By @mhawksey

CFHE12 Week 4 Analysis: Blog post comments (notes on comment aggregation for cMOOCs)

This week saw me submit my application to the Shuttleworth Foundation  to investigate and implement cMOOC architecture solutions. It seems rather fitting that for this week’s CFHE12 exploration that an element of this is included. It’s in part inspired by a chance visit from Professor David Nicol to our office on Friday. It didn’t take long for the conversation to get around to assessment and David’s latest work in the cognitive processes of feedback, particularly student generated, which sounds like it directly aligns to cMOOCs. It was David’s earlier work, which I was involved in around assessment and feedback principles that got me thinking about closing the feedback loop. In particular, the cMOOC model promotes participants working in their own space, the danger is with this distributed network participants can potentially become isolated nodes, producing content but not receiving any feedback from the rest of the network.
Currently within gRSSHopper course participants are directed to new blog posts from registered feeds via the Daily Newsletter. Below is a typical entry:

CFHE12 Week 3 Analysis: Exploring the Twitter network through tweets
Martin Hawksey, JISC CETIS MASHe
Taking an ego-centric approach to Twitter contributions to CFHE12 looking at how activity data can be extracted and used [Link] Sun, 28 Oct 2012 15:35:17 +0000 [Comment]

One of the big advantages of blogging is that most platforms provide an easy way for readers to feedback their own views via comments. In my opinion this is slightly complicated when using gRSSHopper as it provides it’s own commenting facility, the danger being discussions can get broken (I imagine what gRSSHopper is trying to do is cover the situation when you can’t comment at source).
Even so commenting activity, either from source posts or within gRSSHopper itself, isn’t included in the daily gRSSHopper email. This means it’s difficult for participants to know where the active nodes are. The posts receiving lots of comments, which could be useful for vicarious learning or through making their own contributions. Likewise it might be useful to know where the inactive nodes are so that moderators might want to either respond or direct others to comment.
[One of the dangers here is information overload, which is why I think it’s going to start being important to personalise daily summaries, either by profiling or some other recommendation type system. One for another day.]
To get feel for blog post comment activity I thought I’d have a look at what data is available, possible trends and provide some notes on how this data could be systematically collected and used.

Overview of cfhe12 blog post comment activity

Before I go into the results it’s worth saying how the data was collected. I need to write this up as a full tutorial, but for now I’ll just give an outline and highlight some of the limitations.

Data source

An OPML bundle of feeds extracted in week 2 was added to an installation of FeedWordPress. This has been collecting posts from 71 feeds filtering for posts that contain ‘cfhe12’ by using the Ada FeedWordPress Keyword Filters plugin. In total 120 posts have been collected between 5th October and 3rd November 2012 (this compares to the 143 links included in Daily Newsletters). Data from FeedWordPress was extracted from the MySQL database using same query used in the ds106 data extraction as a .csv file.
This was imported to Open (née Google) Refine. As part of the data FeedWordPress collects a comment RSS feed per post (a dedicated comment feed for comments only made on a particular post – a number of blogging platforms have a general comment feed which outputs comments for all posts). 31 records from FeedWordPress included ‘NULL’ values (this appears to happen if FeedWordPress cannot detect a comment feed, or the original feed comes from a Feedburner feed with links converted to feedproxy). Using Refine the comments feed was fetched and then comment authors and post dates were extracted. In total 161 comments were extracted and downloaded into MS Excel for analysis


Below is a graph of cfhe12 posts and comments (the Excel file is also available on Skydrive). Not surprisingly there’s a tail off in blog posts.

Initially looking at this on a per post basis (shown below left) showed that three of the posts were been commented on for over 15 days. On closer inspection it was apparent this was due to pingbacks (comments automatically left on posts as a result of it being commented in another post). Filtering out pingbacks produced the graph shown on the bottom right.


Removing pingbacks, on average 3.5 days after a post was published comments would have stopped but in this data there is a wide range from 0.2 days to 17 days. It was also interesting to note that some of the posts have high velocity, Why #CFHE12 is not a MOOC! receiving 8 comments in 1.3 days and Unfit for purpose – adapting to an open, digital and mobile world (#oped12) (#CFHE12) gaining 7 comments in 17 days (in part because the post author took 11 days to respond to a comment).
Looking at who the comment authors are is also interesting. Whilst initially it appears 70 authors have made comments it’s apparent that some of these are the same author using different credentials making them ‘analytically cloaked’ (H/T @gsiemens).

Technical considerations when capturing comments

There are technical consideration when monitoring blog post comments and my little exploration around #cfhe12 data has highlighted a couple:

This last point also opens the question about whether it would be better to regularly collect all comments from a target blog and do some post processing to match comments to the posts your tracking rather than hit a lot of individual comment feed urls. This last point is key of you want to reliably track and reuse comment data both during and after a cMOOC course. You might want to refine this and extract comments for specific tags using the endpoints outlined by Jim Groom, but my experience from the OERRI programme is that getting the consistent use of tags by others is very difficult.

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