Working with Github repository files using Google Apps Script: Examples in getting, writing and committing content

In a recent post I demonstrated how you can use Google Apps Script to add new tweets to a downloaded Twitter archive hosted on Github Pages. This project used the Github API to commit files to the repository. Given the demise of Google Drive web hosting and the potential usefulness of this approach I’ve extracted […]

Keeping your Twitter Archive fresh and freely hosted on Github Pages

tl;dr How do you keep your downloaded Twitter archive fresh on Github Pages using Google Apps Script? By running this Google Apps Script powered web app. Note: As Ken Bauer has discovered Twitter now offers two different archive options – you need to request the one from If you were to ask me which of my […]

Totally Unscripted: A new Google Apps Script community hangout (Hangout On Air Tips)

The day job at the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) and my Google Apps Script hobby made an unexpected collision recently  when I was asked by Bruce Mcpherson to contribute to a new monthly hangout for the Google Apps Script community.  At ALT we’ve started to explore using Google Hangouts On Air for more of […]

#IWMW16: The Google Analytics of Things (recording and slides)

I recently got to try out a new talk  at IWMW16 in Liverpool on ‘The Google Analytics of Things’: The majority of websites are using Google Analytics for tracking and reporting (W3Techs report 82.9% of tracked sites are using Google Analytics). Since launching Google Analytics in November 2005 the Internet has radically changed moving away […]

#IWMW16 #Techtalk: The Google Analytics of Things (livestreamed if you are interested… ;)

Tomorrow I’m looking forward to trying out a new talk at IWMW16 in Liverpool on ‘The Google Analytics of Things’. Tune in to the live stream at 2pm BST tomorrow (22nd June 2016) to watch.

TAGS Tricks: Find your website’s top Twitter influencers by combining TAGS with Google Analytics referral data

The basic concept is that if you are using Google Analytics to track your website usage you can see the volume of traffic from particular sources including Twitter as a referral source. As referral links from Twitter are unique we can identify who originally tweeted the link to your site and measure its impact (number of visits, purchase, etc.).

Pushing Canvas LMS discussion data to Google Analytics (tips on Google Analytics API integration, batch collection and queue time)

Integrating third party APIs asynchronously with Google Analytics and batch sending tracking data whilst preserving the original activity timestamp

Making Google Apps work for you: Domain wide customization with *your* Google Add-ons

Having seen Google Apps Script develop over the last 7 years one of the key challenges was distributing custom scripts for others to use in your domain. In 2014 Google released add-ons, a way for developers to package and distribute custom functionality that can be added to your Google Sheets, Documents or Forms through the Google Apps Marketplace or the Add-ons store. This post outlines the basics of publishing add-ons to your own domain.

Migrating Excel VBA Macros to Google Sheets/Apps Script: Data reshaping tip, think batches not rows

One of the things to remember when moving from the Excel to the Google Sheets is that every interaction you make with a spreadsheet comes with a performance hit. This requires a slightly different mindset and instead you need to think about things in batches rather than row by row operations.

Redux: Google Apps Script: The Authentic{ated} Playground [GDG Berlin]

Whilst recently in Berlin I was invited to GDG Berlin to give a presentation on Google Apps Script. This talk focused on how Apps Script is integrated into the Google ecosystem, for me, one of the big selling points of this product.

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