
National (Unsatisfied) Student Survey 2009 – The Scottish Picture

[flickr]3102986116[/flickr]The National Student Survey results has been published by HEFCE which has no doubt left school/department managers burning the midnight oil to see how they have faired. Feedback remains to be a talking point with only just over half of Scottish students agreeing or strongly agreeing that feedback has been prompt, detailed and helpful. But […]

Paper: Identifying Middlewares for Mashup Personal Learning Environments

A paper popped into my RSS feed today which reinforces the idea recently touched upon by Brian Kelly (UK Web Focus) that we are in A World Where No-One Visits Our Web Sites. Below is the abstract and link to the full open access text: Abstract: The common understanding of e-learning has shifted over the […]

What I’ve starred this week: August 4, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: University Of The People: Tuition-Free Online University – August 3, 2009 – backed by United Nations Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technology and Development. Fees usually apply but have been waived for Autumn 2009 St Andrews powered by winds of change – July 30, […]

Twitter integration for marketing higher education

[flickr]photo:3583234320[/flickr]Recently I’ve been rediscovering twitter, this was largely instigated by the discovery of a nice little application which allows me to monitor tweets from the comfort of my desktop. The application in question is called Twirl. I had previously tried another desktop client called TweetDeck but didn’t find it particularly intuitive and felt it took […]

What I’ve starred this week: July 28, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Mandelson says universities ‘are not factories for producing workers’ – July 27, 2009 Learning Waves from Google – July 27, 2009 – More talk on the potential impact of Google Wave in learning Download Free PDF Tutorials – July 25, 2009 Integrating Moodle with […]

The future of higher education in the edgeless university

[flickr]photo:144373335[/flickr]I’ve finally got around to reading a couple of reports which have been sitting on my desktop (just got a monitor big enough to read document online – the trees will be happy!). Both of them are around the theme of  working out the direction of education in a digital ‘edgeless’ age. The reports were […]

What I’ve starred this week: July 21, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: WatchKnow: Educational Video Resource – July 20, 2009 – This is similar to Evaluating Learning Spaces Study – Final Report Available – July 17, 2009 Xtranormal – July 16, 2009 Going Mobile For Learning – July 17, 2009 – Some very useful links in […]

15-year-old media experts, twitter and intelligent filters

A research note written by a 15-year-old Morgan Stanley intern on the media habits of his generation made it to the front page of the Financial Times this week sparking various headlines including ‘Twitter is not for teens, Morgan Stanley told by 15-year-old expert’ and ‘Teenage media habits: was the whiz-kid correct?’. Apart from various […]

What I’ve starred this week: July 14, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: EUNIS e-Learning Award Winner Announced – July 13, 2009 – Award went to Mike Wald who led the JISC funded Synote project (an innovative web-based tool for annotating multimedia resources) chirbit – July 13, 2009 – a free online tool for audio recording and sharing. […]

Google Wave – Opportunities for communication, collaboration and social learning in education

Regular readers of this blog may have noticed a flurry of links to Google Wave in What I’ve starred this week: June 2, 2009. This coincided with the release of a developer preview at the Google I/O Conference on 27th May 2009. This post attempts to outline what Google Wave is and features which might […]

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