
What I've starred this week: September 15, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: SocialLearn announced (softly) – September 10, 2009 Masher – September 8, 2009 Asus to launch dual-screen eBook reader – September 8, 2009 Google Goes After Impressionable Minds With Education Apps – September 9, 2009 – JISC has some briefing papers on outsourcing services here: […]

ALT-C 2009 I: Mobile technology – proximity push and voting/polling on Android

Just back from ALT-C 2009 having been asked to present a session with colleagues on EduApps (this resulted from JISC RSC UK’s donation of an EduApps stick to all conference delegates and ALT members). Over the next couple of days I’ll be making a series of posts to highlight some of the best bits. For […]

What I've starred this week: September 8, 2009

Here’s some posts which have caught my attention this week: Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber – September 7, 2009 – Research by Dr Tracy Alloway from the University of Stirling Google Wave: 5 Ways It Could Change the Web – September 7, 2009 – A whole section (albeit brief) is devoted […]

Electronic voting and interactive lectures using twitter (TwEVS)

[flickr]3859791831[/flickr] Last week I posted a method for combining twitter and Yahoo Pipes to allow electronic voting (EVS) style interaction within lectures, TwEVS [see Twitter + voting/polling + Yahoo Pipes = TwEVS (The Making Of)]. At the time I was only interested in documenting the development of this ‘mashup’ but felt a follow up post […]

What I've starred this week: September 1, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: c4lpt: Integrate Tokbox and Etherpad. – August 28, 2009 Teens Don’t Tweet, Or Do They? – August 26, 2009 Nokia announces netbook offering – August 26, 2009 – Still early days spec wise but 12 hours battery life ticks a big box to me […]

Twitter + voting/polling + Yahoo Pipes = TwEVS (The Making Of)

[flickr]3859791831[/flickr] Recently David Muir of EdCompBlog was looking for a way to use Twitter as a personal response systems (also known as audience response systems, electronic voting systems, clickers …). I’ve previously covered this technology in DIY: A wi-fi student response system, where I propose a solution for creating a voting system which uses wireless […]

What I've starred this week: August 25, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Second Life out as techies embrace cloud email – August 20, 2009 google: RT @igoogle: New iGoogle social gadgets have been rolled out to 100% of users. Try them and let us know what you think! – August 19, 2009 – Looks like Google […]

What I've starred this week: August 18, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: Scots university team helps to boost iPod fun and games – August 17, 2009 Microsoft Office coming to Nokia smartphones – August 14, 2009 – Probably be another feature the majority don’t what to know about/use but opens up more opportunities for mobile learning Are […]

Android Mobile OS: Pandora’s box of accessibility opportunities

[flickr]3656288435[/flickr] [Update (21/10/09): Google have recently announced  more accessibility features in Android 1.6] At the RSC we were fortunate to get our hands on one of the latest Android mobile phones, the HTC Hero. For the uninitiated Android is a Open Source mobile operating system originally developed by Google, but now maintained by the Open […]

What I've starred this week: August 11, 2009

Here's some posts which have caught my attention this week: google: Google Apps helped the University of Notre Dame save $1.5M and increase satisfaction by 36%. Hear how: – August 6, 2009 – I remember when in 2001 the institution I worked for floated the idea of outsourcing student email (it wasn’t well received). […]

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