Jorum has a Dashboard Beta (for exposing usage and other stats about OER in Jorum) up for the community to have a play with: we would like to get your feedback!
For more information see the blog post here:
Pertinent info: the Dashboard has live Jorum stats behind it, but the stats have some irregularities, so the stats themselves come with a health warning. We’re moving from quite an old version of DSpace to the most recent version over the summer, at which point we will have more reliable stats.
We also have a special project going over the summer to enhance our statistics and other paradata provision, so we’d love to get as much community feedback as possible to feed into that work. We’ll be doing a specific blog post about that as soon as we have contractors finalised!
Feedback by any of the mechanisms suggested in the blog post, or via discussion here on the list, all welcome.
The above message came from Sarah Currier on the OER-DISCUSS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK list. This was my response:
It always warms my heart to see a little more data being made openly available 🙂
I imagine (and I might be wrong) that the main users of this data might be repository managers wanting to analyse how their institutional resources are doing. So to be able to filter uploads/downloads/views for their resources and compare with overall figures would be useful.
Another (perhaps equally important) use case would be individuals wanting to know how their resources are doing, so a personal dashboard of resources uploaded, downloads, views would also be useful. This is an area Lincoln’s Bebop project were interested in so it might be an idea to work with them to find out what data would be useful to them and in what format (although saying that think I only found one #ukoer record for Lincoln {hmm I wonder if anyone else would find it useful if you pushed data to Google Spreadsheets a la Guardian datastore (here’s some I captured as part of the OER Visualisation Project}) ).
I’m interested to hear what the list think about these two points
You might also want to consider how the data is licensed on the developer page. Back to my favourite example, Gent use the Open Data Commons licence
So what do you think of the beta dashboard? Do you think the two use cases I outline are valid or is there a more pertinent one? (If you want to leave a comment here I’ll make sure they are passed on to the Jorum team, or you can use other means).
[I’d also like to add a personal note that I’ve been impressed with the recent developments from Jorum/Mimas. There was a rocky period when I was at the JISC RSC when Jorum didn’t look aligned to what was going on in the wider world, but since then they’ve managed to turn it around and developments like this demonstrate a commitment to a better service]
Update: Bruce Mcpherson has been working some Excel/Google Spreadsheet magic and has links to examples in this comment thread