By @mhawksey

How to from Google Reader (2 ways)

I’ve avoided the whole Twitter newspaper type services like Times and when I see one published in my timeline the only time I click through to see what’s in it is when I’m mentioned as a source. So yesterday when I saw Brian Kelly was suggesting to his colleagues to look at the one such aggregation for IWMW made the the new kid on the blog I initially ignored it.
A little later AJCann tweeted:

@AJCann A gentle introduction to Twitter for the apprehensive academic |

and being a topic I was interested in I clicked through only to find myself back at

Suddenly it was apparent that has a number of key features which potential make it a useful tool for information curators like myself. allows you to post individual news/resources into your Twitter stream as normal, but in directing you via their site you can also see other items already collected by the user ie I’ve recommended this, but have you also seen that. I encourage you to see how the UI works by seeing this link shared by Alan (make sure you come back here after tho 😉
Anyway it was enough to convince me that it’s a useful tool to experiment with so requested a beta account with and started my Google Apps Script.

How to from Google Reader

Enough of the backstory, how can you add items to your from Google Reader.

Method 1: Add the RSS from your Shared Items

For each of your topics you can Manage Sources. If you click on Advance Options you can add a custom RSS feed which in this case could be your Google Reader Shared Items public page. This is okay but you still need to curate this stream to work out what gets published.

Method 2: From Google Reader Send to

Within Google Reader there is an option in each item for Send To which can be used to post the item in another service.

The places you can send to is customised in your Google Reader settings and includes services like Facebook, Delicious, Twitter but not To add you need to add a custom link and here’s how.

  1. In Google Reader access your Reader settings by click on the cogin the top right
  2. Select the Send To tab and scroll to the bottom of the page and click Create a custom link and enter these details:
    Icon URL:
  3. Click Save

Now when you see an item you want to share you should be able to send it straight to
BTW in the predefined list if you also want Twitter its broken as its a different request url. You can make your own with variations on the URL${title}+${short-url}+(From%20${source}).
PS Since writing this I’ve also discovered this is covered in the feedback site (still thought worth sharing)

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