By @mhawksey

Data Shaping in Google Spreadsheet – Generating New Rows from Multiple Values in a Single Column

Today Tony Hirst posted Data Shaping in Google Refine – Generating New Rows from Multiple Values in a Single Column. Coincidently I faced a similar problem today working with a Google Spreadsheet so thought I’d share my solution.
Here’s a Google Spreadsheet where I’ve been capturing some MOOC infrastructure (contract me if you’d like to contribute/edit). For the technology column I’ve just been dumping in comma separated terms.

Having entered some data I started thinking about how it could be presented. One idea was to use the Smile timeline widget, which I’ve experimented with before here. To get the data in the right shape I need to split the technologies to have one per row. To do this I wrote the custom function below in Google Apps Script which splits the technology into one per row (I’m undecided now if I’ll still use this for a timeline – it’s another case of it’s taken longer to write this up than actually do it)

// splitColumnAndRepeatRows iterates row by row in the input range and returns an array spliting
// by a comma separated column
// Arguments:
//   - anArray: values[][]
//   - splitColumnIndex: specifies the column number where the cell values need to be comma split
//                       0 indexed
// Returns an [][] Array of values.
function splitColumnAndRepeatRows(anArray, splitColumnIndex) {
  var output = [];
  for (i in anArray){ // for each row
    var splitArray = anArray[i][splitColumnIndex].split(","); // split values in specified column
    for (j in splitArray){ // for each split cell value
      var row = anArray[i].slice(0); // take a copy of source row
      row[splitColumnIndex] = alltrim(splitArray[j]); // replace comma separated value with current split value
      output.push(row); // push new row to output
  return output;
function alltrim(str) {
  return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

Update: added an alltrim function to remove whitespaces

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