a great keynote! Thx #fote10 [15:34GMT]

jamesclay: Room slightly emptier now. #fote10 [15:34GMT]

GianninaRossini: I tried to Google Goggle the slide with the faces on, but I'm too far back in the room & pic too dark to analyse.. Pity. #fote10 [15:35GMT]

digitalmaverick: Pleased with myself that I correctly identified Seymour Papert in @mberry's #fote10 presentation [15:35GMT]

iusher: @jamesclay surely that depends on the pedagogy you're utilising. What if it's inherently creative? #fote10 [15:35GMT]

SmilyLibrarian: @jamesclay Not if they are female cats they don't #fote10 [15:35GMT]

s_n_wood: Hmmm... RT: @fraserspeirs: I hope this talk acknowledges the usability issues in almost all user-facing open source software. #fote10 [15:35GMT]

FOTiE: Safe journey those who are having to leave early #fote10 [15:35GMT]

jpodcaster: #fote10 Miles Berry: education should be free to run, free to study, free to redistribute, free to improve. [15:36GMT]

mmetcalfe: @mberry links the 4 freedoms to education #fote10 [15:36GMT]

digitalmaverick: @mberry asks if schools shdn't be affording students the opportunity to apply Open Source ideas to 'improve the program' #fote10 [15:36GMT]

fstoner: having an iPad envy moment at #fote10 [15:36GMT]

jamesclay: @robingissing I can understand a few people leaving earlier but lots do... Why come if you can't commit to the whole day! #fote10 [15:36GMT]

briankelly: "All we need is open source software for education & the future is rosy"`Really? Aren't we moving to a Google world with open APIs? #fote10 [15:37GMT]

iusher: when @mberry says Wenger, he's not talking Arsène #FOTE10 [15:37GMT]

nathancobb: Can @mberry come and talk to my SMT about why opensource is a good thing and not a risk? #fote10 [15:37GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @mmetcalfe: @mberry links the 4 freedoms to education #fote10 [15:37GMT]

KirstyBrewster: RT @FionaAS: Glad to hear learning impact being talked about at #fote10 - we're talking about the same today at #lifeisaboutlearning [15:37GMT]

sandrapires: @leekelly I've got a few good ideas & I'm 35!!! Check my slideshow on #fote10 [15:38GMT]

Eingang: Raymond, E.S. (2000) The Cathedral and the Bazaar, Available from: mentioned by Miles Berry #FOTE10 [15:38GMT]

jamesclay: @iusher it's a generalization, but so is saying put pedagogoy first. As you say it depends, but you need to know both. #fote10 [15:38GMT]

kevingashley: @briankelly Queens Larder is OK, not brilliant. Lord John Russell in Marchmont St is 5 mins more walk, much better beer choice #fote10 [15:38GMT]

webservicesgc: "Given enough eyes all bugs are shallow" - actually Linus Torvalds quote I believe. #fote10 [15:38GMT]

fstoner: keeping with the kitten theme at #fote10 ;) can I get an 'ahh' please.... [15:38GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @sboneham: From kittens to Vygotsky in a few slides on open source ideas. Miles Berry at #fote10 [15:38GMT]

digitalfprint: RT @timekord: #fote10 @moodleprof makes good point about how with on-line learning students can start a "course" before "term" [15:38GMT]

jamesclay: Where is everyone? #fote10 [15:38GMT]

squinsee: Yay opensource is like Lego - moodle is modular, want to keep building and adding to it. I love Lego :) #fote10 [15:39GMT]

FOTiE: Miles talking about 'tinkering' with OpenSource software & also our education/learning #fote10 [15:39GMT]

virtualewit: keeping with the kitten theme at #fote10 ;) can I get an 'ahh' please.... /via @fstoner aaaahhh! [15:39GMT]

nick_skelton: I think @mberry is preaching to the converted (inc me), but doubt his arguments will wash with the snr management in cathedrals #fote10 [15:39GMT]

sandrapires: I don't think Moodle is that easy to play with. It's quite fiddly. #fote10 [15:39GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @edutechhannah: #fote10 @mberry Best gratuitous use of kitteh pics I've seen in ages! [15:39GMT]

romieh: "Bricolage" now surfaced at #fote10 via @mberry [15:39GMT]

timekord: #fote10 @mberry such a pity that so much of education is constructed from authority [15:39GMT]

nick_skelton: Whose engine? #fote10 [15:40GMT]

FOTiE: RT @sandrapires: I don't think Moodle is that easy to play with. It's quite fiddly. #fote10 [15:40GMT]

djwilliams: #fote10 low battery warning. Need to recharge, in more ways than one. [15:40GMT]

iusher: @jamesclay think that a pedagogy built on the fact that innovation happens, the world changes would be both robust & flexible #fote10 [15:40GMT]

jpodcaster: #fote10 @mberry is very well dressed for an edupunk! [15:40GMT]

jamesclay: @poll 15579 teachers do NOT need to love technology, they need to use it. They never loved OHPs or lecture theatres. #fote10 [15:40GMT]

timekord: #fote10 @mberry one of the faults of Moodle is that it doesn't make it easy to collaborate on course construction [15:40GMT]

hopkinsdavid: #FOTE10 you'd think that Moodle is only OS system out there ... is ot? [15:41GMT]

_arien: education should be like open source software building - bespoke, personal, collaborative, etc not an off the shelf commodity #fote10 [15:41GMT]

tonyparkin: RT @sboneham: From kittens to Vygotsky in a few slides on open source ideas. Miles Berry at #fote10 [15:41GMT]

DebsRegent: @mattlingard Just be prepared for what may be popped into your drink ;-) #fote10 [15:41GMT]

farzanalatif: @mberry, agree moodle doesn't allow good collaboration for the development of a module. #fote10 [15:41GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @nathancobb: Can @mberry come and talk to my SMT about why opensource is a good thing and not a risk? #fote10 [15:41GMT]

kathtrinder: In SL #fote10 venue, the back chat has moved onto the possibility of beer o clock. [15:41GMT]

DebsRegent: #fote10 it's all about community and collaboration [15:41GMT]

fraserspeirs: The point about open source producing innovation is highly specious. Mostly, OSS copies proprietary systems. #fote10 [15:41GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @Eingang: Raymond, E.S. (2000) The Cathedral and the Bazaar, Available from: mentioned by Miles Berry #FOTE10 [15:42GMT]

cimota: RT @fraserspeirs: The point about open source producing innovation is highly specious. Mostly, OSS copies proprietary systems. #fote10 [15:42GMT]

jpodcaster: #fote10 Cathedral (iTunes U) v Bazaar (wikipedia) approach to open education [15:43GMT]

iusher: @mberry about to cite #movemeon as open education resource #FOTE10 [15:43GMT]

shamblesguru: #fote10 .... go and see the librarian ! [15:43GMT]

timekord: #fote10 @mberry contrasts the Bazzar Vs cathedral approach to open course constructions e.g. wikipedia Vs iTunes [15:43GMT]

hopkinsdavid: RT @jpodcaster: #fote10 Cathedral (iTunes U) v Bazaar (wikipedia) approach to open education [15:43GMT]

tonyhall: RT @romieh: "Bricolage" now surfaced at #fote10 via @mberry [15:43GMT]

jamesclay: @robingissing especially as there was a huge waiting list for #fote10 too. [15:43GMT]

virtualewit: Choosing where to find information. Why does it have to be either/or? You can choose more than one #fote10 [15:44GMT]

edutechhannah: RT @shamblesguru: #fote10 .... go and see the librarian ! [15:44GMT]

GianninaRossini: yay Moodle \o/ #fote10 [15:44GMT]

robingissing: Is it just me that thinks we need a completely new open VLE, built for the Internet, not just the "web" #fote10 [15:44GMT]

DebsRegent: RT @virtualewit: @DebsRegent @kwameoh Great job with keeping SL in with #fote10 < Thank you @virtualewit :-))) [15:44GMT]

Clifton2345: Missed most of Fote10 online. That will teach me to work and avoid twitter today!#fote10 [15:44GMT]

digitalmaverick: @sandrapires I would disagree with you there :-) #fote10 [15:44GMT]

jamesclay: @GianninaRossini @kathtrinder soon soon #fote10 [15:44GMT]

timekord: #fote10 @mberry no version control with Moodle [15:44GMT]

squinsee: Opensource fits with collaboration model of education because not in ed or os for money. Much more about values + peer review #fote10 [15:44GMT]

robingissing: By "web" see the latest issue of wired magazine #fote10 [15:44GMT]

jamesclay: RT @virtualewit: Choosing where to find information. Why does it have to be either/or? You can choose more than one #fote10 [15:45GMT]

mmetcalfe: @mberry makes a plea for collaborative content production in Moodle. Well said. #fote10 [15:45GMT]

jeremyspeller: Sad to leave #fote10 early - great event and great organisation by the ULCC team - well done guys. [15:45GMT]

mmetcalfe: Open source politics - Crikey, George: it's called democracy #fote10 [15:45GMT]

nick_skelton: I preferred the cute kittens #fote10 [15:45GMT]

MarkPower: Now then...did George learn about OSS from Wikipedia, or iTunesU? ;) #fote10 [15:45GMT]

MikeNolanLive: I'm going to fork the government. Who's with me? #fote10 [15:45GMT]

briankelly: @SteveALee Speaker's saying OSS is great, but not addressing successful & flawed approaches or popularity of Web 2.0 #fote10 [15:45GMT]

digitalfprint: RT @iusher: @jamesclay think that a pedagogy built on the fact that innovation happens, the world changes would be both robust & flexible #fote10 [15:45GMT]

kathtrinder: @jamesclay @GianninaRossin I may have to resort to another hot vodka toddy before #fote10 ends. #manflu [15:45GMT]

shamblesguru: Last Thai Tweet for #fote10 it is guaranteed you'll love this Twitter visualisation of your own followers have fun [15:45GMT]

farzanalatif: RT @Eingang: Raymond, E.S. (2000) The Cathedral and the Bazaar, Available from: mentioned by Miles Berry #FOTE10 [15:45GMT]

jamesclay: Trouble is that Wikipedia is turning into an iTunes U dominated by a small number of people controlling the content. #fote10 [15:46GMT]

mmetcalfe: RT @nick_skelton: I preferred the cute kittens #fote10 // George Osbourne was on the video [15:46GMT]

iusher: for what it's worth, George Osborne is a computer gamer but doesn't shout about it. Can understand why... #fote10 [15:46GMT]

DebsRegent: @Clifton2345 you can see #fote10 here: [15:46GMT]

fizzycyst: RT @mmetcalfe: Open source politics - Crikey, George: it's called democracy #fote10 [15:46GMT]

tombuchanan99: #fote10 open source courses - collaborative courses great idea BUT incompatible with HE institutional competition / distinctiveness IMHO [15:46GMT]

mrsrowe: RT @sandrapires: I don't think Moodle is that easy to play with. It's quite fiddly. #fote10 [15:46GMT]

mmetcalfe: @jamesclay Is turning into? Or always was? #fote10 [15:46GMT]

FOTiE: RT @MikeNolanLive: I'm going to fork the government. Who's with me? #fote10 [15:46GMT]

digitalmaverick: RT @mmetcalfe: @mberry makes a plea for collaborative content production in Moodle. Well said. #fote10 [15:46GMT]

GrahamOld: #fote10 check out [15:47GMT]

s_n_wood: I'm in! RT @MikeNolanLive: I'm going to fork the government. Who's with me? #fote10 [15:47GMT]

tonyhall: RT @GianninaRossini: yay Moodle \o/ #fote10 [15:47GMT]

webservicesgc: The open source approach to politics is a frequent false equivalency. The politics of OSS are economic with political overtones. #fote10 [15:47GMT]

cimota: @iwsayers The money is in market pull rather than institutional push. Learners (& parents of young students) really empowered. #fote10 [15:47GMT]

nathancobb: @digitalmaverick @sandrapires I find moodle easy but teachers often complain about how difficult it is-is it just tech' resistance? #fote10 [15:47GMT]

BLE1: Thinks #fote10 should have closed with @mattlingard IMHO [15:47GMT]

jamesclay: @mmetcalfe probably always was. #fote10 [15:48GMT]

wolfl: Hey @amber_miro! Just found you while reading through #fote10 tweets. Tracked the event on but didn't go in the end. Having fun? [15:48GMT]

MarkPower: @MikeNolanLive Absolutely. Rallying cry is "Fork the Government!!". That'll get plenty of interest I reckon #fote10 [15:48GMT]

Clifton2345: Osborne "open source approach to politics" Loving the spin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#fote10 [15:48GMT]

wonderin: RT @fraserspeirs: Children "losing out" because their teachers aren't into social networking? Give me a break. #fote10 [15:48GMT]

shamblesguru: #fote10 video sources online ... over 50 locations mostly free [15:48GMT]

briankelly: An ISO open standard is a cathedral-style approach to standards development, for example #fote10 [15:48GMT]

wonderin: RT @fraserspeirs: The point about open source producing innovation is highly specious. Mostly, OSS copies proprietary systems. #fote10 [15:48GMT]

mmetcalfe: Great #fote10 - just wrapped by @mberry [15:49GMT]

gippopippo: RT @jamesclay: Trouble of Wikipedia turning into an iTunes U dominated by few people controlling content. #fote10 I: Why not contributing?? [15:49GMT]

iusher: @briankelly was he supposed to address them? #fote10 [15:49GMT]

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