
Ultra mobile, ultra cheap – Which netbook now?

[flickr]photo:3505039111[/flickr]Just over 6 months ago I posted Ultra mobile, ultra cheap – Netbooks. I’ve been meaning to revisit this post for some time. Not only has the market moved on in terms of the range of netbooks available, but on reflection my advice was some what biased leaning towards a device for me and not […]

RSC-MP3: HE Update Apr 09

Welcome to our fourth episode of RSC-MP3, a monthly audio podcast highlighting some higher education focused e-learning news, interviews and resources brought to you by Kevin Brace (RSC West Midlands) and Martin Hawksey (RSC Scotland North and East). A quarter of the way through the year and we fall back into bad habits with a […]

RSC-MP3: HE Update Apr 09 – Interview with Emma Purnell

This month Kevin interviewed Emma Purnell, Blended Learning Advisor at the University of Wolverhampton. Emma discusses her (many years) experience in the use of eportfolios as a student, lecturer, and staff support expert.  Emma also gives some very insightful and pragmatic advice for an organisational adoption of eportfolios for those who are just beginning to […]

Online Resource for Hospitality Students

Tired of telling your students the correct way of setting a table, spacing chairs or folding napkins? Bright Settings™, a table linen wholesaler, has some nice interactive guides which might be useful to students (this is an American site so you might want to check these resources first): Setting the Table Chair and Table Seating […]

yWriter5 – Creative Writing Word Processor

yWriter has been developed by author and computer programmer Simon Haynes to help writers to keep track of their creative work by breaking it into chapters and scenes. The software has some really nice features like built in text-to-speech, automatic chapter renumbering and basic automatic character and location overview. Whilst targeted at novelists the software […]

WallWisher – Free Online Noticeboard

WallWisher is a free online noticeboard service designed to allow easy communication via virtual sticky notes. It’s easy for users can create boards (no registration required) which then can be shared for others to add and edit.  As well as ‘traditional’ text notes users can embed images and even web pages and videos. Noticeboards can […]

Podcasting for Pedagogic Purposes

The Podcasting for Pedagogic Purposes Special Interest Group (PPP SIG) was established in January 2008 as a HEA Pathfinder extension project. This group has been primarily setup to explore the use of podcasting in higher education, but a lot of their material will be of interest to further education including a long list of HowTo […]

Visible Body – Human Anatomy Online in 3D

The Visible Body, presented by Argosy Publishing, features a complete, searchable, online and fully interactive 3D human anatomy model, and detailed models of all body systems. Detailed, anatomically accurate, three-dimensional models of more than 1,700 anatomical structures are available, including all major organs and body systems. The models were developed by experienced medical illustrators and […]

HEFCE’s framework for enhancing learning and teaching through the use of technology

HEFCE has published ‘Enhancing learning and teaching through the use of technology – a revised approach to its strategy for e-learning’. This document replaces HEFCE’s 2005 e-Learning strategy. The notable change in this document is a move away from the narrow definition of ‘e-learning’ towards a wider notion of technology-enhanced learning. Contained within the new […]

What I've 'starred' this week – April 28, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Edinburgh students reward best teachers – April 25, 2009 – Weak universities 'should shut' – April 27, 2009 – – We’re certainly in challenging economic times. Such times of crisis can have the advantage of allowing more leeway to drive through radical and contentious change […]

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